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Random 'european elections FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general european elections topic.



Q: Who is eligible to vote?
A: If you were a member of the organization on January 1, 2022, and your membership is not suspended, you are eligible to vote. This includes full members, as well as student members.
Q: Who cannot vote?
A: No, medical and basic science students with ESMO Student membership are not eligible to vote in elections.
Q: Who is eligible to vote during the extended voting period?
A: you need to be a Full Member of the ECA as of 1 January 2022 and not have had your membership suspended due to non-payment of the membership fee.

How to vote?

Voting is done via the ECA Member Portal.

If you are a Full Member of the ECA, you should have received an email with the subject line “Important information regarding the ECA Member Portal” on 10 January 2021. This email contains your username and password
Q: Who is eligible to be registered ?
A: The main criteria to register to vote are residency, age, and nationality.


Q: How can I vote?
A: You can vote for the Executive Board positions by clicking here to login to your myESMO area and access the election voting page.
Q: When can I vote?
A: The vote is open to all members of the PSF. If you are not a member, you can join the PSF here.

You can vote in this year’s PSF Board of Directors election by visiting this link.

You will need to enter your PSF username and password to vote.

If you do not know your username or password, you can retrieve them by visiting this link.

If you have any questions about the voting process
Q: How to obtain NGOs consultative status with ECOSOC?
A: The Economic and Social Council is responsible for a variety of functions and powers related to the economic and social welfare of the world. These include holding short sessions and preparatory meetings, as well as coordinating operational activities and humanitarian affairs. The Council also has the power to recommend consultative status to NGOs.
Q: Who can be added to the register?
A: At least 18 years old on the day of the election
-A British, Irish, Commonwealth, or European Union citizen
-Residing in England, Scotland, or Wales
-Not legally excluded from voting
-Not convicted of a corrupt or illegal practice
Q: How does a Tory leadership contest work?
A: May will be ousted as Conservative leader, triggering a leadership contest. She could stay on as prime minister, but is also likely to resign, making way for a caretaker prime minister.


Q: How do I know if my vote has been registered?
A: If you have voted in the online election, you will see in your myESMO area that you have participated in the online election.
Q: How do I check that I'm Registered to Vote ?
A: You can check whether you are registered to vote by contacting the Electoral Registration Office for the Lothian Area.
Q: How do I get on the Electoral Register ?
A: You can register to vote online at or by calling 0131 344 2500.
Q: Why has someone come to my house to ask me for information?
A: You should contact your local Electoral Registration Officer if you have any questions about the electoral register or voting in elections.


Q: What system does the European Parliament use for its elections?
A: Each member state of the EU uses a different system of Proportional Representation to elect its representatives to the European Parliament.
Q: Who selects the candidates for ESMO President?
A: The ESMO Nomination Committee is responsible for nominating candidates for the ESMO Presidency and ESMO Director positions on the Executive Board.
Q: How are the candidates appointed for the positions?
A: The four candidates with the most votes will be appointed to the Executive Board. If there is a tie, the President gets to vote.
Q: What are the major changes to the voting system at the Eurovision Song Contest?
A: The public will vote for which countries go to the finals.


Q: Why are you also introducing an additional Rest of World vote?
A: The Eurovision Song Contest will now allow people from non-participating countries to vote online.
Q: How will you ensure the Rest of the World vote is fair?
A: You can only vote from your country if it is participating in the Contest. Otherwise, you can vote from any country using a credit card.
Q: Why have you decided to make these changes now?
A: The Eurovision Song Contest is a massive, international live music event that is regularly updated to keep it relevant and exciting.


Q: Why allow Juries to vote in the Grand Final if their votes are no longer used in the Semi-Finals?
A: The national jury vote for the Grand Final allows for the best qualitative ranking of all participants and ensures that the winner is decided on the broadest criteria.
Q: What are the circumstances in which a Jury vote will be used in the Semi-Finals?
A: If you don't vote in the semi-finals, your jury vote won't count.
Q: What does it mean for the Brexit vote in parliament?
A: The Conservative leadership election process is expected to take several weeks, and may not be completed until January. The vote on May's Brexit deal is still scheduled for January 21.


Q: What is the Participation Quorum?
A: If less than 10% of the people who are eligible to vote do so, the president has the option of extending the voting period by ten days.
Q: What should I do if I have no Internet access or no device with which I would like to vote?
A: You must have a WWU IT user ID and password to vote.
Q: What happens if there is neither a valid televote or jury vote from a participating country?
A: If there is no televote or jury vote in a country, then the votes from countries with similar voting records will be used.
Q: Why is Theresa May facing a vote of no confidence?
A: 15% of MPs write letter to 1922 committee chair, triggering confidence vote in May. Most of those who have publicly said they wrote a letter are Brexiteers angry with May’s Brexit deal, which they believe is likely to keep the U.K. too close to EU rules.
Q: What happens if May wins the vote?
A: Yes, the margin of victory matters. A big win would give her a strong mandate to continue as party leader and prime minister. A small win would make her position more tenuous and could lead to more challenges to her leadership in the future.

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