Waikato.ac.nz / Labour dispute

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http://worldlii.org/ worldlii.org
http://lsu.edu/ lsu.edu
http://unimelb.edu.au/ unimelb.edu.au
http://uchicago.edu/ uchicago.edu

Domains with most semantic flow from waikato.ac.nz

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http://exlibrisgroup.com/ 60.39exlibrisgroup.com
http://www.parliament.nz/ 10.06www.parliament.nz

Most linked pages from waikato.ac.nz

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http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/portals/law/ 10.170.860.080.93yes1524513711
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/law/wlr/ 10.160.890.07-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/portals/law/maori_indigenous 10.150.870.06-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.mngt.waikato.ac.nz/depts/sml/airaanz 10.150.840.06-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/law/ 10.160.930.060.83yes110330011
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/resources/law/s_maori.shtml 10.180.860.06-1--1-1-1-111
http://jobs.waikato.ac.nz/ 10.150.470.03-1--1-1-1-100
http://www2.waikato.ac.nz/lawlib/site/asia.html 10.150.670.03-1--1-1-1-111
http://www2.waikato.ac.nz/lawlib/site/pf.html 10.150.320.02-1--1-1-1-111

Hubs from waikato.ac.nz

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http://www.waikato.ac.nz/library/portals/law/ 380.170.862.30.93yes1524513711
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/law/ 260.160.931.040.83yes110330011

Random 'labour dispute FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general labour dispute topic.



Q: How much will I receive in weekly benefits?
A: Your weekly benefit rate will be equal to 3.85% of the average of the total wages in the two highest quarters of the base period, not to exceed the defined maximum amount. Effective 7/1/23, the minimum is $66 and maximum is $705, not including dependency allowance. Your weekly benefit rate remains the same throughout your benefit year.
If you have dependent children under 18 years of age you may be entitled to a dependency allowance. Children with disabilities over the age
Q: How long will it be before I receive a payment?
A: Payment is transferred to your direct deposit account or Electronic Payment Card (EPC) approximately 48 business hours after you request a payment. Should a bank holiday occur during a week, your payment will be delayed an additional 24 business hours.
Q: How do I remain eligible to keep getting weekly benefits?
A: In order to receive unemployment benefits, you must be unemployed, able to work, and actively looking for work. You must also be a US citizen or legal resident.
Q: How will my dues money be used?
A: Teamster dues help workers earn more and get better benefits, and also fund activities that give workers more power.


Q: What information will I need to file a UI claim?
A: To file a UI claim, you will need to provide:

-Your social security number
-Your driver's license or state ID number
-Your employer's name, address, and phone number
-The dates you worked and your pay rate
-A reason for your unemployment
-Your bank account and routing number (for direct deposit)
Q: Why is my claim taking a long time to process?
A: There are several reasons a decision on your claim may be delayed:

-The claims process can be complex, and it may take some time to gather all the necessary information.

-The number of claims can sometimes overwhelm the system, causing delays.

-There may be a backlog of claims, and it can take some time to get to yours.

-Your claim may require special handling, which can add to the processing time.
Q: What is UI Online and when should I start using it?
A: You need to log into UI Online during the dates specified in your UI Online/TeleCert mailing. You must certify for payments by logging in to UI Online once every week to collect benefits. You can also certify by phone at (401) 415-6772.
Q: What if I forget to contact UI Online on Sunday?
A: You can contact UI Online any day of the week to certify your eligibility for unemployment benefits.
Q: Why would UI Online require me to update my status or refile my claim?
A: If you earn zero wages during a week, you are considered “totally unemployed.” If you earn part-time wages during a week, you are considered “part-time unemployed.”
Q: How do I update my address or name on the Employer Separation Report?
A: You can update your name and/or address by going to https://dltweb.dlt.ri.gov/empaddchg2013/.


Q: What is an adjudication interview?
A: An adjudication interview is a phone interview conducted by the Central Adjudication Unit in order to determine whether to allow or deny unemployment benefits.
Q: Why do I need an adjudication interview?
A: If you are separated from your employer for any reason, you may need an adjudication interview.
Q: How will I know if I need an adjudication interview?
A: You will receive written notification of the date and time of the scheduled telephone interview.
Q: What do I need to do while my adjudication interview is pending?
A: You must continue to use the UI Online payment system via the Internet at UI Online or over the phone at 401-415-6772. Payments will be issued if you are eligible for benefits. You may also complete a fact-finding questionnaire to expedite the adjudication process.


Q: Why didn't I receive a payment for the first week I was on Unemployment?
A: you must work less than your benefit rate for 7 days in a row to qualify for unemployment benefits.
Q: What if I am denied benefits?
A: The state of Rhode Island has released a list of the common reasons for unemployment benefit denials. If you’ve been denied unemployment benefits, you can appeal the decision within 15 days.

We hope this information was helpful. For more information about unemployment benefits in Rhode Island, please visit the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training website.
Q: Why would I be denied unemployment benefits?
A: You may be denied unemployment benefits if you quit your job without good cause, are fired for misconduct, or refuse a suitable job offer. You may also be denied benefits if you become unemployed due to a labor dispute. If you disagree with a decision about your eligibility for benefits, you have the right to appeal.


Q: What do I do if I have forgotten my Personal Identification Number (PIN) or wish to change my PIN?
A: If you forgot your PIN, please contact the UI Call Center at 401-415-6772.
Q: What if I have a question after my appeal has been filed?
A: If you have filed an appeal with the Board of Review, you may email questions to DLT.BORinfo@dlt.ri.gov.
Q: Why did I receive a Notice of Claim Filed form for an employee that has not had any recent employment with my company?
A: This means that the individual in question is claiming unemployment benefits using wages earned from your company, and that the claim will be based on the individual's earnings from the last four completed calendar quarters before the starting date of the claim.
Q: What happens if I register, but also have previous quarterly wage reports due?
A: If you are submitting a registration now, but realize that you were liable for previous quarters you should either:

-Submit a separate registration form for each previous quarter that you were liable, or
-Submit a single registration form with a check or money order for the total amount of tax due for all previous quarters.


Q: What types of workers are eligible for regular unemployment insurance (UI)?
A: Most workers in Rhode Island are covered by UI, including those in the public sector and those who work for non-profit organizations. Business owners are also typically covered.
Q: What is my BYE number?
A: You will receive your BYE number as soon as your claim has been processed. Once your claim has been processed, your BYE number will be on your Claim Status page.
Q: Why is my benefit amount less than the amount indicated in my Benefit Rate Decision letter?
A: No, you should not have your taxes withheld from your unemployment benefits.
Q: What is the balance of my overpayment?
A: The Department of Labor will send you a monthly billing notice if you have an overpayment, which will include information on how to pay back the overpayment. You can also contact the overpayment unit at 401-462-8010 for more information.
Q: Where do I mail payments toward my overpayment balance?
A: The Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training will accept payments by check or money order for overpayments.
Q: What is the grievance procedure?
A: The grievance procedure is a process that allows the union to enforce the terms of the contract and protect the rights of workers. If management violates the contract, the member can follow the grievance procedure to seek relief or justice.
Q: What type of services does the Advisory Service deliver?
A: The Advisory Service provides a wide range of services to its customers, including:

-Strategic planning

-Business planning

-Financial planning

-Risk management


-Business continuity planning

-IT strategy

-Project management
Q: What is my tax rate?
A: If your business is new, you may not need to file a DBA. Check with your state's requirements.


Q: How do I prove I'm actively seeking work?
A: You must make an effort to secure employment for each week of benefits that you claim, and show proof of your job search.
Q: What is considered “suitable work”?
A: The claimant is working fewer hours than usual, and the work is not the same as usual, but the work is still suitable.
Q: What is considered to be entered employment?
A: The difference between an obtained employment, a reportable service employment, and an entered employment has to do with the type of service provided to the customer, and the length of time between the provision of the service and the date of employment.


Q: What does my billing notice mean?
A: A billing notice is generated the first of every month to all customers with an outstanding overpayment balance.
Q: What does my contract cover?
A: Being a Teamster member means that you belong to the strongest and most democratic labor union in the world, which gives you the ability to negotiate better wages, benefits, and working conditions with your employer.
Q: What happens when our contract expires?
A: The union has three choices when the labor contract expires and negotiation are still ongoing: to continue working under the terms of the expired contract, to strike, or to lock out the workers.


Q: How long can I collect unemployment?
A: You can collect unemployment for a maximum of 26 weeks.
Q: What if I can’t start a potential new job right away?
A: You must be ready to work immediately in order to receive Unemployment Insurance benefits. This means having transportation and no personal reasons preventing you from working.
Q: How can I support my union?
A: 1. Educate yourself and others about the Teamsters Union.

2. Participate in your local union.

3. Stand together with your fellow Teamsters.

4. Educate potential members and the public about our union.
Q: How can I help my local union start up a web site?
A: The Teamsters Union has teamed up with Unions-America.com to provide an Internet-based web site service called Teamster-Active. This service makes it easy for local unions to build and update their web sites, without the need for expensive software or design skills.


Q: How do I report any earnings I made working part-time?
A: To report your gross wages in UI Online, take your hourly rate and multiply it by the number of hours you worked. If you received commission or bonus pay during the previous week, add this to your calculation.
Q: What happens if I become ill, injured or disabled while I’m unemployed?
A: You can still collect Unemployment benefits if you become unable to work due to an illness or injury, as long as you stop certifying for benefits once you are no longer able to work. Once you are recovered and able to look for work again, you can reopen your Unemployment Insurance claim.
Q: What is a steward?
A: The steward is the union representative on the job site. He or she has a number of responsibilities, from on-site contract enforcement and assisting in grievance procedures, to keeping members informed and motivated about their union. Many locals will hold steward training sessions to help you grow into your new role.
Q: How do I become a steward?
A: Stewards are usually elected or appointed by the local union, and their duties vary depending on the size of the bargaining unit.
Q: How do I become an organizer?
A: You can volunteer with your local union's organizing program, or with a national Teamsters organizing campaign, to gain experience in the field. Alternatively, you can send your resume to the Teamsters Organizing Department if you have experience in organizing and are interested in working for the union.
Q: How do I file a grievance?
A: If you believe that your employer has violated the terms of your collective bargaining agreement, you should speak to your steward. The steward will try to resolve the issue informally, but if he or she determines that there is a contract violation, the steward will help you write up a grievance form.
Q: How do I prepare for an SI 76 case?
A: The Advisory Service provides free services to parties in order to improve industrial relations in the workplace. This includes assistance with setting up Joint Working Parties, mediating and facilitating disputes, and providing advice on good practice in workplace relations.
Q: How do I register?
A: Yes, you are required to pay state reemployment assistance if you already pay federal unemployment.


Q: What if I'm out of work due to a labor dispute or strike?
A: If you are unemployed due to a labor dispute, you may be disqualified for benefits.
Q: What resolution is desired?
A: If the contract is violated, a grievance may be filed.
Q: What is a strike?
A: A strike is a last resort when contract negotiations break down, typically called to gain concessions from an employer on economic issues. Most contracts have a no-strike clause, so they can only occur after a contract expires.
Q: What is a no-strike clause?
A: No-strike clauses make wildcat strikes illegal.
Q: What is strike pay and how much would I receive?
A: Striking workers will not receive their normal paychecks, but they may receive some money from the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Strike Fund and/or their local union's strike fund. The amount of money received will depend on the particular union's rules.
Q: What is an unfair labor practice?
A: Employers may not deprive their workers of the right to form, join or assist a labor union; the right to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing; or the right to engage in “concerted activity” for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.
Q: What is an independent contractor?
A: ; Yes, if you are an independent contractor you are covered.

1. The individual is free from control or direction over the performance of the services, both under the contract for the performance of services and in fact; and

2. The services are performed outside the usual course of the business for which the services are performed.

In your case, you are paid per program you produce. You are free to do that in whatever manner you choose. You are also free to produce


Q: What happens at Interest arbitration in a JLMC case?
A: The JLMC is a state-level body in Massachusetts that is responsible for overseeing police and firefighter negotiations, and for resolving disputes over the negotiation of the terms of a collective bargaining agreement. The JLMC has the power to resolve collective bargaining impasses through interest arbitration award.
Q: What should I keep in mind when screening an applicant in order to make a job referral?
A: The interviewer must screen to the first disqualifying item.
Q: What preference should be given to Veterans when performing job referral?
A: Veterans are first, then the unemployed, then the employed.
Q: When would I need to complete a full registration for an applicant?
A: Those who are not a national of an EEA member state and Switzerland

-Those who are not a family member of an EEA national

-Those who are not a national of a country that has a specific agreement with the EU that allows them to enter and reside in the EU without a visa
Q: What Information Is the Hersh Law Firm Going to Need from Me to Make an Evaluation?
A: Contact an experienced employment law attorney as soon as possible after you believe your employment law rights have been violated. Be prepared to discuss the facts and circumstances of your situation, and bring any written documentation you may have.
Q: What records must an employer keep?
A: Each employee should have their own employee file which should include:

A completed application form

A copy of their resume

A copy of their job offer letter or contract

A copy of their performance review

A copy of their most recent pay stub

A copy of their birth certificate or passport

A copy of their social security card

A copy of their driver's license (if applicable)

A copy of their high school diploma or GED


Q: What if I must bond with a new family addition or care for a loved one while unemployed?
A: If you need to take care of a newborn, adopted, or foster child, or a loved one for more than 14 days, you may be eligible for benefits under the Family Leave During Unemployment program.
Q: What is the difference between a full application or registration and a partial one?
A: A "full" application is one that includes all the necessary information to be considered for a job, while a "partial" application is one that is missing some key information.
Q: What is the difference between an obtained employment and a job placement?
A: An "Obtained Employment" credit refers to an individual who has secured employment within 90 calendar days of receiving a qualified service.
Q: When may I use a partial registration?
A: – If you want to register with Employ Florida Marketplace to get referred to jobs, you can do that with a partial registration.


Q: What about requests that are not bona fide job orders?
A: It is not permissible to refer an applicant to an employer who wishes only to build applicant files for possible future openings. Such requests are not considered to be bona fide job orders.
Q: What about substandard orders?
A: The order taker should tactfully inform the employer that it may be difficult to fill an opening if the wage is below the federal minimum wage, but should continue taking the order without comment if the employer is unwilling to modify the order.
Q: What are the EEO guidelines governing job orders?
A: The Office for Civil Rights looks for discriminatory wording in job postings, as well as for statements which are subjective and which may indicate a preference for a particular group of people.
Q: What about job orders requesting independent contractors?
A: One-Stop Centers may accept job orders from employers desiring to employ individuals as independent contractors as long as the terms and conditions of employment are spelled out in the job order summary and to the applicants before a referral is made.
Q: What about referring applicants to private and temporary help agencies?
A: One-Stop Career Centers should not charge fees to applicants for referrals to private or temporary agencies.


Q: What are the wage requirements?
A: To qualify for regular unemployment insurance, you must have been paid at least $15,600 in either your base period or an alternate base period. Normally, your base period consists of the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters before the starting date of your new claim. If you did not earn this amount, you may be eligible if you meet all of the following conditions:

-You have at least 18 months of full-time work experience in the United States within the
Q: What is a base period?
A: The base period is the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters before the starting date of your new claim. If you don't meet the minimum earnings requirements in the regular base period, your claim will be re-computed using an alternate base period.
Q: What is the Reemployment Assistance taxable wage base?
A: Employers must report all wages paid to each employee in each quarter on their quarterly reports; however, tax is only assessed on each employee's wages up to the annual taxable wage base per calendar year. Individual employee wages greater than the annual taxable wage base are considered "excess wages" (i.e., wages in excess of the employee's annual base wage).

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