Political development

Topic overview. Based on 11481 on-topic pages. [political-development directory]

Significant concepts: infoamerican, economic and social, economic policy, political party, politics and policy, western political, political research, full text, comparative political study, american journal, study, oxford university press, political psychology, state formation, international.

Most relevant domains

Most relevant domains based on cumulative page relevance to the topic as defined by example links and on the number of relevant domains linking to them.

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http://universitypressscholarship.com/ 1200201181610.974.01universitypressscholarship.com
http://cornell.edu/ 22232336440.941.39cornell.edu
http://yale.edu/ 32022076040.991.39yale.edu
http://oxfordscholarship.com/ 416416717280.981.64oxfordscholarship.com
http://ssrn.com/ 519520516850.951.45ssrn.com
http://stanford.edu/ 618820911810.941.52stanford.edu
http://oxfordbibliographies.com/ 72212255860.971.1oxfordbibliographies.com
http://ned.org/ 81922046370.951.23ned.org
http://cambridge.org/ 915521213130.921.98cambridge.org
http://harvard.edu/ 1013014910110.941.79harvard.edu


Most frequent phrases in anchor texts of links found in this topical graph .

atext info

semantic flow

login with athens34220.14
clear all30714.6
view books28813.33
read more2279.53
download result of the search pdf1869.46
continue reading2208.5

Keyword ideas

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Popular pages

On-topic pages with highest topical PageRank.

title / url
Center for International Media Assistance
America's Captives
Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication Studies in the Asia Pacific » Brill Online
Difference between Political Modernisation and Political Development
5 Angles Through which we can see the States of Human Rights
News and Events | Department of Political Science
Welcome | Japan at the Crossroads
Legal Studies | University of Massachusetts Press
Women's Studies | University of Massachusetts Press
CSCC Policy Roundtable | Political Science Department

Popular prospect pages

On-topic pages with highest topical PageRank having a few outgoing links and domains.

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external domains

referring domains

external backlinks

Sada - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Living Colours: u2018There Is a New Political Equilibrium in Pakistan That Is Not Very Stableu2019 - Carnegie Endowment for International
Unpalatable Politics | Science
Publications | Harvard Kennedy School
Networked Politics: January 2012
Assessing U.S. and Chinese Engagement in the Middle East - Carnegie-Tsinghua Center - Carnegie Endowment for International
Media coverage | Bright Line Watch
PHD in Sustainable Development Handbook | Columbia SIPA
Discussion of a claim (published in a top psychology journal!) on physical strength and political attitudes - The Monkey Cage
Sand Dunes in the Greek Landscape: Party Politics and Political Coalitions in Times of Crisis - The Monkey Cage


Pages with most links towards other likely on-topic pages.




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on topic


rel links

external links

external domains

referring domains

external backlinks

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_of_politics_articles 8150.150.9616.611yes178310354400en.wikipedia.org
http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/membership/administration/institutions 6040.160.5732.211yes864614612300www.icpsr.umich.edu
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_scientists 3060.150.9616.521yes5894201100en.wikipedia.org
http://www.e-elgar.com/shop/books?series 2900.160.9413.451yes6175000000www.e-elgar.com
http://www.universitypressscholarship.com/search?f_0=keywords&q_0=democracy 2580.150.9313.541yes41228211300www.universitypressscholarship.com
http://www.lse.ac.uk/resources/calendar/courseGuides/undergraduate.htm 2360.170.9614.181yes4232390000www.lse.ac.uk
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_economy 2290.150.9813.351yes609332724600en.wikipedia.org
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_science 2190.150.9713.661yes504279413600en.wikipedia.org
http://www.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/graspp-old/en/courses/2015/ 2000.210.6716.981yes263200200211www.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
https://muse.jhu.edu/browse/publishers/ 1920.180.6614.631yes2531992200muse.jhu.edu

Domains with most linking domains

Relevant domains with most other relevant domains linking to them.

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http://youtube.com/ 21314.94youtube.com
http://amazon.com/ 739.32amazon.com
http://washingtonpost.com/ 615.32washingtonpost.com
http://facebook.com/ 603.88facebook.com
http://nytimes.com/ 595.45nytimes.com
http://cambridge.org/ 579.74cambridge.org
http://harvard.edu/ 506.86harvard.edu
http://wiley.com/ 455.64wiley.com
http://wordpress.com/ 447.14wordpress.com
http://doi.org/ 41118.55doi.org

Random 'political development FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general political development topic.



Q: What is the difference between an honors adviser and an academic adviser?
A: Your honors adviser helps you with your academic life and your academic adviser helps you with your practical matters.
Q: What is the difference between an honors adviser and a thesis adviser?
A: Your thesis adviser is your primary academic advisor during your thesis writing process. Your honors adviser is your primary academic advisor during your time in the Schreyer Honors College.
Q: How and when do I look for a thesis adviser?
A: You should talk to potential thesis advisers about your potential thesis topic before you ask them to be your thesis adviser.
Q: What is the difference between nominations and submissions?
A: You can nominate a project, but it is the owner of the project who must submit it.


Q: What are the application requirements?
A: You must apply online via the Graduate Admissions web site. The deadline to apply for admission for the 2024-25 academic year is 11:59pm (Pacific time) on December 5, 2023.
Q: What are the application deadlines and required materials?
A: The CSSH website has a list of all the graduate programs offered by the college, as well as their respective application deadlines and required materials.
Q: What are the curricular requirements?
A: You need to earn a minimum of 70 credits, maintain a 2.0 GPA, and complete all graduation requirements.


Q: How will reflection and discernment help me if I want to go into politics?
A: Answering the Call is a program that helps individuals reflect on their values and what it would mean to serve in politics. The program helps participants feel more confident in their decision to go into the political arena and have more success in seeking out resources.
Q: What if I can't attend all five sessions?
A: Yes, you must attend the first session to participate in the program.
Q: How will I know if all my materials have been received?
A: The application system will allow you to check the status of your application at any time.
Q: What is a My Degrees?
A: Join the Political Science Undergraduate Association (PSUA)!

The Political Science Undergraduate Association (PSUA) is a great way to get involved in the department and learn more about the field of political science. The PSUA organizes departmental events, such as guest lectures and panel discussions, and hosts social events for students. The PSUA is also a great way to meet other students with similar interests and to get involved in departmental research projects.

If you are interested in


Q: When is the Career Development Office open?
A: Our hours are 8:30 am – 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Q: What assistance is available through the Career Development Office?
A: The Career Development Office is here to help students develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to support lifelong career development.


Q: Why Public Policy?
A: You must complete the entire application process for Harris by the deadline.

You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) to be considered for Harris.

You must submit a resume, personal statement, and two letters of recommendation.

You must complete the entire application process for Harris by the deadline.
Q: What can I do with a policy degree?
A: Harris graduates are in high demand due to their strategic skills, and many have gone on to be social entrepreneurs. They are sought after for their ability to understand and communicate complex data and information clearly and concisely.
Q: How to obtain NGOs consultative status with ECOSOC?
A: The Economic and Social Council is a UN body that deals with economic and social policy issues. It has 54 member governments, and its president changes every year. It has various subsidiary bodies, and its meetings and documents are available online.
Q: What languages can I use?
A: Submit your project by the deadline (March 25th)

Submit your project by the deadline (March 25th) Your project must be completed between January 1st and December 31st, 2020

Your project must be completed between January 1st and December 31st, 2020 Your project must be a website, web app, or web-based software

Your project must be a website, web app, or web-based software Your project must be a European project



Q: What are the admissions committee's expectations of prospective students?
A: No, there is no minimum GRE score or GPA requirement. All applications will be considered. However, admission to the program is highly competitive. Admitted students typically have very high GRE scores and a GPA of at least 3.8 in their previous studies.
Q: What type of students/graduates are employers seeking?
A: The MPP program at the Harris School of Public Policy provides a robust set of quantitative analytical skills, and the substantive policy expertise that students bring to and develop within the program make Harris students very marketable.
Q: Where have Harris students and graduates found work?
A: Our students and graduates work in all sectors in a variety of fields. Learn more about the impact our alumni are making every day.

The University of Waterloo has a long history of producing alumni who are leaders in their fields. Our graduates are making an impact in all sectors, from business and government to education and health care.

Here are just a few examples of the ways our alumni are making a difference in the world:

In business


Q: What is the mission of New Politics Leadership Academy?
A: we believe that service to community and country should come before self, and that this should be a guiding principle for anyone in politics.
Q: How large is a typical PhD cohort?
A: A typical PhD cohort is 5-7 students.
Q: What is covered by the PhD assistantship?
A: All admitted PhDs are awarded Stipended Graduate Assistantships (SGA). These awards offer a stipend, tuition remission and the NUSHP health plan to full-time students.
Q: What are The Innovation in Politics Awards?
A: The Innovation in Politics Awards recognise creative, courageous politicians and their innovative projects. They have been presented annually since 2017. Every year, a citizens’ jury of over 1,000 Europeans evaluates the projects to determine the finalists and winners in the Awards’ eight categories.
Q: Who is behind the Awards?
A: The Innovation in Politics Institute is a private, non-partisan organisation that presents the Innovation in Politics Awards. The Awards are given to people or organisations who are making a positive impact in the field of politics.
Q: What is the purpose of the Awards?
A: The Innovation in Politics Awards is a European award that recognises and supports politicians who have the courage to break new ground with creative initiatives that achieve results, regardless of their party affiliation or governmental level.
Q: What type of projects are eligible for the Awards?
A: The European Citizen’s Prize is awarded to projects that are innovative and promote European values.
Q: What happens if there is a technical fault when I am using the Awards website?
A: We're not responsible if the website breaks or if something goes wrong with the submission process.


Q: How long should the personal statement and writing sample be and what should it contain?
A: The personal statement for PhD students should focus on research experience and ability, while for all other students it should focus on interests, goals, and relevant experiences. The writing sample should be no more than 30 pages and should ideally be related to political science.
Q: How many winners are there and what are the prizes?
A: There are eight categories.

-Each entry is judged by a jury of experts.

-The ten entries with the highest scores in each category are automatically selected as the finalists.

-The projects with the highest score in each category are selected as the category winners.
Q: How are the winners selected and how many winners are there?
A: The Innovation in Politics Awards are given to projects that are innovative, have a positive impact, are well-designed, and are well-executed.
Q: What are the prizes?
A: The top ten entries in each category are automatically selected as finalists. The owners of these projects will be invited to the Awards conference and gala ceremony. The highest-scoring project in each category will be the category winner and will be presented with an Innovation in Politics Awards 2021 trophy.
Q: When and where are the prizes presented?
A: The Innovation in Politics Awards are an annual event that celebrates and promotes innovative thinking and action in politics. This year's Awards will take place at a date and venue to be announced.
Q: When will the winners be announced?
A: The finalists will be announced before the ceremony, and the winners will be announced at the ceremony.


Q: What kind of projects can be nominated?
A: The European Citizen Award is an award that recognizes innovative projects that improve democracy or make it more accessible.
Q: What kind of projects can be submitted?
A: The European Citizen Award is a European award that recognizes innovative projects that improve democracy or make it more accessible.


Q: What are the formal criteria for a project to be accepted?
A: The project must have been implemented in a member country of the Council of Europe (CoE).
At least one elected politician must have been involved in the project.
It must have been financed (at least partially) by public funds.
It must have been implemented within the last five years or been substantially developed within this timeframe.
It must have had a substantial impact on the lives of people in a CoE member country.
It must uphold the principles of the Universal Declaration
Q: What are the evaluation criteria?
A: Innovation is the most important criterion.
Q: What courses are required for this major/minor?
A: If you are having issues with your registration, please email us at [email protected]

We are aware that there have been issues with the registration process. If you are having issues with your registration, please email us at [email protected] and we will work to resolve the issue as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.

4. Schedule

Tl;dr: See the schedule for the event here!

We are excited to announce the schedule for the


Q: What have past participants said about their answering the call experience?
A: New Politics Academy alumni go on to pursue a variety of political engagement opportunities at the state and local level. Some run for office, while others work on campaigns or volunteer for get-out-the-vote initiatives. Still others pursue a masters in policy or gain appointed positions.
Q: What does a Call Time Manager do?
A: Digital Fundraising: Learn the ins and outs of how to raise money online.

Digital Organizing: Learn how to use technology to organize supporters and volunteers.

Digital Communications: Learn how to craft and execute a social media strategy, write digital communications, and use design and video to tell your campaign’s story.

Digital Analytics: Learn how to track and report on your campaign’s progress and success.

Digital Product: Learn how to build
Q: How do I apply to the Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program?
A: The Department of Psychology at Stanford offers full funding for all admitted students, which includes tuition and living expenses. There is also additional funding available for professional development and field work.
Q: What information do I have to provide?
A: Name:




Q: What information must I provide?
A: Projects must contain the following information:
– The name of the project owner, a description of their political office, and contact details
– The project's location
– A contact person for queries (if different from the submitter)
– The project's title
– A short description of the project

An explanation of how the project meets the three evaluation criteria.

The category or categories in which the project should be entered.

Supplementary information (optional).
Q: What sort of clubs or organizations do political science majors choose to pursue?
A: The political science advisor is located in Bexell 418B and students can schedule an appointment with them via an online scheduling system. For more information on advising, please see the PS advising page.


Q: What happens after I have nominated a project?
A: We will confirm that we have received your nomination. We will then invite the respective politician to submit the project. If he or she decides to do so, we will inform you that the project you nominated has been officially submitted.
Q: What happens after I have made a submission?
A: We will confirm receipt of your submission. If any important information is missing, we will contact you for more details. If your submission is in a language other than English, it will be translated for free by a certified translation office. English submissions will be checked by our staff to make sure they meet the formal criteria. We may ask for more information or declare a project ineligible if it does not meet the formal criteria.
Q: What happens after I have registered as a juror?
A: You will receive an email to confirm that we have received your application. If you are selected as a juror, we will inform you and provide you with information about the schedule, the project evaluation process, and your duties as a juror. Applicants who are not selected will also be notified. Depending on the number of applications, unsuccessful applicants may be invited to become a juror the following year.


Q: How do I submit a project?
A: Submit your project by filling out the online form.

Projects will be reviewed and showcased on the website.

We will contact you if we need to ask you any questions.

The winners will be announced at the end of the competition.

What is the submission deadline?

The submission deadline is January 31, 2019.

What are the rules?

The competition is open to everyone, regardless of age, gender, or nationality.
Q: How many projects can I submit?
A: Projects should be submitted by June 7th, 2016.

Projects should be submitted to the GitHub issue tracker.

Projects should be submitted in the following format:

Project title: [project title]

Project description: [one to two sentences about what the project is]

Project URL: [link to the project]

Project owner: [politician’s name]

Project owner URL: [politician’s
Q: How can I apply?
A: The application process is simple:

1. Complete the online application form.

2. Wait to be contacted by the court.

3. Attend jury selection.

4. Serve on a jury.
Q: How many contact hours per week is Social & Political Sciences?
A: The Social and Political Sciences course at UTS provides students with the opportunity to explore the world of social and political change, and to gain hands-on experience in advocacy and the communication of policy. If you are interested in political advocacy, this course will teach you how to conduct research, examine social issues and become an effective advocate, communicator and change-maker in an increasingly globalised world.


Q: What networking resources are available to students throughout the year?
A: There are a lot of networking opportunities available to Harris students. You can attend informal organization information sessions, formal dinners with alumni, or use the alumni web-based networking site to connect with alumni working in your field of interest.
Q: How are the jurors selected?
A: There is no specific number of jurors that will be selected, but the Awards office aims to create a highly diverse jury which reflects Europe’s demography.
Q: How are projects evaluated?
A: Jurors are assigned projects to evaluate and must submit their scores electronically. After all scores have been received, the winners and finalists are determined using an automated system.
Q: How are the projects assigned to the jurors?
A: The judging process is random and blind.

The Grand Prix winners are decided by a vote of the jury.

The Grand Prix is the highest award that can be received at Cannes Lions.

The Grand Prix winners are chosen by a vote of the jury. The jury is made up of advertising, marketing, and media professionals from around the world.


Q: Where can I get more information on life at Stanford, housing, financial aid or being an international student?
A: The Ph.D. program at the Department of Political Science at Stanford University is designed to be completed in five years of full-time study. Requirements for the Ph.D. degree vary depending on which fields a student elects to study, but all students must complete five units of graduate instruction in Political Theory and take a two-quarter sequence in quantitative methods.
Q: Where can I get information on study abroad opportunities?
A: If you're not sure what you want to do after graduation, that's okay! There are a lot of resources available to help you figure out your next steps. Talk to your family and friends, research your options, and reach out to your school's career center for help. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it's something that you're passionate about and that will make you happy.
Q: Where can I get information on preparing for graduate school?
A: 1. Yes, the game is still in development.

2. Yes, we are still working on the game.

3. Yes, we are still planning to release the game.

4. No, we do not have a release date yet.

5. Yes, we are still working on the game.

6. Yes, we are still working on the game.

7. No, we cannot provide you with a specific release


Q: Where are policies posted for public comment?
A: To find a previous version of a policy, you can contact the policy owner or the policy administrator.
Q: Who qualifies as a servant leader?
A: We’re looking for people who want to make a difference in their communities and who are willing to put others first. If that sounds like you, we want you to join our movement!
Q: What are the important dates for completing a thesis in Political Science or International Politics?
A: Complete Political Science 309: Quantitative Political Analysis.
Complete Political Science 300H: An Introduction to Thesis Research.
Find a thesis adviser and submit a Thesis Proposal Report.
Write your honors thesis in Political Science 306H: Senior Thesis Writing Workshop over the entire year and in Political Science 494H: Independent Research during the Spring semester.
Submit your thesis and present your research at the Undergraduate Research Exhibition.
Q: How do I add a class in the third week or later?
A: You can take as many credits as you want in a term, but you may not be able to exceed the normal maximum without permission from your academic advisor.
Q: What are the benefits for students or public officials who participate in the UP Program?
A: The UrbanPlan program is a national ULI initiative that provides high school and university students with a real life understanding of core content issues in economics and government.
Q: What qualifications are recommended to become a UP volunteer?
A: The ULI Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use is seeking experienced professionals in the real estate and land use planning industries to serve as mentors for its new program, the Socratic Planning Program. The program is designed to help cities and counties improve their land use planning process by using the Socratic method to question assumptions and provide feedback.


Q: Where can I find information about administrative regulation public hearings?
A: There's no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to propose a policy will vary depending on the specifics of the situation. However, in general, it's a good idea to first do some research to make sure that the policy you're proposing is feasible and likely to be effective. Once you've done that, you can then start drafting a formal proposal that outlines the details of the policy and why you think it would be beneficial. Once you
Q: Where does your funding come from?
A: We rely on a combination of grants, foundations, and individual donors to fund our work. In 2021, 80% of our budget came from individual donors. If you are interested in supporting our work, please contact our Director of Development, Tiffani Sykhammountry, at tiffani@newpolitics.org.
Q: How can I find out if your faculty does research in my area of interest?
A: The department offers teaching and research opportunities in American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Methodology, and Political Theory.
Q: Where can I find more information about financial awards, assistantships, and aid?
A: Stipended Graduate Assistantships and CSSH scholarships can be found here. Information about financial aid can be found on the Student Financial Services website.
Q: Where can I find out more about UP?
A: You must be a land use professional with experience in order to volunteer for UrbanPlan. You will be required to complete a 2-hour virtual instructional training followed by a 3-hour in-person facilitation, and are expected to participate in UrbanPlan programming for 1-15 hours a year.

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