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Random 'consumer goods FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general consumer goods topic.



Q: Why has the CGF created the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI)?
A: The SSCI promotes good social and environmental practices in global supply chains by benchmarking third-party auditing and certification schemes.
Q: What is the difference between SSCI and GSCP?
A: The SSCI is a new initiative from the Consumer Goods Forum that provides a benchmarking and recognition tool for third-party auditing and certification schemes in the social compliance sector. The SSCI will not create another social compliance standard or provide a platform for audit sharing.
Q: What will the SSCI benchmark and recognition process look like?
A: The SSCI benchmark criteria are based on the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) self-assessment and independent expert review methodology. The first scope of the SSCI benchmark criteria consists of two main parts:

1. Requirements for food safety management systems (FSMSs)

2. Requirements for food safety audits


Q: What does CPSC do?
A: We work to reduce the unreasonable risk of injuries and deaths associated with consumer products.
Q: Where is CPSC located?
A: The CPSC is a government organization that regulates the safety of consumer products and educates the public about potential hazards.
Q: How can I contact CPSC?
A: Contact us by phone or using the contact form on our website.
Q: How can I get CPSC safety materials, including alerts, brochures and posters?
A: You can find all of our safety education materials on Many of them are available in hard copy, and you can order them by sending an e-mail to We have many posters available in English and Spanish.
Q: When will ConsumerAffairs contact consumers?
A: ConsumerAffairs is a consumer protection website that provides information about businesses to consumers. The website also offers a platform for consumers to leave reviews about businesses.
Q: Where can consumers get additional information?
A: To avoid being scammed, be sure to research businesses and individuals before sending them money. You can check with the Federal Trade Commission, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, your state attorney general, and/or the Better Business Bureau for more information.


Q: Who are we?
A: We are a for-profit company that offers information to consumers.
Q: How do we make money?
A: We make money from our authorized partner program where businesses pay us to participate. We may also earn money from certain businesses when you interact with them through our website or make a purchase in connection with such interaction.
Q: How are reviews sorted?
A: – This is a summary of the review, which is helpful for those who want to know the gist of the review without reading the entire thing.

Most recent – This is a list of reviews, sorted by most recent.

Most helpful – This is a list of reviews, sorted by most helpful.

Highest rated – This is a list of reviews, sorted by highest rated.

Lowest rated – This is a list of reviews, sorted by lowest rated.
Q: How are reviews collected?
A: ConsumerAffairs does not use a specific algorithm to generate reviews for Authorized Partners. Instead, ConsumerAffairs relies on a variety of sources to collect reviews.
Q: Who can see reviews?
A: We may share your reviews with others.
Q: Who can I target?
A: – we’ve got you covered.
Q: Who designs the survey?
A: Yes!.


Q: What is an Authorized Partner?
A: Our Authorized Partners are businesses in a wide variety of industries who pay us to participate in our Authorized Partner Program.
Q: What is the ConsumerAffairs Authorized Partner Program?
A: We're paid by some companies to write reviews.

What does this mean for you?

It means that we're paid by companies to write reviews. We are paid by companies to write reviews. We are paid by companies to write reviews. We are paid by companies to write reviews.

It does NOT mean that we're paid by companies to write positive reviews. It does NOT mean that we're paid by companies to write negative reviews. It does NOT mean that we're
Q: What is an “overall satisfaction rating”?
A: We’ve been getting a lot of feedback that we’re not doing a good enough job of letting people know that we’re an Authorized Partner. We’ve been working on a way to address this and we think we’ve found a solution. We’re going to start displaying “overall satisfaction ratings” on company profile pages, starting with the Authorized Partner Program companies.

If you have any questions, please let us
Q: How can a business seek to become an Authorized Partner?
A: We are looking for Authorized Partners to help us spread the word about our products. If you are interested in becoming an Authorized Partner, please contact us.
Q: What factors influence supply?
A: Demand refers to the amount of a good or service that people are willing and able to buy at a specified price, while supply refers to the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to supply at a specified price. The equilibrium price is where supply and demand meet and prices settle.


Q: How can I find out about recalls?
A: Use a search engine
-Check the website's FAQ
-Look for customer service contact information
-Ask a question in a relevant forum
-Read reviews
-Use social media
Q: How do I know if a company mentioned on your website is one of your Authorized Partners?
A: Authorized Partners are companies that have been vetted by us to be legitimate, safe and trustworthy.
Q: How can I tell whether a company profile is about one of your Authorized Partners?
A: If a company profile on Google+ has a blue checkmark next to its name, it is an Authorized Partner. If it does not have the blue checkmark, it is not an Authorized Partner.
Q: What Can You Tell Me About California Proposition 65 compliance?
A: There are a variety of federal laws and regulations that apply to labeling, ticketing and tagging of merchandise sold in the United States. The specialists at Quality Corrections & Inspections are equipped with the expertise and resources to handle high-volume projects and can help ensure that your products are in compliance with all applicable rules and requirements.


Q: How do I know if a review or a star rating has been updated?
A: If a consumer changes their review or star rating, the original and new reviews and star ratings will appear next to each other.
Q: What is a “featured review”?
A: An Authorized Partner can choose to feature reviews on their company profile page. These reviews are labeled in the top right corner of the review as “featured by” the Authorized partner.
Q: What are your review guidelines?
A: 1. Please be respectful to the author and other readers.

2. Please keep your review on topic and focused on the book.

3. Please avoid spoilers.
Q: What are the main components of your website?
A: Our website is a resource to help consumers make better purchasing decisions.

Our editorial team is comprised of industry experts, professional writers, and passionate researchers who strive to deliver accurate, up-to-date, and actionable information.

We take pride in our work and are constantly striving to improve our content and user experience.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Q: What are buyers guides?
A: We do not write buyers guides for all companies who sell a product or service.
Q: What are your survey capabilities?
A: We recommend a survey length of 10-15 minutes, and a design that is simple and easy to understand.


Q: How do I create a consumer account?
A: You can create an account on our website by clicking the Login button at the top right of the page, and picking a login method.
Q: What are the benefits of a basic account for businesses?
A: Basic accounts are free and never expire.
Q: What are the best use cases for this platform?
A: 1. We help brands with product development
2. We help brands with marketing
3. We help brands with sales
Q: What is the sizing of each Consumer Commodity garment?
A: Consumer Commodity will ship with the most economical and time efficient shipping depending on the size of your order.


Q: Why is a consumer product recalled?
A: Some of the recalled products are potentially dangerous, so make sure to check if you own any of them.
Q: How do companies respond to reviews?
A: Companies that participate in the ConsumerAffairs Authorized Partner program can respond to reviews, both publicly or privately.

Companies that have basic accounts can only respond to reviews publicly.
Q: What kind of product research do you do?
A: – We get products in consumers’ hands and homes for research and testing purposes.

If you’re interested in participating in a home user test, please sign up for our panel.

If you’re interested in conducting a home user test, please contact us.
Q: Who do you typically work with?
A: We help people who are looking to create or improve products and services. We work with teams mostly in product marketing, innovation, and insights, and founders.
Q: What kind of products can I test?
A: Brands typically test 1-5 of their own products, and some add in competitive products. The products we test most often are those that are new to the market, or that have recently been updated.
Q: How often do Highlight boxes go out?
A: We send boxes out once a quarter to keep the community excited, and to prevent survey fatigue.


Q: Why do some profile pages have more ratings than reviews?
A: I had a great experience with this company. They were able to help me get the best deal on my car and I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a new car.
Q: What do I do if I believe ConsumerAffairs is hosting information or material that infringes my copyright?
A: 1. Send an email to with your name, address, telephone number, and email address, and the following statement:

"I have a good faith belief that the use of the copyrighted material described above on the infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, or its agent, or the law. I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized
Q: What background or profile information do you offer on your community members?
A: We have very robust profiles on our community to help contextualize your feedback. This includes: Gender (preferred pronoun), Ethnicity, Relationship/Marital/Parental status, Employment Status & Industry, Household Income, Retailers and Categories Shopped, Purchasing Behaviors, Food Allergies, and some fun Psychographic/Persona Questions.
Q: How do you find your community members?
A: We have a community of engaged and trusted consumers who are motivated by the opportunity to discover new products and help make them better.


Q: How does your review moderation process work?
A: A review is marked as "fake" if it is a duplicate, spam, or if it does not meet our publishing standards.
Q: How do your matching tools work?
A: Our matching tools will suggest a partner, if one is available to satisfy the needs and preferences that the consumer has indicated. If no match is available based on the consumer’s responses (such as if we don’t have an Authorized partner who offers services in your geographical location) a page will appear saying that we could not find a match or suggesting that you call us to discuss further.
Q: What does the "Fact Checked" label mean?
A: Don't use Wikipedia as a source of information.
Q: How does the bundling work?
A: Our emerging brands tend to use our trial tier for robust results while maintaining cost efficiency. In this tier, brands are bundled with other products that go to a broader ‘better for you consumer’.
Q: How are the boxes branded from the outside in?
A: We’re excited to announce that Highlight is now offering monthly subscription boxes! You can choose from 3 different subscription tiers, each of which will be filled with 5 new products across categories.


Q: How long does it take for a review to be published?
A: We don't remove reviews unless they violate our Terms of Use or contain personally identifiable information.
Q: How big of a study should I run?
A: The sample size is dependent on how much you need to know about your audience. If you need to know a lot, you need a bigger sample size. If you need to know a little, you need a smaller sample size.
Q: How long does a study take?
A: It depends on your tier and how quickly you can get your product to us, but typically 1-4 weeks.

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