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Random 'court preliminary FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general court preliminary topic.



Q: Where do I find information on bail bonds?
A: The New York City Central Clerk's Office can provide you with a list of approved bail bondsmen.
Q: Where do I post cash bail?
A: In New York City, bail can be posted at the Department of Correction facility where the defendant is being held, or at any of the following locations:

-The Criminal Court building in the borough where the defendant was arrested
-The Criminal Court building in the borough where the case is being prosecuted
-The New York City Police Department precinct where the defendant was arrested
-The New York City Sheriff's Office
Q: How do I have cash bail refunded?
A: Generally, cash bail is refunded upon final disposition of the case. If you have not received your bail money within three weeks from the date the case was finished or the bail was exonerated, contact either the NYC Finance Dept. or the Central Clerks' Office.
Q: Where do I pay a fine, surcharge, or crime victim assistance fee?
A: You can pay your fines and surcharges in the Central Clerks’ Office. Acceptable forms of payment are certified checks, teller’s checks, money orders or cash. All payments must be made in the exact amount due.
Q: Where do I file a post-judgment motion?
A: The New York County District Attorney's Office must be served first, then the Motion Support Unit of the Supreme Court.
Q: Where did it happen?
A: A preliminary hearing is an important opportunity for your lawyer to learn about the evidence that the Commonwealth will try to offer against you and in support of the charges.
Q: Where can I find a list of fines and bail for Traffic & Non-traffic violations?
A: The police are allowed to stop you and question you at any time. The police are allowed to search you if they have probable cause to believe you are carrying drugs, a weapon, or stolen property. The police are allowed to arrest you if they have probable cause to believe you have committed a crime.


Q: How can I find an attorney?
A: Call the Association of the Bar of the City of New York Legal Referral Service at Phone: 212-626-7373 (English), Phone: 212-626-7374 (Spanish) or check the yellow pages of a local phone book.
Q: How do I find out where a case is pending?
A: The defendant's name will be posted in the lobby of 100 Centre Street, New York, NY 10013, in the Central Clerk's Office at 100 Centre Street, Room 1000, New York, NY 10013, 646-386-4000, and in the Clerk's Office at 111 Centre Street, Room 927, New York, NY 10013 646-386-4300.
-In addition, each court part has a calendar listing cases to be called
Q: How do I find out the tentative ruling?
A: Criminal
-Small Claims
Q: How long can I expect to wait until my case is called?
A: If you have a court date, plan to be there for the entire day. Court office hours are 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Q: Where is the Court located?
A: It is located in the Robert M. Isaac Municipal Court Building in downtown Colorado Springs.


Q: How do I obtain a copy of the minutes?
A: The case name, case number, and the date of the court proceedings.
Q: How do I obtain a certificate of disposition?
A: The Central Clerk's Office at 100 Centre Street in New York, NY can help you obtain a certificate of disposition. You will need to bring some information with you, including the case number.
Q: How do I apply for a Certificate of Relief from Civil Disabilities?
A: You can get a certificate of relief from civil disabilities if you were convicted of a crime in New York State. The form must be completed and notarized, and then submitted to the Central Clerk's Office. The form must then be signed by the sentencing judge and given to the Probation Department. The Probation Department will prepare a report and submit it to the judge with a recommendation. The judge will then render a decision either granting or denying the request.
Q: How can I obtain a copy of a criminal history record (rap sheet)?
A: You can get a copy of your criminal history record from the New York State Office of Court Administration for a fee of $95 per name, per county.


Q: How do I have my records sealed or expunged?
A: No, there is no way to seal or expunge a conviction.
Q: How do I obtain access to sealed records?
A: The defendant in a sealed case can access their own records by presenting a picture ID to a clerk in the Central Clerk's Office. Anyone else must get an unsealing order from a Supreme Court judge.


Q: How do I get vouchered property released?
A: You will need to get a copy of your Property Clerk's Receipt, a release from the District Attorney's office, and a certificate of disposition from the Central Clerk's Office. These items must be taken to the NYC Police Department's Property Clerk's Office, where vouchered property can be retrieved.
Q: When will I be released from pretrial services?
A: You have two business days to contact the pretrial office to set up an intake, and you will find out how often you must report when you meet with your pretrial officer.
Q: How do I get a judgment off my credit report?
A: The court cannot remove an item from your credit report. You should contact the credit reporting agency regarding information on your credit report.
Q: Where do I get forms for a lawsuit or small claims?
A: You can find most of the forms you need on our website by accessing the Forms Home Page.


Q: What is a bail remission motion and how do I file one?
A: A bail remission motion is a request for a refund of bail money that was forfeited.
Q: How can I order a court file that is not stored on-site?
A: You need the indictment number to request a file from the Central Clerk's Office. Court calendars can be found in either the Central Clerk's Office or in the court part in which the proceeding took place.
Q: How do I file a notice of appeal?
A: You have 30 days to file a notice of appeal from the date of sentencing.
Q: How do I file a Writ of Habeas Corpus?
A: 1. Take the Writ and Verified Petition to the Supreme Court - Civil Term.
2. Take the Writ to the Ex-Parte Motion Part.
3. If it is necessary for the Writ to be returnable the same day it is signed, you must obtain permission from the Judge assigned to the Grand Jury Part.
4. Serve a copy of the Writ and Verified Petition on the Office of the District Attorney.
5. Take the signed original Writ and Petition


Q: How can I correct misinformation or mistakes on my "rap sheet"?
A: Contact the Legal Action Center.
Q: What is an "Answer"?
A: If you have been served with a Summons, you must file a response (usually called an "Answer") before the deadline. If you fail to take any action at all, or fail to file the appropriate Answer, you may be subject to judgment without a court trial.
Q: What is an "ex parte"?
A: Ex parte communication is only allowed if all communication is in writing AND notice is given to the other party.


Q: What do I do if I miss a court date?
A: If you have a case pending in New York, you should contact the court to find out if you have been given a new date to appear. If you have not, and a warrant for your arrest has been issued, you should contact your attorney and appear in court as soon as possible.
Q: How do I know if my ticket is a Municipal Court charge?
A: If your summons:

-Was issued by a court in New York City, it is valid for one year from the date it was issued.

-Was issued by a court outside of New York City, it is valid for 60 days from the date it was issued.

-Is more than one year old, or more than 60 days old if it was issued outside of New York City, it is no longer valid.
Q: How do I contest a parking ticket?
A: To contest a parking ticket in Baldwin County, you must contact the Clerk of Court and schedule an appearance.


Q: What if my employer will not release me for jury duty?
A: You have been legally summoned for jury duty and unless you are deferred or excused, you must serve. Failure to report may result in a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment for up to three days. Your employment is protected while you serve.
Q: Where do I send the completed response card for my summons?
A: If you don't show up for jury duty, you may be fined up to $1,000 or imprisoned for up to three days.
Q: How do I submit my exhibits prior to the Zoom hearing?
A: Send evidence to the other side before the hearing.
Q: What can I do to resolve a warrant for my arrest?
A: If you have a warrant out for your arrest in Colorado Springs, you can resolve it by appearing in Room 108 of the Robert M. Isaac building at 224 East Kiowa Street during normal business hours (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM), Monday through Friday. If you are under 18, your parent or legal guardian must accompany you.
Q: What is a warrant?
A: A warrant is an order to arrest someone.


Q: What if I cannot comply with the judge's sentence?
A: If you don't understand what the judge has ordered, ask for clarification before leaving the court. Failing to comply with a court order can result in arrest.
Q: What happens when the judge announces my name?
A: If this is your first scheduled appearance date, you have the right to request a continuance.
Q: What happens if I don't pay the court ordered forfeiture or appear at a good cause hearing?
A: You could have your driver's license suspended, be placed in a debt collection program, or be ordered to spend up to 90 days in jail if you don't pay your forfeiture or appear in court as ordered.


Q: What if my appearance is marked mandatory/required but I reside a considerable distance from Baldwin, preventing me from appearing in person?
A: If you reside more than 50 miles from Baldwin, you may request an Appearance by Phone by filing a Motion to Appear by Phone with the Court.
Q: What if I fail to appear for a mandatory initial appearance?
A: If you fail to appear for a mandatory initial appearance, the judge may issue a bench warrant for your arrest.
Q: What is the purpose of an initial appearance?
A: The initial appearance session of the court is primarily for the purpose of entering your plea to the alleged violation of the law.
Q: What can I expect at the initial appearance court session?
A: The Clerk of Court will provide you with a defendant information form to complete and an outline of the court procedures. Just prior to the judge entering the court room, you will be reminded to remove your hat/cap and shut off/silence your phone and other electronic equipment. Please remain quiet while the court is in session; give others the courtesy to be heard and present their case. You will rise when the judge enters the court room and wait for your case to be called.
Q: What is the Wisconsin Debt Collection (SDC) Program?
A: If you don't pay your citation, the Baldwin Municipal Court may forward your debt to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue for collection.


Q: What is a guilty plea?
A: If you plead guilty, you will be found guilty.
Q: What is a plea of no contest?
A: A plea of no contest is a guilty plea, but it is not an admission of civil liability.
Q: What happens if I enter a plea of not guilty?
A: If you enter a plea of not guilty, you deny committing the offense and the matter will be adjourned to a later court date.


Q: What is a pre-trial conference?
A: It is a meeting to discuss the case with the prosecutor.
Q: How many pre-trial conferences will there be?
A: If you are charged with a crime, you need a lawyer. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, you need a good lawyer. If you are charged with a felony, you need a great lawyer. If you are charged with a serious felony, you need a lawyer with experience in the court where you are charged.

If your lawyer tells you that you should take a plea bargain, that is probably good advice. If your lawyer tells you that you should go to trial, that
Q: How will I find out what happened at the pre-trial conference?
A: ;

We will keep you updated on any new developments via e-mail and/or phone.
Q: What are normal business hours?
A: Normal business hours are from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Q: What is a pre-trial hearing?
A: If you are charged with a crime in the Village of Baldwin, you will be scheduled for a mandatory pre-trial hearing. At the hearing, you will have the opportunity to discuss a possible settlement with the prosecutor. The judge does not participate in the hearing nor does he/she have to accept any negotiated or amended charges.
Q: What happens if there is no settlement at the pre-trial hearing?
A: If your case is not resolved during the pre-trial hearing, a court trial will be scheduled.
Q: What is the procedure at a court trial?
A: You have the right to an attorney, to subpoena witnesses, and to be presumed innocent. The prosecution will present its witnesses and you will be able to cross-examine them. After all the evidence has been presented, the prosecution and the defense will each have an opportunity to summarize their case. The court will then decide whether to find you guilty or not guilty.
Q: What if I fail to appear for a pre-trial hearing or court trial?
A: You should not fail to appear at your pre-trial or court trial.
Q: What is an indigency/good cause hearing?
A: If you cannot pay your forfeiture, you may be able to appear before a judge to explain why and potentially have your forfeiture waived or reduced. You will need to bring documentation to support your claim of indigence.


Q: What if I need assistance appearing by Zoom?
A: 1. The court will provide you with a Zoom link to join the hearing.

2. You may also contact the court’s Self-Help Center for assistance prior to your hearing date by phone at (707) 521-6534 or by email at
Q: What if the citation is issued to a juvenile?
A: The court has jurisdiction over persons between the ages of twelve (12) and eighteen (18) charged with non-traffic ordinance violations. Juveniles have the same rights as adults with respect to pleas. A parent or legal guardian must accompany the juvenile to all hearings.
Q: What if the address on my citation is wrong or I move?
A: If you have any cases pending with the Baldwin Municipal Court, you must notify the court of your new mailing address or correct an address on a citation.

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