Tufts.edu / Campaign finance

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https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/ 10.150.860.070.96yes882322111
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https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bjurisdiction_sim%5D%5B%5D=City 10.160.990.060.99yes701313100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Belection_type_sim%5D%5B%5D=Special 10.1610.060.99yes902020100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bjurisdiction_sim%5D%5B%5D=State 10.160.990.061yes882424100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Boffice_id_ssim%5D%5B%5D=ON045 10.160.990.06-1--1-1-1-100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bjurisdiction_sim%5D%5B%5D=Ward 10.160.740.05-1--1-1-1-100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Boffice_id_ssim%5D%5B%5D=ON122 10.160.730.05-1--1-1-1-100
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http://dca.lib.tufts.edu/features/aas/ 10.1500-1no-1-1-1-111

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https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bjurisdiction_sim%5D%5B%5D=County 240.160.991.561yes782626100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/ 230.150.861.220.96yes882322111
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Boffice_id_ssim%5D%5B%5D=ON109 200.160.961.211yes662323100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Belection_type_sim%5D%5B%5D=Special 140.1610.750.99yes902020100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Boffice_id_ssim%5D%5B%5D=ON022 130.1610.991yes351414100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bjurisdiction_sim%5D%5B%5D=State 130.160.990.711yes882424100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bjurisdiction_sim%5D%5B%5D=City 100.160.990.630.99yes701313100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bjurisdiction_sim%5D%5B%5D=District 100.1610.530.91yes551010100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bjurisdiction_sim%5D%5B%5D=Town 80.160.980.520.96yes591010100
https://elections.lib.tufts.edu/catalog?f%5Bstate_name_sim%5D%5B%5D=Michigan 30.160.870.02-1no-1-1-1-100

Random 'campaign finance FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general campaign finance topic.



Q: Who is responsible for keeping tabs on aggregate totals of campaign contributions?
A: The campaign treasurer is responsible for receiving and reporting all contributions.
Q: What is the Report of Contributions and Expenditures?
A: A Report of Contributions and Expenditures shows how much money a candidate or committee has collected, who has contributed the money and how the campaign funds were spent.
Q: How many days after my candidate or committee is formed or has met the filing threshold must I file its first Report of Contributions and Expenditures?
A: If a candidate or committee meets their filing threshold on or after March 8, 2021, they must file their first Report of Contributions and Expenditures within 24 hours of the date they met the filing threshold.
Q: What starts the whole process?
A: If you have the expectation of receiving contributions or making expenditures in support of, or opposition to, any candidate or any ballot proposition, your organization becomes a political committee.
Q: Why was my campaign finance report rejected?
A: If you don't use the form provided by the City or if you don't fill it out completely, your report will be rejected.
Q: What is the difference between an LLC and a corporation?
A: There are many types of business entities, but the most common in Colorado are LLCs. Candidates are responsible for ensuring compliance with the requirements that apply to LLCs when making contributions.
Q: What is the current compensation amount for the Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, and Councilmembers?
A: Council compensation is listed on the Council’s web page.
Q: What should I do as a Political Treasurer if I am unable to balance a report that is due?
A: File the report, noting that an amendment will be forthcoming, and contact the Elections Division staff for assistance if needed.
Q: What types of contributions are allowed?
A: Yes, a LDF can accept contributions from businesses, individuals, and other organizations, with some exceptions.


Q: When am I required to file the Disclosure of Substantial Private Business Interests?
A: If you are elected, you must file a Disclosure of Substantial Private Business Interests as an elected official by April 30 after you take the oath of office. Elected officials are also required to file a Disclosure of Substantial Private Business Interests on April 30 of each year they are in office.
Q: When am I required to file the Affidavit of Independent Candidacy?
A: You need to file an Affidavit of Independent Candidacy when you file your nomination petition.
Q: How will I know if I am required to testify at a hearing?
A: You will be served with a subpoena if you are involved in a legal case.


Q: What happens if the City Clerk finds a mistake with a filing I have submitted?
A: The City Clerk may issue an Order to Show Cause or to Cure if you have made a mistake on your filing. You will have five days to correct the mistake or explain why you believe no corrections are necessary.
Q: What happens if the City Clerk does not accept my corrections or my explanation?
A: The City Clerk will refer your response to the City Attorney, who will appoint a Hearing Officer and set a date for a hearing. At the hearing, the Hearing Officer will consider any documents, testimony, and arguments. The Hearing Officer will make a determination and issue written findings of fact and conclusions of law regarding whether any violations alleged in the order to show cause and cure should be upheld and an order on the basis of this information.
Q: How much is the civil penalty?
A: The civil penalty for failing to file a required disclosure form is $50.00 per day.
Q: What happens if I do not pay the civil penalty?
A: If you don't pay the fine, the City can take legal action to collect the debt.
Q: What happens if I accidentally violate a campaign rule/regulation?
A: No.

The Charter does not contain any specific provisions regarding violations. However, the Charter does state that the UN Security Council has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Consequently, the Security Council may take action in response to a violation of the Charter.
Q: What if I do not have valid ID?
A: If you don't have ID, you can sign an ID Confirmation Statement or vote a provisional ballot.


Q: What must a candidate committee do if it has funds after all bills have been paid?
A: The committee can either keep the leftover funds, donate them to another candidate or organization, or return them to the donors.
Q: What must a political committee do if it has funds after all bills have been paid?
A: The political committee has three options:

1. Donate the leftover funds to another political committee
2. Give the leftover funds back to the donors
3. Refund the leftover funds to the donors
Q: What must an issue committee do if it has funds after all bills have been paid?
A: The issue committee must spend all of its funds on the current election and cannot retain any funds for future elections.
Q: What if I have moved since the last time I voted?
A: If you have moved from another state: you will have to complete a Virginia Voter Registration Application. You may only be registered to vote in one state.If you have moved within the state: you will need to update your voter record. You can do so online or your local general registrar.


Q: Where are forms and instructions?
A: File electronically and check the PDC's website for compliance and ORCA training.
Q: What are the acceptable forms of identification on election day?
A: Yes, you need to show ID in order to vote in Virginia.
Q: Why am I receiving political mailings and phone calls?
A: The Code of Virginia protects voter data, and the Department of Elections takes voter privacy seriously. Many steps are taken to ensure the security of voter data, and only certain political parties, candidates, and non-profit groups are able to request lists of registered voters for authorized uses only.


Q: What is political committee affiliation?
A: A political committee established, financed, maintained or controlled by a corporation, union, trade association, collective bargaining organization, federation of labor unions or any membership organization is automatically affiliated and shares a contribution limit with that entity.
Q: What is the political affiliation of each candidate?
A: The party affiliation of candidates for municipal office is not required or tracked.
Q: What is a provisional ballot?
A: If you go to the polls and they can't find your name in the pollbook, or there is some other question regarding your eligibility to vote, you will vote a provisional ballot. If you vote a provisional ballot and later provide the proper documentation to prove your eligibility, your vote will be counted.


Q: What is the matching funds program?
A: The matching funds program was enacted by Los Angeles voters and provides limited public funding to help qualified City candidates run their campaigns for elected office without relying on large donors or excessive fundraising.
Q: How do I qualify for matching funds?
A: 1. Set up a development environment on your computer.

2. Choose a web development framework to learn and use.

3. Learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

4. Use your chosen web development framework to build a simple web application.

5. Deploy your web application to a web server.
Q: How do I request matching funds?
A: You must file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible after an accident.
Q: When will I receive matching funds?
A: The Ethics Commission is responsible for reviewing and approving public funding claims. If your claim is approved, the Controller's office will issue payment within two business days.


Q: How many deputy treasurers may a candidate or political committee have?
A: Candidates for the Florida Cabinet can have 15 deputy treasurers, while other candidates and political committees can have up to 3.

The following is a list of all the deputy treasurers for the Florida Cabinet, including those who have resigned:


Diane H. Bedard

John A. Bedell

John A. Bedell

John A. Bedell

John A. Bedell

John A. Bedell
Q: How long are campaign records kept at the Division of Elections or the Supervisor of Elections Offices?
A: 10 years.
Q: What are the filing requirements if I become a candidate for City Council?
A: You must file a Report of Contributions and Expenditures if you cross the reporting threshold. To become an official candidate listed on the ballot, you must also file Nomination Petition(s), an Affidavit of Independent Candidacy, and a Disclosure of Substantial Private Business Interests.
Q: What constitutes political advertising?
A: Candidate campaigns may make complaints concerning alleged violations of election laws by calling the Attorney General Civil Bureau at (603) 271-3650 or the Elections Hotline at 1-866-868-3703.
Q: What basic requirements must political advertising for or against a candidate contain?
A: The name and address of the person or organization that paid for the advertisement.
Q: What are the basic requirements of political advertising if a candidate or candidate committee has not authorized it?
A: The advertisement must not be misleading in any way.

The advertisement must not make any false or unsubstantiated claims.

The advertisement must not be unfair or deceptive.

The advertisement must not be offensive.
Q: What are the basic requirements of a prerecorded political message (a/k/a "robo calls")?
A: It is a violation of RSA chapter 664 to remove, deface, or destroy political advertising on private property. The civil penalty for this violation is up to $1,000 per violation.
Q: What are the basic requirements of a push-poll?
A: A push-poll is a type of poll that is used to influence a voter’s opinion on a candidate or issue. In order to be considered a push-poll, the poll must meet certain criteria, including that it is conducted for purposes other than bona fide survey and opinion research.
Q: How do transfers work between a candidate’s previous committee to the existing one?
A: The value of any items donated from a previous committee to a new committee must be reported as an in-kind contribution on current committee reports. Any remaining funds held by the previous committee that are rolled over to the new committee should be reported as a monetary contribution.


Q: How is the value of an in-kind contribution determined?
A: If you give someone a $100 gift card, you must let them know that it's worth $100.
Q: How much public funding can I receive?
A: The City will match every dollar you receive from a qualified contributor, up to $114/$214 per contributor.
Q: How can I participate?
A: You may elect to participate in the matching funds program when you file Form 20. This form is an agreement to accept or reject matching funds and, if you accept, to abide by the program rules. The agreement is binding for both the primary election and the general election (if required).
Q: How much can a candidate accept in campaign contributions?
A: The attorney general of New Hampshire tells the secretary of state that the state will not enforce the fugitive slave law.
Q: How can I get more information on the Legal Defense Fund Act?
A: The Michigan Department of State will provide a web site with information and copies of the documents that are filed by the LDF and letters and notices issued by the Department to the LDF.


Q: Who is Eligible?
A: A candidate for Suffolk County Legislator may receive a maximum of $50,000 in public financing for a general election. If a candidate participates in both the primary and general elections; the maximum is $70,000 to cover designated eligible campaign expenditures. A candidate for Suffolk County Executive can receive a maximum of $1,000,000. If a candidate participates in both the primary and general elections; the maximum is $1,300,000 to cover designated eligible campaign expenditures.
Q: When does the City announce who is formally running for Council?
A: If you have turned in a Candidate Affidavit, you are considered an unofficial candidate. Once the Clerk’s Office receives a nomination petition with 25 valid signatures, you will become an official candidate.
Q: How does the City address sign violations?
A: The City of Fort Collins will remove signs from the public right-of-way proactively or upon receiving a complaint. If the signs are located on private property, the City will investigate the complaint to determine if a violation has occurred. If a violation is identified, the City will proceed with the standard code compliance process to remedy the issue.
Q: When does campaign finance reporting start for the future election?
A: You have to report your contributions and expenditures, but your first report isn't due until November 1 following reregistration of your committee.
Q: When is the next election?
A: The next election in Virginia is the primary election on June 9, 2020.


Q: What is considered false or misleading information?
A: Yes, failing to include required information, not signing the form, or being inconsistent with prior filings are all generally considered to be false or misleading.
Q: What is considered an elected position?
A: A candidate who is running for office is an office seeker.


Q: Where can political signs be posted?
A: It's illegal to put political ads on the side of a bus.
Q: Who can remove political signs?
A: There is no specific law in New Hampshire that requires political advertising to be removed from public property. However, RSA 664:14 does state that any political advertising that is placed on public property without the permission of the governing body is considered to be litter and can be removed.
Q: How does the City of Fort Collins regulate election signs?
A: The City of Fort Collins regulates temporary signs through its rules for temporary signs in the Land Use Code. These regulations dictate the allowed location, type, materials, and display duration of temporary signs in Fort Collins.
Q: Where can temporary (election) signs NOT be displayed?
A: Temporary signs are generally not permitted in the public right-of-way. If you have questions about whether a location is in the public right-of-way, please contact the Engineering Department at (970) 221-6605 or engineering@fcgov.com.
Q: Where can temporary (election) signs be displayed?
A: Temporary signs can be located on private property with the permission of the property owner. The number of signs allowed on a property depends on the use of that property, its zoning district, and the type of sign being displayed. For example, single-family homes and duplexes can display an unlimited amount of temporary yard signs, while other building types are more restricted. Regardless of the number of yard signs, each must be at least 2 ft. from all property lines and other signs
Q: How long can temporary (election) signs be displayed?
A: There is a maximum display duration based on the material, which refers to how long signs of a given type and material can be displayed per calendar year. There is also a maximum display duration per property, which refers to how long a property can display any temporary signs of each sign type per calendar year.
Q: How big can temporary (election) signs be?
A: A temporary yard sign located on a single-family family lot can have a maximum area of 6 sq. ft. and a maximum height of 4 ft.


Q: When are contribution and expenditure reports due?
A: The C-3 and C-4 reports are filed by political committees to report their financial activity. The C-3 report is filed before June 1 of the election year, and the C-4 report is filed after June 1.
Q: What are the consequences for removing someone else’s legally posted yard signs?
A: It is generally legal to remove yard signs, but there are some exceptions. Signs posted on a property without permission should be removed by, or at the direction of, the property owner. Signs in the public right-of-way should be reported to the Inspection Request Line (970.416.2200) so City staff can remove them and follow the procedure in the City Code to follow up with the apparent owner(s) and potentially dispose of the signs.
Q: What reports are owed?
A: The LDF must file Quarterly Transaction Reports that are due regardless of the level of activity of the LDF during the reporting period.
Q: What hours are the polls open?
A: You can vote as long as you are in line by 7:00 p.m.


Q: What must I show to establish good cause?
A: There is no specific formula or test to establish good cause, it is up to the City Clerk or Hearing Officer to decide based on the facts of the case.
Q: When does a committee register?
A: Political committees must file a registration statement (C-1pc) within two weeks of forming a committee or expecting to receive or spend funds (whichever occurs first), every political committee must file a registration statement (C-1pc) with the PDC.
Q: Who can vote in City elections?
A: You must reside in Fort Collins for at least 22 days and be registered to vote to vote in a City election.
Q: Why don't I get to vote for a District candidate?
A: District Councilmembers are nominated and elected by the voters in their District. The election of District Councilmembers alternates so that voters from Districts 1, 3, and 5 elect Councilmembers in one election, and voters from Districts 2, 4 and 6 elect Councilmembers in the next election. All Districts vote on candidates for the office of Mayor at every election (Elections are held April of odd-numbered years).
Q: Where can I get information about the candidates/issues?
A: The City Clerk's Office can provide contact information for candidates and committees upon request, but cannot provide information about a candidate's platform or the pros and cons of a particular issue.
Q: Where do I vote?
A: There are several locations where you can drop off your ballot in Larimer County, Colorado. You can find a map of these locations here.
Q: How do I register a LDF?
A: An elected official in Michigan must file a Legal Defense Fund even if the elected official only uses his or her own money.
Q: Where can I register to vote?
A: It's up to the voter.
Q: Where do I go to vote on election day?
A: 1. Go to the Virginia Department of Elections website.
2. Enter your address into the polling place lookup tool.
3. The system will show your polling place.


Q: How will redistricting affect my office?
A: You can find your local elections information at your local library, city hall, or county courthouse. If you don't know where those are, you can look them up online or give your local election office a call.
Q: When will I know my voter registration status?
A: If you have not received any information in the mail, you can check your status online at www.elections.virginia.gov/citizen-portal. If you cannot confirm registration online, please call your local general registrar.


Q: What happens after a complaint is filed?
A: If the City Clerk believes that a violation has occurred, they will issue an Order to Show Cause or to Cure. Otherwise, the matter will be considered closed.
Q: Where do I file PDC reports?
A: File all campaign reports with the PDC. Some committees may also have to file with their city clerk.
Q: How do I apply for an absentee ballot?
A: 1. Install the latest version of RStudio from the RStudio website.

2. Install R and RStudio from your distribution's repositories.

3. Install R and RStudio from source.
Q: How do I file a complaint?
A: If you have a complaint related to your registration or voting experience, you can contact your local election office, file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice, or file a lawsuit.

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