Harvard.edu / Architecture

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Popular pages pointing to harvard.edu

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impassioned remarks
march thesis program
faculty planning office
art design and the public domain
pre registration for incoming students
career resources for landscape architecture students
charles eliot traveling fellowship in landscape architecture
award for excellence in project based urban planning
design studies
master in urban planning and master in public health

Popular pages from harvard.edu

On-topic pages from domain with highest topical PageRank.

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Requirements - Harvard Graduate School of Design
Landscape Architecture IV - Harvard Graduate School of Design
Faculty Directory - Harvard Graduate School of Design

Domains with most semantic flow to harvard.edu

Relevant domains with most links to selected domain.

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http://wikipedia.org/ 130.62wikipedia.org
http://landscapearchitecturemagazine.org/ 80.47landscapearchitecturemagazine.org
http://archpaper.com/ 30.15archpaper.com
http://curbed.com/ 20.13curbed.com
http://cooper.edu/ 20.09cooper.edu
http://synonym.com/ 20.07synonym.com
http://archnet.org/ 10.07archnet.org
http://berkeley.edu/ 10.07berkeley.edu
http://rice.edu/ 10.07rice.edu
http://parsons.edu/ 10.07parsons.edu

Domains with most semantic flow from harvard.edu

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http://groundedvisionaries.org/ 40.19groundedvisionaries.org
http://bls.gov/ 30.16bls.gov
http://netdna-cdn.com/ 30.12netdna-cdn.com
http://asla.org/ 20.11asla.org
http://gsdkirklandgallery.com/ 10.06gsdkirklandgallery.com
http://education-portal.com/ 10.06education-portal.com
http://vectorworks.net/ 10.06vectorworks.net
http://lafoundation.org/ 10.06lafoundation.org
http://clarb.org/ 10.06clarb.org
http://symplicity.com/ 10.06symplicity.com

Most linked pages from harvard.edu

Pages from domain with most relevant inbound links.




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http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/ 10.150.970.061yes408171171311
http://www.fas.harvard.edu/ 10.160.50-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.harvard.edu/faculty 10.160.50-1--1-1-1-100
https://community.harvard.edu/event/exhibition-material-systems-digital-design-and-fabrica 10.160.50-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.harvard.edu/students 10.160.50-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.harvard.edu/events 10.160.490-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.harvard.edu/on-campus 10.160.490-1--1-1-1-100
https://community.harvard.edu/event/plaza-winterfest 10.160.450-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.harvard.edu/privacy-statement 10.160.340-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.pon.harvard.edu/ 10.190.470-1--1-1-1-111

Hubs from harvard.edu

Pages from domain with most likely on-topic outgoing links.




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http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/ 1700.150.978.631yes408171171311
http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/design-studies/history-and-philosophy-of-design/ 140.150.910.71yes402180180300
http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/landscape-architecture/fellowships-prizes-and-travel-programs/d 30.150.920.161yes382164164300
http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/urban-planning-design/fellowships-prizes-and-travel-programs/aw 30.150.910.151yes382164164300
http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/person/pierre-belanger/ 20.150.930.121yes387163163311
http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/resources/gsd-student-policies/ 20.150.880.080.81yes392150150300
http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/landscape-architecture/master-of-landscape-architecture-in-urba 10.150.910.051yes383165165300
http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/event/black-in-design-2017/ 10.150.920.051yes387163163411

Random 'architecture FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general architecture topic.



Q: What buildings do we see on the Chicago Architecture Center River Cruise?
A: The tour includes Chicago's most famous historic and modern landmarks, including Willis Tower, Navy Pier, the Wrigley Building, Tribune Tower, Merchandise Mart, Lyric Opera, 333 West Wacker, Marina City and many more sites. More than 50 buildings are discussed on the tour.
Q: Where can I purchase tickets for the CAC River Cruise?
A: You can purchase tickets for the boat tour in person, via phone (CAC members) or online through Ticketmaster.
Q: Where do we board the CAC River Cruise?
A: The dock is located at the southeast corner of Michigan Avenue Bridge and Wacker Drive. Look for the blue awning at the stairway entrance (if using a GPS, enter 112 E. Wacker Drive).


Q: Who gives the tours?
A: CAC docents are highly trained volunteers who give tours of Chicago's architecture and history.
Q: Where do I pick up will call tickets?
A: Go to the will call window at the Chicago's First Lady boat dock on the day of your tour. The dock is located at the southeast corner of Michigan Avenue Bridge at Wacker Drive.
Q: Where do your tours begin?
A: The CAC is located at 111 E. Wacker. For tours that don’t begin at the CAC, please consult the website or call 312.922.TOUR (8687) for details on the meeting location.
Q: When can I begin earning AXP credit?
A: You can earn AXP credit by enrolling in a NAAB/CACB-accredited degree program, enrolling in a pre-professional architecture degree program, or working in an experience setting.
Q: When does the fall semester begin?
A: The best way to figure out which MLA track is best for you is to speak with a graduate advisor. They can help you understand the requirements and expectations of the program, and help you figure out which track is best suited for your interests and goals.
Q: How do I apply to your graduate program?
A: The College of Environmental Design’s application cycle opens in September, for fall-semester admission the following year. You must submit the UC Berkeley Graduate Division online application and all supplemental materials required by your program, as described under Required Application Materials, by your program’s application deadline. Only online applications (including letters of recommendation) are accepted.


Q: Who Can/Should File a complaint?
A: You can file a complaint against an architect for illegal activities related to their professional responsibilities, or for practicing architecture without a license. The most effective complaints are those with firsthand, verifiable information.
Q: How Do I File a Complaint?
A: The Department of Consumer Affairs provides a Consumer Complaint Form (PDF) which requests specific information needed to initiate a formal complaint. Include as much detail as possible and any documentary evidence you might have.
Q: How do students find jobs while taking courses part-time?
A: The Associate Director for Student Placement works with both students and regional employers to facilitate job placement. Students are treated as employees—not interns—and the jobs they qualify for are paid positions that offer employment benefits based on length of service, including health care, paid vacation time, 401K retirement plans and, in some cases, tuition remission. We encourage students to work throughout their years of their program, obtaining the professional experience and recording IXP credit necessary to sit for architecture licensure.


Q: How can I obtain a license?
A: A candidate must provide verification of three years of architectural practice experience and five years of education equivalents for a total of eight years of experience to become licensed in California. The candidate must also successfully complete both the Architect Registration Examination (ARE) and the California Supplemental Examination (CSE). A candidate must verify five years of education and/or work experience to be eligible for the ARE and eight years for the CSE and licensure.
Q: How can I receive credit for ARE divisions passed in another state?
A: Contact the other state's licensing board and request that they send you a certification of your passed exam scores.
Q: How can I appeal a denial of a license application?
A: A candidate who is denied a license by the California Architects Board has 60 days to request a hearing. If a hearing is not requested, the candidate may reapply one year from the date of the Board's Notice of Denial.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of my DD-214?
A: To qualify for a Minnesota Veteran License Plate, you must have served in the armed forces of the United States. You must also provide proof of service. You can get your DD-214 from the National Archives and Records Administration or your local County Veteran Service Officer.


Q: How long is the tour?
A: The Chicago Architecture Center River Cruise is 90 minutes long and covers a lot of ground, giving you a great overview of the city's architecture and history.
Q: How do you get to the dock?
A: You can get to the parking garage by car from the Kennedy (I-90) and Edens (I-94) expressways, exit at Washington Street (past the Ohio Street exit). Turn left (east) on Washington Street to Michigan Avenue. Turn left (north) on Michigan Avenue and proceed to E. South Water St. Turn right (east) on E. South Water St. and the parking garage entrance is the first driveway east of Michigan Ave., on the north
Q: What if it rains?
A: We don't refund.
Q: How long does it take to get ARE results?
A: It takes four to six weeks to process your score.
Q: How does the Rolling Clock affect my scores?
A: You have 5 years to complete the exams after passing the first one.
Q: Why will it take so long for ARE 5.0 to launch?
A: The ARE 5.0 will launch in late 2016, and the next few years will be devoted to development and integration testing. The Council is committed to transparency throughout the development process, and our goal is to provide plenty of advance notice to candidates as important decisions are made about the future of the ARE.
Q: How much does it cost to participate in the AXP?
A: AXP fees are determined by NCARB, so it's a good idea to check with them.


Q: How will I know when I can retake a failed division of the ARE?
A: If you fail an ARE division, you can schedule another attempt for that same division within your eligibility period.
Q: How do I know when I am eligible to take the examination?
A: The Eligible Letter indicates that the candidate is eligible for credit and how much credit has been accrued. The Eligibility Notification is sent after the application has been processed.
Q: How do I schedule to take a division of the ARE?
A: You must first apply with the California Architects Board. Once you have been made eligible, you can schedule to sit for individual divisions of the ARE.
Q: How many times can I take one ARE division in a year if I should fail?
A: You can take an ARE division three times in a year, and you must wait at least 60 days after a failed attempt before retaking.
Q: How was ARE 4.0 mapped to ARE 5.0?
A: Yes, you can.
Q: How much will each ARE 5.0 division cost?
A: The cost of each ARE 5.0 division is $210. In July 2018, the cost per division will increase to $235.
Q: How can candidates stay informed about the development and implementation of ARE 5.0?
A: ARE 5.0 is coming in 2016, and NCARB is providing updates and resources to help candidates prepare for the transition.


Q: How Are Complaints Processed?
A: The Board will investigate your complaint if it contains allegations of negligence or incompetence, and may take disciplinary action if violations are substantiated. Other complaints may be dealt with through mediation or referral to other agencies.
Q: What are the written examination filing deadlines?
A: No, there is no deadline to take the ARE.
Q: How is my work or education experience evaluated?
A: The Board of Professional Counseling evaluates each EVF and transcript received and determines the amount of credit to be granted according to the Table of Equivalents. The Board's staff processes EVFs and transcripts as they are received and notifies the candidate with an update letter if any additional information is required to determine eligibility.
Q: What is required if I let my ARE eligibility lapse?
A: If you haven't taken the ARE in 5 years or your file has been purged, you must reapply and retake the exam.
Q: What is ARE 5.0?
A: The next version of the ARE, ARE 5.0, will incorporate new graphic testing methods and use case studies. This will allow for the determination of a candidate's competency without requiring the use of outdated CAD software.
Q: What can I do right now to prepare for ARE 5.0?
A: ARE 5.0 is coming in late 2021, and it will include a major change to how the exam is structured. The new exam will have seven divisions, each with its own focus. Candidates will need to pass all seven divisions to earn their license.
Q: Who are the volunteers that help develop the ARE?
A: The ARE 5.0 is being developed by volunteer architects from across the United States, ranging from recently licensed to experienced architects, from large firms to small firms, from education to private practice.
Q: What is the difference between renewal date and expiration date?
A: The term "expiration date" is acceptable in place of "renewal date" on an architect's stamp.
Q: What is IPAL?
A: IPAL is a unique pathway to architectural licensure that integrates the education, real-world experience, and examination requirements of licensure into your Architecture degree program. This can help jumpstart your architecture career and open up new architecture employment opportunities after graduation.
Q: What type of co-op is offered for Architecture?
A: Our Architecture Program offers an extreme version of co-op, with students encouraged to apply for full- or part-time positions in local architecture firms in the Philadelphia area.
Q: What statements are required?
A: 1) The Statement of Purpose should indicate your purpose for entering the graduate program, your proposed emphasis of study, and any special interest(s) in the field.
2) The Personal History Statement should convey how a combination of life experiences, idealism, role models, education and work experiences have influenced your decision to apply, as well as how any teaching, research, and professional or public service contributions you have made have promoted diversity and equal opportunity.
Q: What is the minimum GPA required?
A: You must have a minimum GPA of 3.00, B, or equivalent.
Q: What other types of funding are available?
A: No and No.


Q: When will ARE 5.0 be released?
A: The new version of the game will be called "Fable: The Journey"

-It is a Kinect-based game

-It is a spin-off, not a main series game

-It is coming in late 2016
Q: How many divisions will be included in ARE 5.0?
A: The structure of the UN is extremely complex, but its main purpose is to maintain international peace and security.
Q: When will ARE 5.0 study materials be available?
A: The ARE 5.0 exams will be released in early 2016, and the test specification has already been released. Candidates will have plenty of time to prepare for the new exams.
Q: When will I get my score in ARE 5.0?
A: The AP Physics 1 and 2 Exams will be administered for the first time in May 2015.

The exams will be offered annually from May 2015 on.

The exams will be 3 hours long and will consist of two sections: multiple choice and free response.

The multiple choice section will be worth 50% of the total score, and the free response section will be worth 50%.

The exams will be graded on a 5-point scale, with 5 being
Q: When I go Part-Time, will there be studio space for me to work on campus?
A: Yes, there is an evening studio space on the third floor of the URBN Center, dedicated as a large collaborative work environment with a computer lab and making space. While full-time students have designated desks in the building, part-time architecture students have access to hotdesks that are reserved for their exclusive use. All of our students also have access to the Printing facilities, Hybrid Making Lab, Maker Spaces and Woodshop. Learn more about Architecture facilities and specialized equipment here.
Q: When will admissions decisions be sent?
A: No, you cannot apply for spring admission.


Q: Why is the division structure different from ARE 4.0?
A: The new ARE 5.0 is divided into three divisions: Practice Management, Project Management and Project Design.
Q: How is the transition to ARE 5.0 different from the transition to ARE 4.0?
A: The dual delivery of ARE 4.0 and ARE 5.0 will last at least 18 months. Candidates will be able to self transition to ARE 5.0 when it is most convenient for them. More interactive tools will be available to help candidates determine their individual path forward.
Q: Why is Drexel’s Architecture Program different?
A: Drexel’s Architecture Program provides students with the opportunity to gain real-world experience in the field while completing their degree, resulting in better job prospects and career connections upon graduation.
Q: Where should my letters of recommendation come from?
A: You'll need three letters of recommendation, at least one of which should come from someone in academia who can speak to your intellectual ability and potential for future productive scholarship. Your other recommenders can be from past employers, etc., and should be able to speak to your character, work experience, and/or professional skills.


Q: What does dual delivery mean?
A: Yes, ARE 5.0 will be available to candidates who started in ARE 4.0.
Q: What does self-transition mean?
A: ?

ARE 5.0 is coming soon, and it will be a lot like ARE 4.0, but with some new features and a better user interface.


Q: How do organizations use Business Architecture?
A: Business Architecture is a blueprint of an organization that helps to create a company’s blueprint to better understand the goals of the organization and capture how different elements of the organization work to achieve those goals.
Q: Where does Business Architecture fit within an organization?
A: Business Architecture is the bridge between strategy and execution.
Q: What benefits does Business Architecture provide?
A: Business Architecture provides many benefits to organizations, including improved decision making, increased transparency, and improved alignment between business and IT.
Q: How does Business Architecture increase operational efficiency and capacity for growth?
A: Business Architecture is a tool that can be used to help define or refine business direction and drive consensus and decisions. It can also be used to increase operational efficiency by holistically evaluating the origins and contributing factors of specific problems across the enterprise.


Q: Why do I have multiple identification numbers?
A: The Board assigns a Candidate ID Number when an Application for Eligibility Evaluation is received. This number is used when contacting the Board. The test vendor then assigns a different ID Number when an eligible candidate is issued an ATT. This number must be used when making an appointment for examination. Additionally, NCARB assigns a record number when candidates establish their NCARB record. This number is used when contacting NCARB or submitting AXP reports.
Q: Why UC Berkeley?
A: Berkeley is the best school in the US for graduate students because of our highly-ranked programs, faculty, and students.
Q: Why a Master's of Landscape Architecture at UC Berkeley?
A: The UC Berkeley MLA program is the best in the country, teaching students how to design and manage landscapes responsibly. Our faculty are leaders in their field, and our graduates go on to teach and work in a variety of settings.


Q: When is the cruise available?
A: Take a ride on the Spirit of Philadelphia for a fun, unique way to see the city. The boat departs multiple times daily, March-November.
Q: Why is NCARB developing a new version of the exam?
A: The ARE is constantly changing, and NCARB makes significant investments every year to make sure the exam is still relevant and accurate.
Q: What happens when I have completed all of NCARB's minimum requirements for the AXP?
A: Yes, you can receive a message on your e-EVR home page when you have successfully completed the minimum requirements for the AXP.
Q: What elements can the design incorporate?
A: a ring with words or symbols on it, or a rope or beaded effect or words forming the circle.
Q: What is the difference between the 2+4 Option and Transfer students, the two educational tracks Drexel University’s Architecture Program offers?
A: The part-time evening professional B. Arch. degree program at the New School of Architecture and Design (NSAD) is an NAAB accredited degree program.

The first two years of the part-time evening professional B. Arch. degree program at the New School of Architecture and Design (NSAD) are the same as the first two years of the full-time B. Arch. degree program at NSAD.

The last two years of the part-time
Q: What is the cost structure of the Architecture Program?
A: The Architecture 2 +4 Option at Drexel University allows students to pay the full-time tuition rate for their first two years of study, and then pay per credit for their remaining two years. This discounted tuition rate is roughly half of the general part-time rate per credit.
Q: What is the cost of the program?
A: It depends on your campus.

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