Jihadology.net / Terrorism

Domain overview in Terrorism niche. Based on relevant links and pages only.
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http://wordpress.com/ 90.55wordpress.com
http://grnonline.com/ 30.18grnonline.com
http://yonside.com/ 20.13yonside.com
http://opensources.info/ 10.07opensources.info
http://paxnigerian.com/ 10.07paxnigerian.com
http://millennialsd.com/ 10.07millennialsd.com
http://pixelstudioperu.com/ 10.07pixelstudioperu.com
http://afsdp.org.pe/ 10.07afsdp.org.pe
http://economicworld.net/ 10.07economicworld.net
http://warincontext.org/ 10.07warincontext.org

Hubs from jihadology.net

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http://jihadology.net/2015/11/14/the-islamic-state-on-refugees-leaving-syria/ 710.170.884.241yes13074352611
http://jihadology.net/2016/08/02/new-issue-of-the-islamic-states-newsletter-al-naba-41/ 60.160.910.431yes60324411

Random 'terrorism FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general terrorism topic.



Q: Why is Tech Against Terrorism developing the TCAP?
A: Tech Against Terrorism has launched a new tool to help small tech companies identify terrorist content. The tool, known as the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP), will help small tech companies in improving content moderation decisions where often the smallest platforms have limited resources to do this on their own. This is in line with Tech Against Terrorism’s mission to support the global tech industry – and in particular smaller platforms with limited capacity – in tackling terrorist use of the internet whilst respecting human rights.
Q: Why aren't all terrorist groups included in Phase 1?
A: IS, AQ, and designated far-right terrorism affiliated content

What does the TCAP do?

The TCAP is a set of tools to help you quickly and easily identify terrorist content. We have created a combination of open source and closed source tools to allow you to quickly and easily identify terrorist content.

The TCAP is made up of three main components:

The TCAP Database: This is a database of terrorist content that has been curated by Tech Against Terrorism
Q: What specific considerations is Tech Against Terrorism taking in developing the TCAP?
A: Tech Against Terrorism is developing a new platform that will help tech companies to identify and remove terrorist content from their platforms. The platform will also provide information on how to prevent terrorist content from being uploaded in the first place.
Q: When is a country sovereign?
A: The UCDP uses a three-part definition for armed conflict, which includes a stated incompatibility, the use of armed force, and the death of at least 25 people in one calendar year. The unclear cases list contains conflicts that likely fulfil the three criteria in the definition, but where UCDP lacks information on one of the criteria.


Q: Where can I get more information?
A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether or not you should buy a gas mask or have disposable masks in your home emergency kit. The best defense against bioterrorism is a strong public health system, and local health departments can assist you with additional bioterrorism-related concerns that are pertinent to your own community.
Q: How is development of the TCAP funded?
A: The Community Resilience Fund (CRF) is a Government of Canada program that provides financial assistance to support partnerships and innovation in countering radicalisation to violence. The CRF is funded by Public Safety Canada through the Department of National Defence's Counter-Terrorism Capacity Building Program. The CRF is managed by QuantSpark, a non-profit organisation.
Q: How can I learn more about the TCAP?
A: The project has been launched and we are currently working on the first version of the tool.

We are working on the first version of the tool. The tool will be available to end users in late 2018.

The tool will be available to end users in late 2018. The tool will allow users to generate and share their own maps.

The tool will allow users to generate and share their own maps. The tool will be available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French
Q: How can I support the TCAP?
A: Tech Against Terrorism is a not-for-profit initiative that connects tech companies with counter-terrorism experts to prevent the misuse of their products and services.
Q: How will the TCAP support smaller tech companies?
A: The Tech Against Terrorism Content Alerts Portal (TCAP) is a new initiative that will help smaller tech companies identify and moderate terrorist content on their platforms.

-TCAP will provide a light-weight content moderation workflow to facilitate moderation decisions and transparency reporting.

-All alerts will be made on an advisory basis and it will be up to each company decide how to take action on content based on their own content standards.
Q: How will the TCAP support academics and researchers?
A: The Tech Against Terrorism Content Aggregation Platform will be a centralised repository of terrorist content that has been verified and annotated by a team of experts. This content will be freely accessible to academics and researchers to enable greater understanding of terrorist use of the internet.
Q: How many conflicts were there in the world in 2021?
A: There were 54 active state-based conflicts in the world in 2021, causing at least 25 battle-related deaths.


Q: What other services does Tech Against Terrorism provide?
A: The Tech Against Terrorism programme offers mentorship services for tech companies who want to improve their internal processes and policies to better combat terrorist use of their services.
Q: What other services are provided to tech companies?
A: Tech Against Terrorism works with tech companies to help them respond to terrorist content on their platforms, in accordance with international human rights norms.
Q: What if I am having emotional problems dealing with the recent attacks or other issues?
A: There is no need to store antibiotics for emergencies. Public health authorities have plans in place to make medications available in emergencies.
Q: What are the Treasury Department’s Voluntary Anti-Terrorist Financing Guidelines?
A: The U.S.A. Patriot Act and Executive Order 13224 both relate to grantmaking and could potentially have an impact on grantmakers. The Treasury Department has issued guidance in the form of the "Anti-Terrorist Financing Guidelines: Voluntary Best Practices for U.S.-Based Charities" to assist grantmakers in complying with these laws.


Q: What is the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP)?
A: The Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP) is a secure online tool that automates the detection and analysis of verified terrorist content on smaller internet platforms.
Q: Who will have access to the TCAP?
A: The Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT) has created a shared industry repository of terrorist content, called the Terrorist Content Analytics Platform (TCAP). The TCAP will help content moderation teams more quickly and effectively identify and remove terrorist content from their platforms.
Q: When will TCAP be available to use?
A: The TCAP is a live dataset of user-generated content that has been labeled by a diverse group of independent experts.

The TCAP is available for beta testing by tech platforms and will be available to researchers in 2022.

The TCAP is an independent initiative by researchers and technologists who are committed to the responsible development and use of AI.

The TCAP is an independent initiative by researchers and technologists who are committed to the responsible development and use of AI.
Q: What type of files will be available?
A: The TCAP will store any type of content file, including video, images, audio, text, PDF, and html files.
Q: How will content be added to TCAP?
A: The TCAP is a new initiative to help tech platforms better identify and remove terrorist content online. The TCAP will provide recommendations on what content should be removed, but tech platforms will have the final say on what content is removed.
Q: How will content be verified?
A: Our experts verify terrorist content that is up for inclusion in the TCAP to ensure that it falls in scope of the TCAP and is aligned with our policies, particularly our group inclusion policy. To verify the source, our experts identify core beacon channels through which a terrorist groups’ messaging and propaganda is shared. In order to assess the content, our team conducts an intelligence assessment that evaluates attributes of the content that indicate a high level of probability that the material was produced by a designated terrorist
Q: What do we mean by content moderation?
A: Content moderation is the process which a company undertakes to identify, manage, and respond to content that may violate its content standards and/or legislation.
Q: How often will someone need to apply for a security Threat Assessment?
A: I didn't do any of the things I said I would do.


Q: How should I get ready for an emergency?
A: If you think you may have been exposed to a hazardous substance, call 9-1-1 and wait for instructions from emergency personnel. If you hear rumors or false stories, do not pass them along unless you have confirmed them. Contact your local public health department for more information.
Q: How should grantmakers respond to these anti-terrorism actions?
A: The U.S.A. Patriot Act allows the government to collect and store information on individuals suspected of terrorist activity. This information can be used to track the financial activity of these individuals, which can include grantmaking.
Q: How should grantmakers respond to these various anti-terrorism measures?
A: There is no specific guidance from the government on how grantmakers should comply with the Executive Order and the U.S.A. Patriot Act. However, grantmakers can use common sense to ensure that they are in compliance with the law. Ideas to consider include being aware of the countries and regions where grantees are located, conducting due diligence on grantees, and ensuring that grantees are not using funds for terrorist activities.


Q: What about vaccines for anthrax or smallpox?
A: Stay indoors
- Close all doors, windows, and vents
- Turn off all fans, air conditioners, and heaters
- Take shelter in a room with few windows and no outside doors
- Bring your emergency kit with you
- Seal the room with plastic and tape if possible
- Listen to the radio for instructions
Q: What are the legal requirements for public charities wishing to make cross-border grants?
A: The U.S. government has a number of anti-terrorism actions and policies that relate to global grantmaking. These include the freezing of assets of terrorist organizations, the designation of terrorist organizations as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and the provision of financial assistance to countries combating terrorism.
Q: What are the legal requirements for private foundations wishing to make cross-border grants?
A: The grant meets all of the requirements of the grantor's home country, including any applicable taxation rules

-The grantor has obtained all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities in both countries

-The grant is made in compliance with the terms and conditions of the grantor's grant agreement

-The grant is used for the purpose(s) specified in the grant agreement

-The grant recipient is a registered charity in both countries


Q: How do I contact the UCDP regarding general questions, area experts and questions regarding UCDP datasets?
A: The UCDP does not use the term 'terrorism' to classify any type of violence.
Q: What is Equivalency Determination?
A: A private foundation may make a good-faith determination of U.S. public charity equivalency for a potential grantee by collecting certain information from the grantee through an affidavit and either making the determination on its own or relying on the written opinion of counsel or the potential grantee’s counsel.
Q: What is Expenditure Responsibility?
A: 1. The private foundation must have a pre-existing, substantial relationship with the foreign grantee organization.

2. The private foundation must make a grant to the foreign grantee organization pursuant to a written agreement that includes expenditure responsibility provisions.

3. The private foundation must exercise reasonable care and diligence in ensuring that the grant is used for its intended charitable purpose.
Q: How do I decide whether to use Equivalency Determination or Expenditure Responsibility?
A: The IRS has said that a private foundation can choose between expenditure responsibility and equivalency determination when making a grant to a foreign organization, and that there is no obligation to rule out equivalency before turning to expenditure responsibility.

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