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Random 'barrel racing FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general barrel racing topic.



Q: What does my clinic tuition include?
A: If you are a beginner to intermediate rider in need of a tune up, you will benefit from this clinic. If you are a seasoned rider, you will benefit from this clinic.

Phil Haugen is a phenomenal coach, and his clinics are fun and informative.

If you are a beginner to intermediate rider in need of a tune up, you will benefit from this clinic. If you are a seasoned rider, you will benefit from this clinic.Phil Haugen is a
Q: How many people will be in my clinic session?
A: You can find clinics for all levels of riders, and most clinics are limited to 15-18 riders.
Q: When is my clinic tuition due?
A: The deposit is non-refundable, and you're responsible for the full balance of the tuition 30 days before the clinic.


Q: What Would You Like to Know?
A: Who is Mt. Rainier Barrel Racing Association?

Mt. Rainier Barrel Racing Association is a Washington state-based barrel racing association.

What is barrel racing?

Barrel racing is a rodeo event in which a horse and rider attempt to complete a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels in the fastest time.

How do I join Mt. Rainier Barrel Racing Association?

You can join Mt. Rainier Barrel Racing Association by filling out
Q: How many races do I have to run to qualify for awards?
A: You need to run in 6 races to qualify for awards.
Q: What is the cost to attend a clinic?
A: This is a four-day event with three days of riding and one day of ground work. The cost is $600 per rider, or $125 per day per person to audit.

The clinic will be held at the beautiful and scenic Rancho del Charro in Fallbrook, California. The ranch is situated on a hill overlooking the picturesque Santa Margarita Valley, just a short drive from the Pacific Ocean. The ranch has a large arena, round pen, and plenty of
Q: What do I need to bring to the clinic?
A: You'll need comfortable clothes, your horse, and your tack.
Q: Where do I find additional information about each clinic?
A: – Registration opens for the following clinics:

Sunday, March 14 – Intermediate & Advanced clinics at the University of Toronto

Sunday, March 21 – Beginner clinic at the University of Toronto

Sunday, March 28 – Beginner & Intermediate clinics at the University of Toronto

Sunday, April 4 – Beginner & Intermediate clinics at the University of Toronto

Sunday, April 11 – Beginner clinic at the University of Toronto

Sunday, April 18 – Beginner & Intermediate clinics
Q: Why do I need to train my Race Horses?
A: Train your racehorse to increase its stats, and race it on different terrains to level it up.


Q: What is included in the audit-only package?
A: Auditors who pre-register will receive a workbook, lunch, and Q&A with the instructor(s).
Q: What is your refund/cancellation policy?
A: Deposits are non-refundable, but you can sell your spot privately or transfer your tuition to another rider.


Q: What Does 4D Barrel Racing Mean?
A: Yes!

Yes, you can get a horse in the game. However, you will need to purchase one from the in-game store using real money.
Q: What do the barrel racing clinics cover?
A: I'm not the best barrel racer, but I know how to train horses to excel at it.
Q: What does the Racing Stable do?
A: The Racing Stable is where you can train your race horses and make them stronger so they can win more races and get better rewards. You can also view your horse's stats here, and see how they're doing in races.
Q: How do I add more Race Horses to the Racing Stable?
A: You can place any adult horse that hasn’t been raced before from the Farm to the Racing Stable. Once inside, it becomes a Race Horse, and cannot be used as a Farm animal until it retires.
Q: Where do I view the Racing Tier Rewards?
A: Win horse races to get rewards.
Q: What time do gates open?
A: The movie theater is open every day except Tuesdays, and the hours vary depending on the day.


Q: What is a 5D barrel race?
A: 4D barrel racing is a fun format for a competition where 4 divisions are determined by time brackets. It is a nice way to get some motivation and to spend time riding the horse.
Q: What are Race Feeds?
A: You can train your horse as much as you want before choosing to race them, and feeding them Race Feeds will help boost their stats.
Q: How do I earn Race Feeds?
A: 1. Complete the Farm Quest: "The Great Egg Hunt"

2. Collect the Egg Feeds from the Egg Hunt Farm Action

3. Collect the Egg Feeds from the Egg Feed Farm Action

4. Collect the Egg Feeds from the Egg Feed Farm Action

5. Collect the Egg Feeds from the Egg Feed Farm Action

6. Collect the Egg Feeds from the Egg Feed Farm Action

7. Collect the Egg Feeds
Q: How are partnerships concluded?
A: Pocket Aces Racing is a horse racing partnership that allows members to own a piece of a racehorse without having to make a large upfront investment. The partnership covers all training and racing expenses, and members are only responsible for a small monthly fee. Partnerships are concluded in a variety of ways, but at the end of the horse’s racing career, all outstanding debts will be paid and the cash assets will be divided among the members according to their ownership stake.
Q: How much are Tickets?
A: At the gate, no online purchases at this time.
Q: What are the maximum and minimum wager options?
A: No, children are not allowed at the race.


Q: What happens if I lose my awards horse during the awards series?
A: If something happens to your horse during the series, you can make a one-time horse change.
Q: What can I do if my time slot or draw request didn't happen?
A: Just contact us so we can help you with your time slot request or draw request error.
Q: What if I am unsatisfied with the clinic experience?
A: Phil Haugen Horsemanship is offering a clinic that promises to change your horse training experience dramatically and reduce frustration for you and your horse. If you're not satisfied with the clinic, you can get a full refund on your tuition.
Q: What do the terrains have to do with my horse's stats?
A: There is no definitive answer, as each terrain will affect the horse's performance depending on its stat.
Q: Who will train the horse(s)?
A: Steve Margolis and Susan Anderson train our horses. Steve is based at Churchill Downs from April through November and at the Fair Grounds from December through March. Susan is based at Turfway Park throughout the year.


Q: Why did you start Pocket Aces Racing?
A: We are a group of horse racing enthusiasts who are creating opportunities for others to experience the excitement of the sport.
Q: Why is the partnership set up as Limited Liability Company?
A: An LLC limits the liability of its members.
Q: Where does Pocket Aces race their horses?
A: We race our horses at the best tracks in Kentucky and also race at some other tracks in the Midwest and South.


Q: How are purses (see thoroughbred definitions) distributed?
A: If the cash assets in the partnership exceed the expected expenses for the upcoming two quarters, the surplus is distributed according to each member’s ownership. Purse money may also be distributed throughout the year at the discretion of the managers.
Q: How are the Members kept informed about the Thoroughbred?
A: Pocket Aces Racing LLC makes communication with its members a top priority. Members will receive quarterly financial reports, weekly updates on the condition of the Thoroughbred, and periodic pictures and videos of the Thoroughbred. If anything “out of the ordinary” occurs, the members would be notified immediately.
Q: How often does the Thoroughbred race?
A: There is no definite answer, as it varies from horse to horse.
Q: How long does the race day last?
A: Energy Downs is a horse racing track in the town of Energy, Illinois. Parking is available in the lot attached to the track. Food and drink options will be available from on-site vendors.

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