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Random 'arable farming FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general arable farming topic.



Q: Why is organic meat more expensive?
A: Organic meat is more expensive to produce and buy, but it is better for the environment and your health.
Q: What is vertical farming?
A: Vertical farming is a type of controlled environment agriculture (CEA) that grows and harvests crops on vertical shelves or towers.
Q: How are vertical greenhouses more sustainable than traditional farms?
A: We design our greenhouses and growing methods to be as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible, resulting in produce that is healthy and has a minimal impact on the environment.
Q: What makes your vertical farming technology better than other indoor options?
A: Our vertical greenhouse systems are more efficient and easier to scale than other vertical farms or greenhouses.
Q: Where is NAEC, Stoneleigh?
A: The National Association of Estate Agents and Chartered Surveyors (NAEA) is holding its annual conference at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire on the 23rd and 24th of April.
Q: What is Ocean Approved?
A: We grow seaweed that helps improve water quality and mitigate the effects of ocean acidification.
Q: What is your long-term strategy that justifies this hard cut?
A: LEMKEN is acquiring a Dutch hoeing technology specialist to focus on sustainable crop protection solutions (including fertilizer spreaders) to help with mechanical weed control.


Q: What are the sustainable and regenerative initiatives you are currently doing on the farm?
A: We are a working farm, growing crops and raising livestock, and we are committed to sustainable and regenerative farming practices. We have many initiatives in progress, including developing our river meadows to create wetlands for wildlife, making annual hay cuts to improve grassland biodiversity and planting native shrubs, trees and hedges.
Q: What are the advantages of hydroponics?
A: Vertical farming with hydroponics is a more efficient, sustainable, and healthy way to grow produce, and can be done in areas where traditional farming is not possible.
Q: What nutrients are used in hydroponics?
A: We use Ag-grade soluble salts, all organic and safe to consume.
Q: What is the best medium for hydroponics?
A: Organic coco coir is our top pick for the best hydroponic media. It's easy to use, environmentally friendly, and provides great drainage and aeration for plants. Peat moss is another great option for hydroponics, as it's also easy to use and provides good drainage and aeration. Rockwool is another popular hydroponic media, but it can be difficult to work with and isn&#
Q: What can I do during my daily routine to help the conservation of biodiversity?
A: Biodiversity is important for both recreation and tangible reasons such as agricultural production and water cleansing. However, there is still a lack of comprehensive data on biodiversity in Germany. The main causes of species extinction include the progressive decline of high-quality habitats, pollution, and human exploitation. Invasive species are also a major threat to native biodiversity. The research initiative FEdA is working to develop urgently needed measures for the conservation of biodiversity in close exchange with political, civil, and also economic
Q: What influence does the corona pandemic have on your decision?
A: The coronavirus pandemic has not influenced our decision to withdraw from the conventional field sprayer segment.


Q: What can be grown in hydroponics?
A: Hydroponics is a great method for growing leafy greens, herbs, and other plants. It can also be used to grow peppers, tomatoes, and snap peas.
Q: What cannot be grown hydroponically?
A: We do not grow tubers because they would rot in our 24/7 water-based environment.
Q: How can I access the event?
A: The event will be available on a dedicated app or web app.
Q: What happens to your patents in crop protection?
A: The German company LEMKEN is looking for a new home for its Nova and Orion field sprayer models outside the company.


Q: How long does it take to grow a plant hydroponically?
A: Growing with Tower Garden is more efficient than growing in soil.
Q: How many users does my ticket include?
A: Each visitor will need to register for their own ticket via their own email address.
Q: How many jobs are affected by the restructuring?
A: 75 jobs are being cut.


Q: Where do you grow your kelp?
A: Kelp is an ocean vegetable that tastes great and is good for you.
Q: Why do you cultivate seaweed rather than wild harvest?
A: Farming kelp helps to add to the natural ecosystem, while taking pressure off of wild beds from human harvest. This in turn helps to improve the quality of the kelp that is available for consumption.
Q: Why do you work with fishermen in Maine?
A: The Maine Seaweed Company loves and respects the coastal Maine communities we call home, and we are dedicated to working with Maine fishermen to diversify their incomes by starting seaweed farms.
Q: How does Atlantic Sea Farms work with and support partner kelp farmers?
A: We work with lobstermen up and down the coast of Maine during their “off season” to grow kelp.
Q: How do you ensure that customers and dealers are not left alone in service issues?
A: We will continue to take orders for conventional field sprayers and deliver them as planned.


Q: How do organic, 100% pasture fed livestock like cows and sheep contribute positively to the environment?
A: Livestock can actually help increase carbon capture and store it in the soil, making it a potential tool in the fight against climate change.
Q: What time does the show open and close?
A: The conference will take place on November 29-30, 2023.
Q: What will happen now?
A: Different experts give different explanations for the current high agricultural commodity prices, but the main factors seem to be soaring energy and production costs, increased demand from a growing global population, and speculative trading. Poor people and poorer countries are hit hardest by high food prices.
Q: What will happen to the Nova and Orion field sprayers just presented?
A: ;

We are looking for a new field sprayer that can be used with our products. The current field sprayer that we have is the LEMKEN Nova and Orion. We are looking for a new field sprayer that is compatible with our products.
Q: How will I get spare parts for my field sprayer in future?
A: You can continue to rely on LEMKEN for comprehensive service and support for your field sprayer. Spare parts will be available for at least 10 years.

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