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Random 'food FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general food topic.



Q: Who can donate food?
A: You can donate canned foods and dry goods as an individual, but you need to be a licensed food vendor to donate perishable meal donations.
Q: What are benefits of donating?
A: Yes!

Yes. You can still use the app if you already donate food to a local organization. We encourage you to use the app to track your donations and to share your donations with your network.
Q: What are the aims of Food Compass?
A: Food Compass is a food rating system that uses science to help determine the healthfulness of different foods. It was first produced in 2021, and continues to be evaluated and improved.
Q: What are your health and COVID-19 policies for volunteer events?
A: We’re not responsible for any illness or injury that may occur during your stay.


All reservations must be made through our website. We do not accept reservations via email or phone.


Check-in is from 3pm-8pm. If you need to arrive outside of those hours, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance.


Check-out is at 11am. If you need
Q: Why don’t volunteers get to take a little of the recovered food home?
A: Food Forward is a nonprofit that rescues fresh produce from farmers markets, fruit trees, and wholesale produce markets that would otherwise go to waste. We donate this produce to local hunger relief agencies. We are not a food pantry or a food bank.
Q: What are Potentially Hazardous Foods?
A: Cottage food operations in Georgia are limited to the production of non-potentially hazardous foods that do not require time and/or temperature control for safety. Potentially hazardous foods are those that require refrigeration to keep them safe for human consumption.
Q: What categories of food establishments are licensed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (MDARD)?
A: A grocery store is a retail store that sells food. A convenience store is a retail store that sells food and other items. A party store is a retail store that sells food and other items for parties. A bakery is a retail store that sells baked goods. A fish market is a retail store that sells fish. A butcher shop is a retail store that sells meat. A candy store is a retail store that sells candy. A produce market is a retail store that sells fruits and vegetables.


Q: Where are the products prepared?
A: The products are prepared at the place where they have originated from or are well known and famous.
Q: What guarantees freshness for the products ordered?
A: Tredy Foods is a new company that is striving to provide fresh and quality products to its customers. The company has systems in place to source the best products and safely consign them to the customers. Even though the company doesn't stock the products, it believes that centralising the whole despatch process would lead to economies of scale and allow quality checks.
Q: Where are my products purchased from?
A: Tredy Foods is an online store that sells traditional food items and snacks. The store has a wide network to source products and have them sent to you.
Q: Where does the food go?
A: Your donations will be used to feed hungry people!.
Q: Where can I store ingredients and finished products for my Cottage Food Operation?
A: No, you can't sell pet treats under the Cottage Food Law.


Q: What about Fruits?
A: We sell Mangoes during peak-Mango season and they are of superior quality.
Q: What about Refunds?
A: If you have purchased a product from a store and it is not working as intended, you may be able to return the product and receive a refund. However, this is not always the case, and it may depend on the store's return policy, as well as the reason for the return. If you are not satisfied with a product, it is always best to contact the store directly to inquire about their return policy.
Q: How about packing?
A: We take packing very seriously and do not want any damage to occur to the product during shipping.
Q: What about food safety and liability?
A: Donors are protected from liability as long as they act in good faith, and recipients are expected to follow safe food handling standards.


Q: When will my order be delivered?
A: If you are ordering from India, the delivery time is between 3-5 days. For international orders, it is between 7-15 days.

Can I track my order?

Yes, you can track your order. When your order is shipped from our store, you will receive a tracking number in your registered email. You can use this number to track your order.



Can I cancel my order?
Q: How will my order be delivered?
A: The best shipping companies offer good customer service, safe and secure shipping, and reasonable prices.
Q: How should Food Compass be used in practice?
A: Food Compass is a new tool that can be used to compare the healthfulness of different foods. Scores can be used to choose between similar foods or to improve the overall healthfulness of a diet. More research is needed on how best to use the tool in different settings.
Q: What type of tools will I be using to harvest fruit at a Backyard Harvest event?
A: We cannot guarantee that there will be shade or that the ground will be flat and even. The type of tools you may need to use (your hands, hand clippers/pruners, fruit picker, extended fruit picker, and extended pruner) depends upon the type of fruit and where the fruit is located on the trees.


Q: How to supply products to Tredy Foods?
A: If you're interested in becoming a vendor for Tredy Foods, please send an email to with details about the products you can supply. Our representative will call you to discuss further.
Q: Why does Food Compass score many animal-source foods higher than many plant-based foods?
A: There is no evidence that a “plant-based diet” is automatically healthier than a “mixed diet” that includes animal products.
Q: What laws and regulations should I be familiar with prior to requesting a license?
A: You may need a food establishment license in order to conduct business, depending on the specific regulations that apply to your business. You can contact the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development to speak with a plan review specialist and find out if you need a license.
Q: Why is it more efficient to give to Table to Table rather than give food directly to a pantry?
A: Table to Table is a food rescue program that picks up excess prepared and perishable food from food establishments and professional kitchens and redistributes it to others who can use it.


Q: When does food aid work?
A: The U.S. government has been paying Native American tribes for their help with law enforcement for decades, but the Trump administration has been withholding those payments.

The administration says it's because the tribes haven't been cooperating with federal law enforcement.

But some tribes say the administration is just trying to save money.

The U.S. government has been paying Native American tribes for their help with law enforcement for decades, but the Trump administration has been withholding those payments.
Q: How does it work?
A: If you are a licensed food vendor, you can schedule a pickup through our phone app or website.
Q: How does Food Compass compare to other food rating systems?
A: There are several food rating systems used around the world, each with its own strengths and limitations.
Q: How do I know how much food I collected and where it went?
A: The Volunteer Event Leader will be able to estimate how much food is being donated and can tell you which organizations are benefitting. You will also receive a follow-up email with this information.


Q: What do you have to sell?
A: We are a food company that delivers traditional, native, healthy and unique tasting sweets and snacks to your doorstep.
Q: What do volunteers do?
A: Volunteers help us recover and donate fresh produce at various locations. Farmers Market Recovery: You will meet the volunteer team at a designated time and place at the market. A Volunteer Glean Team Leader oversees the event and provides an orientation before the glean begins. Volunteers walk through the market with empty Food Forward boxes, distributing them to any produce vendors who wish to make a donation. The donated produce is weighed, recorded (farmers get a tax deductible receipt for their donations), and prepared
Q: When do Licenses expire?
A: You need to submit a new application at least 30 days before your current license expires. If you don't, you'll have to pay a late fee.


Q: What Is #CuriousGoat?
A: 1. We want to know what questions you have about the world's response to COVID-19.

2. Submit your questions in the comments below, or on social media using the hashtag #CuriousGoat.

3. We'll choose the best questions and answer them in a future post.
Q: What is the shelf life of your ingredients?
A: Our wheat protein concentrates (vital wheat gluten, FP™ 300, and FP™ 600) and a partially hydrolyzed wheat gluten product, HWG 2009™, have a minimum protein content of 75% (N x 5.7, dry basis) as determined by Dumas method.
Q: What if I follow a special diet?
A: Food Compass is a web app that shows you how healthy foods are, based on their nutrient content.
Q: Why is there so much variation in scores for different egg, poultry, fish, and red meat products?
A: The Food Compass score for a given egg product reflects not just the eggs, but also the cooking and preparation methods: for example, the salt added, type of fat used, other ingredients (veggies, cheese, etc.), and so on.
Q: What if I need to cancel at the last minute because I feel sick or have been around someone who is sick?
A: If you are sick, have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, or are otherwise not feeling well, please cancel your reservation.
Q: What is the minimum age to volunteer?
A: You must be 18 or older or have a parent or legal guardian with you to register for our events.
Q: What if my child doesn’t have an email address?
A: You can register your child as a volunteer using a placeholder email address.
Q: What is needed if there is a change of ownership?
A: A food establishment license is not transferable to new owners or new locations. When the ownership of a food establishment will be changing hands, the new owner must apply for a new license.

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