Waikato.ac.nz / Psychology

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Research Publications for Waikaremoana W (Moana) Waitoki: University of Waikato
Research Publications for Kiri Edge: University of Waikato
LBWRU Staff - Arts and Social Sciences : University of Waikato
Research Publications for Robert B Isler: University of Waikato
Full Staff Listing - Arts and Social Sciences : University of Waikato
Social Work - Arts and Social Sciences : University of Waikato
Religious Studies - Arts and Social Sciences : University of Waikato
Population Studies & Demography - Arts and Social Sciences : University of Waikato
Population Studies and Demography : University of Waikato
Research Publications for Samuel G Charlton: University of Waikato

Domains with most semantic flow to waikato.ac.nz

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http://compsy.org.uk/ 10.08compsy.org.uk
http://wikidot.com/ 10.07wikidot.com

Domains with most semantic flow from waikato.ac.nz

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http://doi.org/ 100.67doi.org
http://youtube.com/ 30.12youtube.com
http://education.govt.nz/ 20.08education.govt.nz
http://facebook.com/ 30.08facebook.com
http://studylink.govt.nz/ 10.07studylink.govt.nz
http://richardbenjamintrust.co.uk/ 10.07richardbenjamintrust.co.uk
http://kiwinet.org.nz/ 10.06kiwinet.org.nz
http://symplicity.com/ 20.05symplicity.com
http://nzherbaria.org.nz/ 10.04nzherbaria.org.nz
http://pik-potsdam.de/ 10.04pik-potsdam.de

Most linked pages from waikato.ac.nz

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http://www.waikato.ac.nz/fass/about/psychology 10.160.970.081yes86480011
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/fass/study/international 10.150.970.070.98yes85490000
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/glossary-of-university-terms 10.150.970.07-1no-1-1-1-100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/postgraduate-studies 10.150.970.070.85yes1566918100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/international/study-abroad-and-exchange 10.150.970.070.6yes1496117100
http://alumni.waikato.ac.nz/ 10.150.970.07-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/fass/research/case-studies 10.150.970.07-1--1-1-1-100
http://enrol.waikato.ac.nz/ 10.150.960.07-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study 10.150.970.07-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/enrolment 10.150.970.070.67yes1496318100

Hubs from waikato.ac.nz

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http://www.waikato.ac.nz/fass/about/psychology 470.160.973.281yes86480011
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/research/ 250.150.9710.76yes125540000
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/student-life/student-services 250.150.970.14-1no-1-1-1-100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/research-enterprise/ 150.150.970.540.73yes107501100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/postgraduate-studies 90.150.970.390.85yes1566918100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/fass/study 80.150.970.461yes91540000
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/fass/study/international 30.150.970.170.98yes85490000
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/enrolment 30.150.970.080.67yes1496318100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/glossary-of-university-terms 30.150.970.02-1no-1-1-1-100
http://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/international/study-abroad-and-exchange 20.150.970.050.6yes1496117100

Random 'psychology FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general psychology topic.



Q: Where can I find past AP® Psychology exams?
A: If you fail the AP® Psychology exam, you can retake it as often as you like. Your high school GPA will not be impacted, and you can still receive college credit if you score a three or higher. To prepare for the exam, review past free-response questions and take practice multiple-choice quizzes.
Q: What do I need to know before I apply?
A: Our program is interested in admitting students from all backgrounds who are excited about joining us in the research we do. We admit students on an apprenticeship model, which means you would apply to work in a lab led by a specific faculty member. You can check the faculty websites and the NIH Reporter to see what kind of research they are currently doing.


Q: What is Psychotherapy?
A: Psychologists help people of all ages live happier, healthier and more productive lives by teaching them how to better cope with the challenges in their lives.
Q: When should you consider psychotherapy?
A: If you are feeling depressed, anxious, or angry for an extended period of time, if your efforts to improve your situation are not working, or if you are harming yourself or others, you may benefit from therapy.
Q: What are the different kinds of psychotherapy?
A: The kind of treatment you receive will depend on a variety of factors, including your psychologist’s theoretical orientation.
Q: What is the average undergraduate GPA of admitted applicants?
A: The average undergraduate GPA of admitted applicants to Harvard Business School in 2023 was 3.79.
Q: What is PSYC 99/199?
A: PSYC 99/199 can only be used to satisfy the research experience requirement for the B.S. degree and will never count as a Psychology Elective for either the B.S. or the B.A.


Q: What is Psychological Testing and Assessment?
A: Psychological testing is designed to help you understand why you might be experiencing certain problems. Tests can help diagnose conditions like ADHD or dementia, or figure out the best way to address problems like anger management or interpersonal skills.
Q: What is the difference between Testing and Assessment?
A: Testing involves the use of formal tests to measure a person's abilities or traits. Assessment involves the use of clinical interviews and other observational techniques to gather information about a person. Both testing and assessment are important tools that psychologists use to help them arrive at a diagnosis and a treatment plan.
Q: What is the difference between Psychology, Cognitive Science and Human Development at UCSD?
A: Psychology is the study of human/animal mental functions and behavior with a scientific emphasis. Cognitive Science is the study of the nature of intelligence with an emphasis in three main areas – brain, behavior and computation. Human Development focuses on scientific issues of growth, development, and behavioral change across the lifespan.


Q: What are the other mental health professionals?
A: Psychologists are mental health professionals who have a doctoral degree in clinical psychology. They specialize in assessing, diagnosing and treating mental illnesses.
Q: What institution/department code should I provide when I take the GRE or TOEFL?
A: The Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at CWRU is a full-time, in-person program that focuses on the research foundations for the field and the application of research findings to clinical settings. Admission is highly competitive, and students typically complete the program in five to seven years. Financial aid is available for all students.
Q: What are the kinds of discoveries and theories that sparked your interest in the chosen discipline?
A: I want to focus on questions related to the intersection of race, gender, and class in the American criminal justice system. I hope to apply a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods to answer these questions. I am looking for a department that is supportive of critical race theory and feminist perspectives.
Q: What areas are in the Department of Psychology?
A: Prospective students can apply to one of 9 areas: Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Decision Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), Social Psychology, and Quantitative Psychology.
Q: What are some fun things to do in Columbus?
A: Students at Ohio State have access to a variety of discounted tickets and events both on and off campus.
Q: What courses in psychology count towards the university's engaged learning requirement?
A: Independent research courses (
) at Loyola count towards the engaged learning requirement, while internships (
) do not.
Q: What are the goals of the Business Psychology major?
A: The Business Psychology major at UC San Diego is designed to engage students in the applied science of Business Psychology. The major includes classes offered by both the Psychology Department and the Rady School of Management, and its objectives include preparing students for careers in fields such as human resources, marketing, and organizational consulting.
Q: How do I enroll in a course that requires department or instructor approval?
A: Use the EASy system to request enrollment. Enrollment requests are processed in the order they are received.
Q: What types of resources are available in our program for BIPOC and URM students?
A: The Psychology department at our school has a Diversity Steering Committee that is responsible for events and initiatives related to diversity, as well as a Diversity Science Specialization program.


Q: When is the deadline to apply for admissions?
A: A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution
-A minimum GPA of 3.0
-GRE General Test scores
-TOEFL or IELTS scores (for international applicants)
-Three letters of recommendation
-A personal statement
-A writing sample
Q: What are the criteria for admissions?
A: A bachelor's degree from an accredited university, strong GRE scores, and a strong GPA are all recommended for admission into the psychology Ph.D. program at UC Davis.
Q: When are admissions decisions typically made?
A: The timeline for acceptance into the Psychology Department at the University of XYZ varies by program, but students usually find out about their status in late January. Fellowship results are not available until late February.
Q: How will I be notified when a decision has been made?
A: I'm not sure when I will be admitted.
Q: When do AP® Psychology scores typically come out?
A: The 2023 AP® Psychology exam will take place on Tues, May 2, 2023, at 12pm (noon) local time. Students will receive their AP® scores in July 2023.


Q: How can I maximize my chances of being admitted?
A: The PhD program in Psychology at Harvard is a full-time, research-oriented program that typically takes 4-6 years to complete. Funding is in the form of grants and teaching or research fellowships, and all admitted students are eligible for this financial support.
Q: Where can I obtain an application package?
A: 1. Start researching programs and find ones that fit your interests
2. Work on your GRE score
3. Make sure you have strong letters of recommendation
4. Write a great personal statement
Q: How can I check the status of my application?
A: If you have an OSU ID and username, you can check your application status on the self-service page. If you don’t have an OSU ID and username, you can activate your account on MY.OSU.
Q: How much does the program cost?
A: No, we do not require the GRE.


Q: What graduate level programs do you offer?
A: 1. Make sure you have a strong GPA, both overall and in psychology courses specifically.

2. Adequate preparation for graduate training in psychology includes at least 15 semester hours in psychology, including at least one course in statistics and one in research or a psychology laboratory.

3. Previous graduate coursework may be applied toward your degree if it is approved by the faculty.

4. The program is full-time and does not offer online or correspondence coursework
Q: Where do most graduate students live?
A: Most graduate students live in off-campus apartments. Apartments can be found through common websites such as Zillow, Padmapper, etc. In addition, OSU offers a website for students to find off-campus housing. Currently, OSU does not offer family housing options.
Q: What kind of benefits do graduate students receive?
A: Graduate student funding comes with student health insurance subsidized by 100%. The Student Health plan includes medical, mental health, prescription, vision, and dental benefits with local, national, and international coverage. Spouses and dependents may also be added to this policy. Up to 3 weeks of leave may be granted for childbirth or adoption and up to 3 additional weeks for health recovery of the birth mother is recommended. Parental leave should be discussed and planned with the advisor and local unit.


Q: Who is my Psychology faculty advisor?
A: If you have forgotten your advisor's name, you can check LOCUS to find out who your advisors are. If you do not have a Psychology Faculty Advisor, please contact the department office.
Q: What CAN my faculty advisor do?
A: Your Psychology Faculty Advisor cannot help you with things like getting a job or finding housing. However, they can help you with things like course requirements and departmental activities.
Q: Who should write my letters of recommendation?
A: Your letter-writers should be people who know you well, and who can attest to your readiness for graduate-level coursework and research. It is best if the letters come from individuals who can speak to your research experiences and potential.


Q: What are your office hours?
A: If you are struggling to cope with your daily demands and are not getting enough sleep, medication may be necessary. Otherwise, you may be able to work on your problems without medication. I would be happy to explore any concerns you may have about medications with you.
Q: What are the TOEFL Requirements?
A: Submit an application
-Pay the application fee
-Submit official transcripts of all previous academic work
-Submit official test scores (GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, etc)
-Submit three letters of recommendation
-Submit a resume or CV
Q: What are my Psychology Major Requirements?
A: Check your requirement term in Locus.
Q: What can I do for my Psychology Major Capstone?
A: The four options for the capstone requirement are:

1. Internship in Psychology (PSYC 390)
2. Independent Research (PSYC 397)
3. Honors in Psychology (PSYC 369/370)
4. Take a second Advanced Lab Course
Q: What career options are related to Business Psychology?
A: Yes!.
Q: How are applications evaluated?
A: The Admissions Committee looks at each application holistically and does not have strict cutoffs for GRE scores or any other metric. Instead, they focus on finding students with strong academic records, clear research goals, and the motivation and experience to succeed in their program. Additionally, they seek out students who have an understanding of and commitment to diversity, as well as a potential "match" with the research interests of faculty members.


Q: What do I look for in a psychologist?
A: Psychologists help people of all ages improve the quality of their lives and circumstances. They work in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, mental health clinics, community agencies, universities and colleges, public and private schools, and the criminal justice system. You can use the Find a Psychologist service to locate a psychologist who can help you and/or the people you care about get back on track.
Q: How long will graduate school take?
A: Clinical psychology programs are more research-oriented and competitive, while counseling psychology programs are more focused on training counselors for college/university counseling centers.
Q: Why become a school psychologist?
A: School psychologists are trained in psychology and education and work with educators, parents, and mental health professionals to ensure that every child learns in a safe and supportive environment. They understand school systems, effective teaching, and successful learning. To work as a school psychologist, one must be certified and/or licensed by the state in which services are provided.
Q: What will a course be like?
A: A course in web development might cover topics like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The syllabus would likely include a mix of lectures, readings, and hands-on projects.
Q: What is graduate school in psychology like?


Q: How many students are admitted each year?
A: In the 2023 cycle, 476 students applied to a Ph.D. program in the Department of Psychology and 43 (11.06%) received an offer of admission.
Q: Why can't I register for PSYC 306?
A: You need to have taken PSYC 304 (or an equivalent class) and gotten a C- or better in order to register for PSYC 306.
Q: What courses can I take for a P/NP grading option?
A: For Psychology majors, PSYC 60 must be taken for a letter grade, but other lower division courses can be taken P/NP. For Business Psychology majors, PSYC 60 and two management courses must be taken for a letter grade, but other lower division courses can be taken P/NP. In general, no more than 25% of your courses at UC San Diego can be taken P/NP.
Q: How many courses can I take for P/NP?
A: Up to 3 courses can be taken for P/NP, no more than 25% of your total UC San Diego courses may be taken pass/no pass and at least 4 of your Upper Division courses must be taken at UC San Diego for a letter grade.
Q: How should I determine what courses I can take abroad?
A: Psychology students should consider studying abroad. Interested students should contact the Study Abroad Office in the International Center. Any Psychology courses intended for use toward your Psychology major or minor requirements must be pre-approved. After your return, you will need to petition your courses with the Psychology Department.
Q: How many courses can I transfer from another institution?
A: Students may only use up to three pre-approved upper-division courses toward their Psychology/CBN major.


Q: How do I get information about Harvard doctoral program admissions?
A: The Harvard Psychology Department offers a research-oriented Ph.D. program in four areas: Experimental Psychopathology & Clinical Science, Developmental, Social, and Cognition, Brain, and Behavior (CBB). The Department does not offer a terminal master’s degree in psychology, though students admitted to the Ph.D. program can earn a master’s along the way. Some graduates of the program seek positions as research psychologists in an academic setting. Other graduates get
Q: How do I sign up for PSYC 99s/199s?
A: 1. Talk to faculty in your field of interest.

2. Apply through the REAL Portal.
Q: How do I declare a double major with Psychology?
A: You can pick up a double major petition form from your college, or find it on TritonLink. The form must list all major requirements, including upper division courses you have completed or are currently enrolled in. You must also indicate that you are aware of all lower and upper division courses required for the major. If you are overlapping any classes between your two majors, you will need to declare the specific overlapping courses on your double major petition form as well.
Q: What courses count for the minor?
A: Yes, Psychology courses numbered 1-193 can count for a minor.
Q: How do I declare a Psychology minor?
A: You declare the psychology minor by submitting the Undergraduate Declaration of Minor form on TritonLink.


Q: What are the procedures if I am registered with OSD?
A: 1. All Psychology majors and minors should check the Psychology Department website for updates on department procedures.

2. The Psychology Department will make every effort to provide accommodations for students with disabilities. However, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the department of their need for accommodations.

3. The Psychology Department is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all students. If you have any concerns about your safety or the safety of others, please contact the department chair or
Q: What if I am not registered with OSD?
A: You must register in person to receive academic support.


Q: How can I get research experience?
A: 1. Find a lab that is doing research that you are interested in.

2. Talk to the lab coordinator or PI to see if they are looking for volunteers.

3. Follow the lab's procedures for volunteering.
Q: What kind of academic preparation should I have?
A: You should have a strong academic record in psychology or a related area of social science, and coursework in math, computer science, or statistics can also be helpful.
Q: What kind of research preparation should I have?
A: Successful applicants to our program typically have some type of independent research experience, either during college or after college. This experience can help prepare applicants for the rigors of graduate-level research training.
Q: What kind of clinical preparation should I have?
A: No specific experience is required, but some experience working with clinical populations is helpful.
Q: What should I write about?
A: Write your statements with your specific reader in mind, focusing on your readiness for advanced training and aptitude for independent scholarship.

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