Ikedacenter.org / Cultural development

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why community itself is important
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key resources
social economic justice
soka education
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vision mission
2013 we the people
purchase books

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What Is Community, and Why Is It Important? | The Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning & Dialogue | Cambridge, MA

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http://useful-community-development.org/ 10.1useful-community-development.org

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https://www.ikedacenter.org/thinkers-themes/themes/community/what-is-community-responses 10.280.680.10.51yes69120011
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https://www.ikedacenter.org/publications 10.160.680.04-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ikedacenter.org/20th-anniversary 10.160.670.04-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ikedacenter.org/about/soka-biblio 10.160.660.04-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ikedacenter.org/about/vision-mission 10.160.650.04-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ikedacenter.org/ikeda-forum/2013-harding 10.160.640.04-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ikedacenter.org/books-publications/purchase 10.160.610.03-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ikedacenter.org/contact-information 10.160.570.03-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ikedacenter.org/thinkers-themes/themes/dialogue 10.160.460.03-1--1-1-1-100

Hubs from ikedacenter.org

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https://www.ikedacenter.org/thinkers-themes/themes/community/what-is-community-responses 110.280.680.40.51yes69120011

Random 'cultural development FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general cultural development topic.



Q: What do you mean by “walkable”?
A: A walkable district must be of a reasonable size, have safe pedestrian infrastructure, and not be bisected by unsafe areas.
Q: How do you write a profile?
A: The Cultural Atlas is a collaborative effort between researchers, editors, translators, religious leaders and members of the Australian community from diverse backgrounds, identities or familiarities. The goal is to create a resource that is accurate and relevant to a global audience.
Q: How we develop a religious profile?
A: We're currently working on the new website, which will be available soon.

We're currently working on the new website, which will be available soon. In the meantime, you can view our current progress on the website by clicking the "View Progress" button below.
Q: How will you use the resulting data?
A: The data can be used to improve the accuracy of predicting demand for a product or service.

In more detail:

The data can be used to improve the accuracy of predicting demand for a product or service. This can be done by using the data to build a model that better predicts demand, or by using the data to understand what factors influence demand.


Q: How can I get involved?
A: If you identify with a particular culture and would like to help develop its profile on the Cultural Atlas, please contact us.
Q: How can I work as a volunteer for UNESCO?
A: UNESCO's 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage protects ICH elements that help demonstrate the diversity of this heritage and raise awareness about its importance. Uzbekistan is a party to this Convention, and has several ICH elements inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists and Register.
Q: How can I provide my feedback?
A: Attend the free Community Forum on Saturday 13 October 2018, 1-4pm at the South Perth Community Hall.
Q: Where can I get the information about pricing?
A: Contact sales@cultureintelligence.io to get a custom plan and pricing for your team.


Q: What evidence do we have that the concept of Cultural Maturity is correct?
A: The concept of Cultural Maturity describes changes reordering today’s world and further changes that will be necessary of we are to have a healthy and rewarding human future. The concept helps us make sense of why these changes are important, what they ask of us, and how these further changes might be more in the cards that we might imagine.
Q: How was the draft Cultural Plan developed?
A: The City of South Perth is currently working on a Cultural Plan to create a vision for the City’s cultural future. The Plan will identify and prioritise key cultural initiatives that will contribute to the City’s vibrancy, identity and sense of place.

The Plan has been informed by community and stakeholder feedback received through a survey available online and hard copy, which was open between October 2017 and February 2018. Members of the community also provided feedback whilst attending the City
Q: What is the Cultural Plan?
A: The Cultural Plan 2019-2023 will set the vision, strategies and goals for cultural development in the City of South Perth over the next five years.
Q: Why is the Cultural Plan being developed?
A: | What does the Cultural Plan do?

The Cultural Plan provides a framework for the City to shape and enhance its cultural identity and diversity. It also identifies new options for cultural service delivery that enable the prioritisation of cultural resources.


Q: What is ‘culture’?
A: Culture is a way of life that encompasses the shared values, attitudes, and beliefs of a community, which have been influenced by historical, social, environmental, and economic experiences. The City of Perth's Cultural Plan seeks to define the city's unique culture by capturing what is important to the community and stakeholders.
Q: What are the brown stringy debris attached to my culture?
A: If you see bubbles in your kombucha, it means that your fermentation is going well!
Q: Why is my culture growing mold?
A: Kombucha can grow mold if you use too much sugar, if you use a moldy SCOBY, or if you don't keep your kombucha at the right temperature.

The most common reason kombucha grows mold is because the kombucha wasn't made with enough sugar.

Kombucha is a fermented beverage made with sweetened tea and a SCOBY. The SCOBY is a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast that ferments
Q: Why is culture important?
A: Culture is important for business performance, but is difficult to measure and manage. By visualizing the values in a team, a better shared understanding of the Actual culture is likely. This enables the team a data driven process for cultural development and optimisation towards an Aspired team culture to match the business strategy.
Q: What is Culture Intelligence?
A: Culture Intelligence is a SaaS (Software as a Service) that allows a leader to map the existing culture in a few hours. The leaders can use the data to improve communication and collaboration within their organization.
Q: What is meant by “campus climate”?
A: The campus climate is the overall feeling that students, faculty, and staff get when they are on campus. It includes the physical environment, the social environment, and the academic environment.
Q: What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) process for this study?
A: The Institutional Review Board (IRB) process is a set of procedures that are followed in order to ensure the safety and ethical integrity of a research study. This process includes a review of the study protocol by a panel of experts, as well as a review of the informed consent forms and other materials that will be used in the study. The IRB process also includes a review of the data that will be collected during the study, in order to ensure that the study is designed


Q: Where can I find a general overview, standards & criteria, and how to qualify for the State’s investment?
A: No specific guidelines are given, but cities and towns should assess their readiness to establish a Cultural District.
Q: What does the term “Qualified Administrator” mean?
A: No, the inventory is not meant to disqualify anyone from pursuing ministry. It is meant to help individuals gain insight into their current abilities in relating to people of other cultures and to provide a basis from which to self-evaluate, educate, inform, and grow.
Q: How can I get trained as a Qualified Administrator of the IDI so I am qualified to do the debriefs and have access to the administer the profile?
A: The IDI is a cultural awareness assessment that takes 45-60 minutes to complete. A debrief is required to receive the results of the assessment and takes 30-45 minutes to complete.


Q: How often should I feed my culture?
A: You should feed your sourdough culture once every 24 hours using 1 part starter, 1 part water, 2 parts flour.
Q: What flours can I feed my sourdough culture?
A: You can feed your starter any flour you choose. We recommend using organic bread flour; however, you are able to use any flour you like.
Q: How to feed a starter?
A: You should feed your starter 1/2 cup starter, 1/2 cup of water, and 1 cup of flour every 24 hours.
Q: What temperature should my should my culture be when fermenting?
A: The ideal temperature for fermenting kombucha is 69-81º F.
Q: How often do I need to re-culture a heirloom yogurt culture?
A: To ensure your culture lasts indefinitely, you must re-culture at least every 7 days to maintain viability.
Q: What tempeture should I culture my yogurt at?
A: It depends on the starter culture you are using.
Q: Why Should Fulton County Support the Arts?
A: The arts are important for the community, children, and economy.


Q: Where will we go from there?
A: The city of Somerville is conducting a series of community conversations in order to develop a cultural capacity plan.
Q: How do I prevent a burnt bottom on my bread?
A: If the bottom of your bread is burning but the rest of your bread is baking normally, there are a few techniques you can try to stop the bread from burning.

You can try:

-Reducing the oven temperature
-Moving the bread to a lower rack
-Baking the bread on a preheated baking sheet
-Brushing the bottom of the bread with oil
Q: How to prevent bread from sticking?
A: If your sourdough is sticking to the baking stone, preheat for 25–30 minutes before adding your sourdough. If that doesn't work try to place the dough on parchment paper.


Q: Why doesn’t every Oregonian do this?
A: If you make less than $50,000, you can get up to $50 in tax credits by giving to Oregon Cultural Trust. If you make more than $50,000, you can get up to $500.

How to make a matching contribution

1. Go to www.culturaltrust.org/donate.

2. Enter your information, including your email address.

3. Choose how much you want to give. You can give a one
Q: How do I tell if my culture is moldy?
A: If your kombucha has any mold on it, you should discard it.
Q: When do I retire a culture?
A: When your culture is dark brown and can be ripped apart easily, it's time to start a new one.
Q: How do I store my culture?
A: Store your kombucha culture on a countertop in a glass jar with 1-2 cups of starter liquid and a cloth secured with a rubber band. Feed your culture every 4 weeks with a cup of caffeinated tea and 1/3 cup of sugar.
Q: How much liquid do I need to start my culture?
A: 1-2 gallons of starter liquid per gallon of kombucha.
Q: How do I know when my yogurt is set?
A: You will know your yogurt is set once it is one solid mass that can be pulled away from the side of the container.
Q: How should I store my cultured cheese?
A: You should store your cultured cheese in the fridge or freezer, and you should store your unused rennet in the freezer.
Q: How do I know if I've successfully made kefir?
A: You can tell if you have successfully made kefir by checking the state of your kefir. Milk kefir should begin to thicken and have a sour, tangy taste. Water-based kefir should begin to bubble when moved and have a sour taste.


Q: What kind of milk can I use?
A: You can use any kind of milk with any yogurt starter culture. However, if you are using raw milk, be sure to follow special instructions for raw milk. Non-dairy and alternative kinds of milk are also viable options; however, you will likely want to use thickeners that can be found here.
Q: What milks can I use to make milk kefir?
A: – Yes! You can use any milk to make kefir.

Can you use any milk to make kefir?

Yes, you can use any milk to make kefir. You can use cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, buffalo milk, or any other mammal’s milk. You can even use plant-based milks, such as almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, or soy milk
Q: What kind of data are collected during the survey?
A: The answer is "both."


Demographics are the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, income, race, etc. We collect demographic data in order to better understand our audience and to target our marketing efforts.

Value Preference

Value preference is the type of data that tells us what someone values, such as their preferred type of content, their preferred method of communication, etc. We collect value preference data in order to better understand how


Q: How long will finished yogurt last?
A: You can keep homemade yogurt in the fridge for up to 2 weeks.
Q: How long does whey last?
A: Whey will last about 6 months in the refrigerator, however, if it looks or smells bad at any point, discard the whey.
Q: How long will my cheese last?
A: Your cheese will last 7–10 days in the fridge and 6–9 months in the freezer.
Q: How long can I store finished kefir?
A: You can store milk kefir in the fridge for up to 2 weeks. Just make sure to give it a good shake before serving.


Q: Why are some cultures missing?
A: There is no specific order in which new cultural profiles are published on the Cultural Atlas website. The order is determined by the size of the migrant population for each culture in Australia, as per the 2016 Housing and Population Census.
Q: What are the types of yogurt starters?
A: There are two types of yogurt starters: direct-set mesophilic heirloom and thermophilic heirloom cultures. Heirloom cultures are reusable and can make unlimited batches of yogurt if the culture is properly taken care of.
Q: What are the types of cheese cultures?
A: There are two types of cheese cultures: mesophilic and thermophilic. Mesophilic cheese is the easier of the two cultures to work with and is best for beginners. Thermophilic cheese cultures consist of Mozzarella, Parmesan, and Ricotta and sometimes work in conjunction with mesophilic cultures.


Q: How does UNESCO protect World Heritage sites?
A: UNESCO is an international organization that contributes to the building of peace, the reduction of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue. It has a unique role to play in strengthening the foundations of lasting peace and equitable and sustainable development.
Q: How long does it take to make cultured cheese?
A: It generally takes about 3–6 hours to make cultured cheese at home from start to finish.
Q: How long does it take for kefir grains to rehydrate?
A: Kefir grains can be rehydrated after being dried out, but it may take up to a week for them to become fully active again. During this time, a layer of foam or froth may form on the surface of the milk due to an overgrowth of yeast.


Q: Why is my bread so dense?
A: The density of your sourdough bread is determined by the amount of fermentation that occurs. If your kitchen is warm, you will need to ferment your dough for a shorter period of time. If your kitchen is cold, you will need to ferment your dough for a longer period of time.
Q: Why did my cheese never formed to a solid mass?
A: There are two primary causes of your cheese not forming a solid mass. The first is that your curd was not allowed to sit and fully form before cutting the curd. The second is using high-temperature pasteurized milk. To correct this, try to check the label or try to use a local brand of milk, as these are generally less pasteurized.
Q: Why did my curd disintegrate while heating?
A: Your curd is disintegrating because it was not fully formed, or because your milk is too acidic. To correct the milk being too acidic, reduce the citric acid to 1 tablespoon.
Q: Why isn't my cheese curd stretching?
A: If your curd isn't stretching, it's likely that your curd isn't hot enough. Try heating your curd more to warm it before stretching. If your curd is still not stretching after heating for the additional time, you may need to start over and use more citric acid (1 3/4 to 2 teaspoons of citric acid).
Q: Why is my cheese dry?
A: If your cheese is dry, try reducing the temperature the curd is heated to (105°–110°F). You can also try decreasing the amount of citric acid to 1 1/4 teaspoons. If your cheese is still dry, attempt to cover the curd immediately with cold water once the stretching process is complete.
Q: Why does my ferment have a pungent odor?
A: If your cultured vegetables smell bad, try leaving them for another 3-5 days. If they still smell bad, you may need to start over.
Q: Why is a positive climate important?
A: A positive climate is important because it creates a positive feedback loop that helps maintain Earth's habitability.

A positive climate is important because it creates a positive feedback loop that helps maintain Earth's habitability. The greenhouse effect is one example of a positive feedback loop related to climate. The greenhouse effect occurs when greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, causing the Earth's surface to warm. This warming then causes more greenhouse gases to be released, which trap more heat, causing the Earth's surface to


Q: What are the next steps?
A: Make sure you have a say in the future of our local area!

Feedback closes at 4pm, Tuesday 23 October 2018.

You can have your say in several ways:

Complete the online form below

Complete the paper form and drop it off at the Customer Service Centre or the Library

Email your feedback to communitydevelopment@mackay.qld.gov.au

If you require further assistance, please contact Customer Service on 1300 M
Q: What are kefir grains?
A: Kefir grains are small, gelatinous white ball clusters that are packed full of beneficial yeast and bacteria. Kefir grains can be used to make a probiotic-rich milk drink that has a variety of health benefits.
Q: What is the difference between kefir grains and powdered kefir?
A: Kefir grains are live bacteria, while the powder is freeze-dried and needs to be reactivated.
Q: What is the ratio of kefir grains to liquid?
A: 1 teaspoon of grains per cup of water.


Q: Why did my vegetables turn colors?
A: If you see any off-colored veggies in your jar of kraut, discard the batch.
Q: Why are my vegetables dull or faded?
A: If your vegetables are dull in color, they are probably safe to eat. If they smell and taste pleasant, they are almost certainly safe to eat.
Q: Why are my vegetables soft and mushy?
A: The most common cause of soft, mushy vegetables is high culturing temperatures.
Q: How can I fix vegetables that are too salty?
A: If your sauerkraut is too salty, mix in more fresh vegetables or dilute the brine with additional water. You can also soak the vegetables in fresh water for 2-3 days to draw out some of the salt.


Q: Why is RISD conducting a climate assessment?
A: RISD is conducting a climate assessment to better understand how to make the campus more sustainable and to identify strategies to reduce the school's carbon footprint.

RISD is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and making the campus more sustainable. In order to do this, the school needs to better understand its current energy use and emissions. The climate assessment will help RISD to identify strategies to reduce energy use and emissions on campus. Additionally, the assessment will help the school to develop a plan
Q: What will the climate assessment entail?
A: The climate assessment will entail a comprehensive analysis of the Earth's climate, including its natural variability and human-induced changes.

The assessment will be based on the latest scientific understanding of the Earth's climate, including its natural variability and human-induced changes. It will take into account the latest observations of the climate system, the results of climate model simulations, and our understanding of the underlying physical, chemical, and biological processes. The assessment will also consider the effects of climate change on other aspects
Q: Who will be conducting the assessment?
A: The assessment will be conducted by a team of qualified assessors.
Q: How will the survey questions be developed?
A: The survey questions will be developed by a team of experts in the field of survey design. This team will work with the client to ensure that the questions are relevant to the research goals and that they are worded in a way that is clear and easy to understand.

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