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Random 'figure Skating FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general figure Skating topic.



Q: How Long Does It Take To Learn to Ice Skate?
A: It can take 4-10 lessons to learn the very basic skills, but it can take quite a while to progress past the very basics.
Q: What is the Best Age to Learn to Ice Skate?
A: There is no ideal age to learn ice skating. It is never too late to start learning.
Q: How Long Does It Take to Pass Figure Skating Tests?
A: The amount of time you spend practicing your skating skills and free skate will vary depending on your level of skill and experience.


Q: What Kind of Ice Skates Should I Buy?
A: It is best to buy your own skates as soon as you start skating seriously. This will allow you to get the most out of your skating lessons and progress more quickly.
Q: What should I look for when I buy skates?
A: Warm clothing, layers, no jeans, gloves or mittens, and good quality skates with firm ankle support are all important for beginner skaters.
Q: What kind of helmet should I buy?
A: You should not use a sporting goods store or arena pro shop to sharpen figure skates. Skaters must wear a CSA approved hockey helmet while on the ice.
Q: What happens at the end of CanSkate?
A: The FHFSC cannot provide make-up classes for any reason, and will only provide refunds for medical reasons. Skaters who excel may be moved up to a higher group, and skaters who fall behind may be moved to a lower group.
Q: What about Skates?
A: Skaters should have their own skates, which should be fitted by a skate shop or qualified skate dealer.
Q: What are the general on ice rules and ice etiquette?
A: Don't stand in the middle of the ice, skate around the rink quickly, and be aware of other skaters. If you fall, get up quickly.
Q: Why should I join The Skating Club of Vail?
A: The Skating Club of Vail's membership provides benefits such as eligibility to compete in USFSA sanctioned competitions, eligibility to test in front of USFSA qualified testing panels, and a subscription to Skating Magazine.


Q: Why Do I Need Pay A Membership Fee Every Year?
A: U.S. Figure Skating is a non-profit organization that promotes interest and participation in figure skating. It offers programs for skaters of all ages and abilities, and provides benefits for members, including access to competitions, exhibitions, and other figure skating activities.
Q: Why is there a Skate Canada Membership fee?
A: The Skate Canada fee is necessary at the national level to allow Skate Canada to sustain existing programming and to move forward with initiatives such as a national advertising campaign to promote CanSkate and rolling out CPC to all levels of competition, while maintaining a balanced budget.


Q: When Can I Learn All the Tricks, Like Jumps & Spins?
A: Skating is hard and proper technique is necessary to be a good skater.
Q: What are PSA Ratings & Why Do They Matter?
A: The PSA Rating System is for coaches who want to validate their skills and teaching experience.
Q: What are PSA Rankings?
A: The PSA’s ranking system is a way to objectively compare the skating abilities of different skaters. It is used by coaches, judges, and skaters themselves to help improve their skating and to find out where they stand in relation to other skaters.
Q: What do skaters do with the gifts they receive?
A: Skaters usually keep the gifts they are given at competitions, but if they receive a lot of gifts, they might donate some to charities.


Q: How Do I Become a Skating Coach?
A: There is more to being a coach than just knowing how to skate. Coaches need to be able to teach skating technique, be organized and have good people skills.
Q: How do I become a Figure Skater?
A: The best way to learn how to figure skate is to join a figure skating club and take group lessons in the Learn to Skate USA program. You can also buy freestyle ice time and take private lessons from a coach.
Q: What do you do outside of skating?
A: The University of Maine Synchronized Skating team is a student-run organization that meets once a week to practice skating. The team competes in competitions and also puts on an annual show. Dues are $30 a semester for recreational skaters and $60 for competition team skaters.
Q: How do I choose a private coach?
A: The cost of private lessons is split between the club for ice time and the coach for instruction. Make sure you know the coach's policy on missed lessons, and communicate directly with the coach about progress, problems, or absences. A good working relationship between a skater and a coach is crucial.
Q: How do I coordinate my skater's ice with a lesson from their coach?
A: 1. Talk to coach first to establish weekly schedule

2. Home club members must contract for two sessions during each contract period

3. Skaters in Junior Club must contract for one session during each contract period


Q: What Is a Standing Lesson?
A: A standing lesson is when you have a day and time for your lessons reserved with your coach weekly.
Q: What is Figure Skating?
A: Figure skating is a graceful Olympic sport with a 150-year history that is practiced year-round on indoor ice rinks. Skaters work very hard to create the illusion that figure skating is easy. There are five disciplines within figure skating: singles, pairs, ice dance, synchronized skating, and theatrical skating.
Q: What are the responsibilities of figure skating parents?
A: The Flagstaff Figure Skating Club (FFSC) is a skating club that offers skating lessons and practices for its members. The club charges its members to use the ice in order to cover its costs. Skaters use ice time to have lessons with their coach and to practice their skills when not in lessons. Skaters can also practice figure skating on public sessions offered by the ice rink.
Q: What is proper figure skating attire?
A: Wear a skating dress or skirt with warm tights, bodysuit or warm-up pants. Male skaters should wear straight-legged stretch pants and sweater.
Q: How do I join the Eden Prairie Figure Skating Club?
A: The EPFSC is a skating club that offers membership to skaters of all levels. Home Club membership is the most common type of membership, and allows skaters to skate at the Eden Prairie facility and compete in competitions. Associate and Junior Club memberships are also available for skaters who wish to skate at Eden Prairie while maintaining their home club status at another club, or for developing skaters who want to participate in small-group lessons.
Q: Where can I purchase figure skates?
A: Pierce Skate Ski and Westwood Sports are both reputable sources for figure skates and skate sharpening. When purchasing new skates, it is important to consult with a coach or experienced skate store employee to ensure you are getting the right size, fit and blade for your level.
Q: What is the appropriate skating attire?
A: Skating dresses or skirts with skating tights or athletic skating pants are required when skating. Club jackets may also be worn.
Q: What is your ratio of children to coaches?
A: Parents can watch from the bleachers, but are asked to let the coaches take care of the lessons and not interact with the kids unless they need help.


Q: Why Shouldn't I Wear Knee Pads or Snow Pants?
A: Knee pads are not recommended for roller derby.
Q: How are skaters assigned to competitions?
A: There are a few ways that skaters can qualify for major competitions. For most competitions, skaters are either assigned by their federations based on internal criteria, or invited by the host country in the case of the senior Grand Prix Series.
Q: What kind of music are skaters allowed to use?
A: Skaters can use almost any kind of music.
Q: What kind of costumes are skaters allowed to wear?
A: No, but it can result in deductions.


Q: How do I get an email sent out to club members?
A: Learn to skate classes are offered through EPIC and are the best way to get started
-Private lesson costs vary depending on the coach giving the lesson and the duration of the lesson
-Skaters who have passed their Pre-Preliminary tests (and higher) and are full home club members of FCFSC may audition for a featured part in December
-Competition decisions are at the discretion of the skater and his/her coach
-The Mile High Figure Sk
Q: How is CanSkate different from the local rec program?
A: The CanSkate program is a nationally recognized learn-to-skate program for beginners of all ages. It was developed by experts to teach the fundamentals of skating in a progressive and sequential manner. Our highly trained Skate Canada NCCP Certified professional coaches will make sure that your child has all the tools needed to learn the basics needed for all types of ice sports.
Q: How to I get information from the club once I'm a member?
A: The Figure Skating Club has a file folder set up for each skater in the black file cabinet in the Figure Skating Club room. This is where you will find most of the club communications and information. If your email address should change, please let the Membership Chair know immediately.
Q: How can families get involved in the EPFSC?
A: The Eden Prairie Figure Skating Club is currently seeking volunteers for the following positions:

-Board Member
-Skating Coach
-Special Events Chair


Q: What are "Buy-ins"?
A: The Club encourages skaters to contract their ice as much as possible to save on costs. A buy-in session is an extra session in a week that a skater is not contracted to skate, and the cost for a buy-in session is $3 more than a contracted ice session.
Q: How do "Exchanges" work?
A: You can exchange sessions if you miss a session, but you must do so within a three-week window.


Q: What are the Requirements to be a Figure Skating Coach?
A: 1. Complete the SafeSport Training (free)

2. Complete the USFS background check ($35)

3. Complete the USFS Professional Membership ($50)

4. Complete the USFS Professional Development Program ($75)

5. Complete the USFS Coach Certification Program ($200)

1. Complete the SafeSport Training (free)

The Center for SafeSport is a national nonprofit dedicated to ending all forms of abuse in sport.
Q: What options are usually available for watching competitions?
A: There are many ways to watch figure skating competitions, including TV, online streams, and live streams. The best way to find out how to watch a particular competition is to check the official website or the websites of the various TV channels and streaming services that might be broadcasting it.
Q: What is Rink Monitor Duty and what are my requirements?
A: The parent rink monitor's duties include checking in skaters, monitoring skater behavior, and being available in case of an emergency. Parents are expected to complete their rink monitor requirements each ice contract period and for each skater. If they do not complete their monitor requirements, they will be billed the monitor buyout fee.
Q: What are the Fundraising Requirements?
A: All club members are required to participate in the club's fundraising activities. The club offers a Fundraising Buyout Option for those who do not wish to sell items, but the option still requires a financial contribution from the skater/member.


Q: How Often Should I Practice & Take Lessons?
A: One of the most common reasons for skaters to stall is lack of practice. If you want to improve your skating, make sure to practice regularly.
Q: When should my skates be sharpened?
A: Skate sharpening is a process of honing the blade of an ice skate to create a sharp edge. This is done using a skate sharpener, which is a machine that uses abrasive wheels to grind down the blade. Skate sharpening is important for both safety and performance, and it is recommended that skaters sharpen their blades after every 30 to 50 hours of ice time.
Q: What should I have in my skate bag?
A: Skaters need a few basic items in order to skate safely and comfortably. These include a pair of skates, skate guards, a soft rag, fabric blade covers, a screwdriver, a helmet, hair elastics and clips, gloves or mittens, and warm clothing.
Q: How often should I have my blades sharpened?
A: Skaters should have their figure skates sharpened by a professional sharpener when they start to notice the blades feel dull. Skates should be dried off after use, and stored in a dry place with cloth blade covers to protect them from rust or nicks.


Q: How can the technical panel tell if a flutz wasn’t actually a planned flip, or if a lip wasn’t actually a planned lutz?
A: I don’t know.

(I’m not a coach, but I do have a lot of friends who are coaches, and I’ve also read a lot of books on the subject. I’ve also been skating for over 20 years, mostly competitively. I’m not an expert, but I do have a lot of experience.)
Q: What if I cannot afford the costs?
A: The cost of group lessons is $60 per session, and specialty classes are available for advanced skaters for $50 per session. Private and semi-private lessons are also available.
Q: What if I don’t have time to Volunteer?
A: The Skating Club of Vail requires an adult family member/legal guardian to join with each minor skater who tests at the pre-preliminary level or above. The skater will need to join as a Full member and as the adult, you will need to join as a Supporting member.


Q: How do I tell jumps apart?
A: Jumps are a type of skating move where the skater takes off from one foot and lands on the other.
Q: How do I change private coaches?
A: Talk to your coach about your concerns
- If you decide to switch, do it respectfully
- Keep communication open with your new coach
Q: How does my child register in the figure skating program?
A: The CanSkate program prepares skaters for all types of ice sports. If your child shows an interest in continuing in figure skating, talk to a club coach.
Q: When do lessons start?
A: Skaters should dress in warm, loose-fitting clothing that won't restrict their movement. New skaters will be placed in either Snowplow Sam 1 or Basic 1, and returning skaters will be placed in the level they tested to the previous year. Lessons start on October 11, 2022 at the Windom Arena.
Q: How do I register?
A: All of our instructors are background-checked, certified lifeguards with CPR/AED/First Aid certification.

All of our instructors are background-checked and certified lifeguards with CPR/AED/First Aid certification.

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