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Manatee County, Florida - Startseite | Facebook

Domains with most semantic flow to facebook.com

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http://miamidade.gov/ 413.11miamidade.gov
http://rutgers.edu/ 363.01rutgers.edu
http://de.gov/ 462.96de.gov
http://iowa.gov/ 572.8iowa.gov
http://ct.gov/ 231.61ct.gov
http://mymanatee.org/ 151.12mymanatee.org
http://fcva.us/ 281.03fcva.us
http://bouldercounty.org/ 91.03bouldercounty.org
http://longmontcolorado.gov/ 170.94longmontcolorado.gov
http://pinellascounty.org/ 140.92pinellascounty.org

Domains with most semantic flow from facebook.com

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http://yourobserver.com/ 10.1yourobserver.com
http://heraldtribune.com/ 10.1heraldtribune.com

Most linked pages from facebook.com

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https://www.facebook.com/sandiegocounty 30.150.970.07-1--1-1-1-113
https://www.facebook.com/pages/CT-Veterans-Affairs/388481781276648?fref=ts 10.150.990.07-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.facebook.com/CTStateLibrary 10.150.990.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://www.facebook.com/ctoec 10.150.990.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://www.facebook.com/ctdob 10.150.990.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://www.facebook.com/State-of-Connecticut-DMV-252442178208414/ 10.150.940.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://www.facebook.com/ctdcp?fref=ts 10.150.910.07-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.facebook.com/CTinsurancenews 10.150.890.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://www.facebook.com/CTDMVteens 10.150.870.07-1--1-1-1-111

Hubs from facebook.com

Pages from domain with most likely on-topic outgoing links.




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https://www.facebook.com/manatee.county.fl 580.190.965.561yes103372213

Random 'government departments FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general government departments topic.



Q: When is performance information on this website updated?
A: Progress on Agency Priority Goals and Cross Agency Priority Goals are updated on a quarterly basis, while progress on each major Federal agency’s strategic objectives is updated annually.
Q: Where can I find information on agency performance - such as agency goals and progress on those goals?
A: Federal agencies provide information to the public on their goals and objectives in numerous ways.
Q: How are the Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals Selected?
A: OMB uses criteria to develop CAP Goals, including whether a goal has clear cross-agency implementation actions, whether setting a CAP Goal would likely accelerate progress, and whether it aligns with Administration priorities. GAO studies are considered in selecting CAP Goals, and OMB consults with congressional committees as well as considers congressional questions and suggestions as it finalizes the CAP Goals.


Q: What is the FOIA?
A: The FOIA is a law that allows citizens to request access to records from any federal agency. Federal agencies are required to disclose any information requested under the FOIA unless it falls under one of nine exemptions which protect interests such as personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement.
Q: What is FOIA.gov?
A: FOIA.gov is a website created by the U.S. government to help the public understand and use the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The site provides resources on how to make a FOIA request, how to find records that are already available online, and how to track the status of a request. FOIA.gov also displays detailed statistics on FOIA requests and agency compliance with the law.
Q: What can I ask for under the FOIA?
A: You can make a FOIA request for any agency record.
Q: Who handles FOIA requests?
A: There is no single government office that handles FOIA requests for all federal agencies. Each agency has its own process for responding to FOIA requests.
Q: What are FOIA exemptions?
A: There are nine exemptions to the FOIA that protect certain categories of information from disclosure. These exemptions are designed to protect against harms such as an invasion of personal privacy or harm to law enforcement investigations.
Q: What is an Interagency Agreement (IAA)?
A: The IAA is the contract that outlines how we work with other agencies.
Q: Who is my adviser in the department?
A: Your Concentration Adviser (CA) is the departmental adviser for Government concentrators in your House.
Q: What facilities does the DCA inspect?
A: The DCA’s Division of Codes and Standards is responsible for ensuring that hotels and multiple-family buildings of three or more dwelling units operating within the state are properly maintained and do not pose a threat to the health, safety and welfare of their residents, nor the community in general. The Division also inspects rooming and boarding homes and homeless shelters.
Q: Where are the presentation materials and recordings from the April 2023 stakeholder webinars on the new Form ETA-9089 posted?
A: The new Form ETA-9089 and its appendices are available on the Foreign Labor Certification Forms page (https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/foreign-labor/forms). The presentation materials and recordings from the recent webinar are available at the Foreign Labor Certification Announcements page: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/foreign-labor/news. You can also find them under the "Webinars"
Q: What is the Assistance Listing (AL) (formerly the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)) number for the Provider Relief Fund program?
A: The AL number for this question is 93.498.
Q: What is the definition of individuals with possible or actual cases of COVID-19?
A: Providers who treated patients for possible or actual cases of COVID-19 on or after February 4, 2020 are eligible for reimbursement, regardless of whether the patients were insured or not.
Q: What is the definition of Executive Level II pay level, as referenced in the Terms and Conditions?
A: You can't use Provider Relief Funds to pay an individual's salary at a rate above Executive Level II.


Q: Who can make a FOIA request?
A: Yes, any person can make a FOIA request.
Q: How do I make a FOIA request?
A: If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a FOIA request to the agency’s FOIA Office.
Q: Where do I send a FOIA request?
A: Submit your request to the agency you think has the records you are seeking.
Q: How is a FOIA request processed?
A: The agency will usually send you a letter acknowledging your request and assigning it a tracking number. If the agency needs additional information before it can begin to process your request, it will contact you. The agency will typically search for records in response to your request and then review those records to determine which - and what parts of each - can be released. The agency will redact, or black out, any information protected from disclosure by one of the FOIA’s nine exemptions. The rele
Q: How much does it cost to make a FOIA request?
A: There is no initial fee required to submit a FOIA request, but the FOIA does provide for the charging of certain types of fees in some instances.
Q: What will I receive in response to a FOIA request?
A: You send a request to the agency, the agency responds with the documents you asked for.
Q: How do I file an administrative appeal?
A: If you are not satisfied with an agency’s initial response to your request, you may file an administrative appeal. Before doing so, however, you may wish to contact the FOIA professional handling the request or the agency’s FOIA Public Liaison. The FOIA Public Liaison is there to explain the process to you, assist in reducing any delays, and help resolve any disputes. Often, a simple discussion between you and the agency will resolve any issues that may arise.


Q: What is identity verification (identity proofing)?
A: The identity proofing process is used to verify that a user is who they say they are. Login.gov uses an online application to verify identities.
Q: What forms of identification can Login.gov accept for identity proofing?
A: The only state-issued identification that is accepted at this time is a driver's license.


Q: What is the Office of Government Information Services?
A: OGIS is a government office that helps resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and agencies, and also reviews agency FOIA compliance.
Q: What is the methods requirement in Government?
A: You are required to take at least one class in statistical methods as part of the Government concentration. You may complete this requirement with a statistics course outside the Government Department, but if you do so, you must take an additional Government elective.
Q: What can I do with a degree in Government?
A: Government graduates pursue work in graduate school (Master’s and Ph.D. programs), professional school (law, business), and the business, education, and non-profit worlds.


Q: What is the role of Gov 99 in the thesis-writing process?
A: Gov 99 is a course meant to help you write your thesis by providing deadlines, peer-review, and a supportive community.
Q: What are the “right” reasons for writing a senior thesis?
A: There is no one right answer to whether or not you should write a thesis. Ultimately, the decision comes down to what you want to do with your last year at Harvard. If you have a clear passion for a topic and want to explore it in depth, then writing a thesis may be the right choice for you. However, if you feel like you would benefit more from taking classes or pursuing extracurricular activities, then there is no need to force yourself to write a thesis
Q: What is the benefit of taking a foundational course (Gov 10, 20, 30 or Gov 40) rather than a 1000-level course to fulfill the distribution requirement?
A: If you're not familiar with the subfield, or want to study it in greater depth, take the foundational course.


Q: How can I learn about Research Assistant/internship positions?
A: Government concentrators can find research opportunities through the weekly “Events and Opportunities” email, the Office of Career Services, and the Student Employment Office. Those interested in doing research for academic credit can take a Gov 92r course.
Q: How can I reach my mayor?
A: The New Jersey Mayors Directory allows you to search for your mayor's contact information by county, town, or the mayor's name.
Q: How can I find a copy of my issued application?
A: I have a home network with a router, switch, and multiple devices connected. The router is the only device with a public IP address. The switch is connected to the router, and the devices are connected to the switch. I want to be able to access my home network from anywhere, so I need to configure port forwarding on my router.
Q: What actions can users perform within a network?
A: The Master account can create and manage profiles, applications, and cases. They can also invite Sub-accounts to join the network.
The Sub-account can:

The Sub-account can access profiles and applications created by the Master account. They can also submit applications on behalf of the Master account.
Q: How can we help?
A: The best time to visit the Philippines is from December to May. The weather is dry and sunny, and there are fewer crowds and lower prices. June to November is the rainy season, so expect more rain and higher prices.


Q: Where can I find more information on Housing Assistance?
A: The DCA’s Division of Housing and Community Resources oversees programs that prevent homelessness and help people move out of temporary shelters and into stable, permanent housing.
Q: Where can I find information on new home warranties?
A: The Information for New Home Builders page includes information about warranty coverage, private warranty plans, the State warranty plan, and the claims resolution process.
Q: Where can I find my local property tax rates?
A: The median property tax in New Jersey is $3,275.

The median tax rate is 2.31%.
Q: Where can I find information about historic sites in New Jersey?
A: The New Jersey Historic Trust is a state agency that helps preserve New Jersey's historic resources. It provides financial assistance for preservation projects, offers educational programs, and stewardship of historic sites.
Q: Where can I find information on energy assistance?
A: The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and Universal Service Fund provide subsidies to help low-income families and individuals pay for home heating costs or heating bills associated with rent.


Q: How long will it take before I get a response?
A: It depends on how complex your request is, and how many requests the agency already has.
Q: How do I cross-register for a course at the Kennedy School, and does it count for Government concentration credit?
A: The pre-approved list of Harvard Kennedy School courses for which Government concentrators will automatically receive Gov elective credit can be found here. The cross-registration form must still be signed by the Government DUS and turned in to the Registrar’s office in the Smith Center.
Q: How long does it take until I can view the details of case submitted for processing?
A: Yes, you can withdraw a case by visiting the Case Details page in the Submitted Cases table. Withdraw is one of the case actions available for submitted cases that are in the following statuses: Submitted, In Progress, and Completed.


Q: Who is eligible to receive payments from the Provider Relief Fund?
A: Providers who have billed Medicare fee-for-service in 2019 and have provided diagnoses, testing, or care for individuals with possible or actual cases of COVID-19 are eligible for Provider Relief Fund payments.
Q: Why would a provider not be eligible for a General or Targeted Distribution Provider Relief Fund payment?
A: A provider must not be currently terminated from participation in Medicare or precluded from receiving payment through Medicare Advantage or Part D; must not be currently excluded from participation in Medicare, Medicaid, and other Federal health care programs; and must not currently have Medicare billing privileges revoked as determined by either the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services or the HHS Office of Inspector General in order to be eligible to receive a payment under the Provider Relief Fund.
Q: What if I attested and accepted a Provider Relief Fund payment, but would now like to reject the funds and retract my attestation?
A: You can't.
Q: Why might a provider not be listed or listed with a different address than their service location?
A: This data set includes information on providers who have received at least one payment from the Provider Relief Fund. The data set is updated regularly and is available on the CDC website.


Q: What types of mortgage programs are available?
A: The HMFA offers a variety of mortgage programs for first-time homebuyers in New Jersey. These programs aim to make homeownership more affordable and accessible for all. For more information, visit the HMFA website or speak to a housing counselor.
Q: When will my Form 1099 be available?
A: You will receive your 1099 by January 31, 2023 if you have not elected to receive electronic copies of documents and notices.
Q: Who do I contact if I have questions regarding my Form 1099?
A: Call the Provider Support Line at 866-569-3522 for questions about your Form 1099.


Q: What type of review will HRSA do after a merger or acquisition has been reported by recipients of a Phase 4 General Distribution payment?
A: If a Reporting Entity that received a Phase 4 General payment indicates that they have undergone a merger or acquisition during the applicable Payment Received Period, this information will be a component that is factored into whether an entity is audited.
Q: What type of review will HRSA do after a merger or acquisition has been reported by recipients of an ARP Rural payment?
A: Yes, if a Reporting Entity that received an ARP Rural payment indicates that they have undergone a merger or acquisition during the applicable Payment Received Period, this information will be a component that is factored into whether an entity is audited.


Q: What are the other advising resources in the department?
A: The Concentration Advising Office in CGIS is the best place to start if you have questions about the concentration. The Peer Concentration Counselors can also give you an insider’s perspective on the concentration.
Q: What are the rights of landlords and tenants in New Jersey?
A: The DCA has information on Landlord-Tenant Information online, including Foreclosures Tenant's Rights, Grounds for Eviction Bulletin, and the Truth in Renting guide in English and Spanish.
Q: What is HHS doing with payments that are returned to the Provider Relief Fund?
A: The Provider Relief Fund will be used to reimburse providers for healthcare-related expenses or lost revenue that are a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Payments will be made in the form of direct deposits or checks, and providers will need to sign and return an attestation form in order to receive payment. If a provider does not need the full amount of the payment, they must return the unused portion within 30 days.
Q: What financial transactions are Reporting Entities required to report in order to satisfy the requirement in the Terms and Conditions for Phase 4 that recipients must notify HHS of a merger with or acquisition of any other health care provider during the Payment Received Period within the Reporting Time Period?
A: Recipients that receive payments greater than $10,000 must notify HHS during the applicable Reporting Time Period of any mergers with or acquisitions of any other health care provider that occurred within the relevant Payment Received Period.
Q: What oversight and enforcement mechanisms will HHS use to ensure providers meet the Terms and Conditions of the Provider Relief Fund?
A: Providers receiving payments from the Provider Relief Fund must comply with the Terms and Conditions and applicable legal and program requirements. Failure by a provider that received a payment to comply with any term or condition can result in action by HHS to recover some or all of the payment.
Q: What financial transactions are Reporting Entities required to report in order to satisfy the requirement in the Terms and Conditions for ARP Rural payments that recipients must notify HHS of a merger with or acquisition of any other health care provider during the Payment Received Period within the Reporting Time Period?
A: If you receive ARP rural payments and your organization undergoes a merger or acquisition, you must notify HHS within the applicable Reporting Time Period.
Q: How should an organization currently undergoing a change in ownership to purchase a practice report revenue in its application?
A: The organization should only report current gross receipts in its application and should exclude the practice it is intending to purchase. Any changes in ownership that have not occurred should not be included in your revenue submission.
Q: How will a provider know the in-network rates to be able to comply with the requirement to bill a presumptive or actual COVID-19 patient for cost-sharing at the in-network rate?


Q: How do I use a profile to pre-fill information within my applications?
A: FLAG allows users to create and manage profiles that can be used to complete sections of the application, including the Addendums.
Q: What should providers do if they have remaining Provider Relief Fund payments that they cannot expend on allowable expenses or lost revenues by the relevant deadline?
A: Providers that can't spend their Provider Relief Fund payments on allowable expenses or lost revenues by the deadline will have to return the money to HHS.
Q: How long do I have to expend the ARP Rural payment?
A: Providers that received funds in calendar year 2021 have through December 31, 2022 to incur eligible expenses and may apply the payment to lost revenues incurred since January 1, 2020. Providers may not use ARP Rural payments to reimburse expenses or losses that have been reimbursed from other sources or that other sources are obligated to reimburse.
Q: What can ARP Rural payment recipients use funds for?
A: The payment will only be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19, and that the payment shall reimburse the Recipient only for health care related expenses or lost revenues that are attributable to coronavirus not reimbursed by other sources or that other sources are obligated to reimburse.
Q: How do I appeal or dispute a payment decision?
A: If you think your Phase 4 or ARP Rural payment was calculated incorrectly, you can submit a completed PRF Reconsideration Request Form.
Q: How long does an agency have to produce records?
A: The agency must produce records responsive to a request within three business days, unless there are exceptional circumstances. If the records cannot be produced within three business days, the agency must inform the requestor, in writing, when the records will be produced, the cost to produce the records (if any), and, if applicable, the specific legal authority exempting the records from disclosure, by Code section, subsection, and paragraph.


Q: How should providers classify the Provider Relief Fund payments in terms of revenue type for cost reports?
A: CMS has not provided specific guidance on how Provider Relief Fund payments should be reported on cost reports. However, CMS has indicated that Provider Relief Fund payments should not be used to offset losses or expenses that would otherwise be reported on the cost report.
Q: How can a healthcare provider find more information on the status of their Provider Relief Fund payment or application?
A: You should contact the Provider Support Line at 866-569-3522 if you have questions about the status of your payment or application.
Q: How can a provider return unused Provider Relief Fund payments that it has partially spent?
A: Hospitals and other healthcare providers that have received Provider Relief Fund payments that they cannot expend on allowable expenses or lost revenues attributable to coronavirus by the end of the Period of Availability that corresponds to the Payment Received Period are required to return such funds to the federal government.
Q: What if my payment is greater than expected or received in error?
A: If you think you were overpaid, contact the Provider Support Line at 866-569-3522 (for TYY, dial 711) for clarification.
Q: What action does a provider need to take after receiving a Provider Relief Fund payment?
A: You must attest that you meet certain terms and conditions in order to retain a Provider Relief Fund payment. If you choose to retain the funds, you must use the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund Payment Attestation Portal or the Provider Relief Fund Application and Attestation Portal to attest that you meet the conditions. Not returning the payment within 90 days of receipt will be viewed as acceptance of the terms and conditions.
Q: How can I return a payment I received under the Provider Relief Fund?
A: Contact your financial institution and ask them to initiate a “R23 - Credit Entry Refused by Receiver” code on the original ACH transaction. If you were paid via paper check, destroy the check or mail it back to UnitedHealth Group.
Q: How should a provider return a payment it received via check?
A: If you received a Provider Relief Fund payment and have not yet deposited it, destroy, shred, or securely dispose of the check. If you have already deposited the check, mail a refund check for the full amount to UnitedHealth Group at the address below.
Q: How does a provider who received an electronic payment return funding if their financial institution will not allow them to return the payment electronically?
A: If you're a provider with UnitedHealthcare, you can contact their Provider Support Line at (866) 569-3522.
Q: What providers are included in the Provider Relief Fund data file on the CDC website?
A: The Provider Relief Fund data represent providers that have received at least one payment from the fund and have agreed to the associated Terms and Conditions. If a provider has received more than one payment but has not accepted all of the payments, only the dollar amount associated with the accepted payment or payments will appear.


Q: What are exclusions?
A: The three exclusions are: ongoing criminal law enforcement investigation, informant records, foreign intelligence or counterintelligence, or international terrorism records.
Q: What meetings are "open"?
A: A meeting of a quorum of a governing body is open to the public if any public matter, official business or policy of the agency is to be discussed, presented, formulated or at which official action is to be taken.
Q: What does it mean to have a meeting be "open"?
A: The Open Meetings Act requires that an agency post a written notice of the time and place of the meeting, a preliminary agenda of the meeting, and the publication of summary and final minutes of the meeting at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
Q: How is a meeting "closed"?
A: A majority vote of a quorum of the body is required to close a meeting, and the minutes of the meeting must reflect the names of those present and voting to close the meeting.
Q: What are the remedies for a violation of the Open Meetings Act?
A: The Open Meetings Act establishes requirements for the conduct of public meetings by government agencies in Georgia. Actions taken in violation of the Act may be void, and persons who knowingly and willfully participate in such meetings may be fined up to $500.
Q: What is "redaction," when does it apply, and what costs may be charged for redaction?
A: Redaction is the process of blacking out or deleting specific information from a record. This is usually done to protect information that is exempt from the Open Records Act or to avoid disclosing information that is not subject to the Act. Agencies may charge for the cost of redaction, but the cost should be based on the lowest paid employee capable of performing the redaction.
Q: What entities are covered by the Open Records and Open Meetings Acts?
A: Both of these acts apply to any type of discrimination in employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.


Q: What about requirements for obtaining records on someone else?
A: No.
Q: What is a public record that is covered under the Open Records Act?
A: A public record is any document, paper, letter, map, book, tape, photograph, computer-generated information, or similar material prepared or maintained by a public office or agency. This can also include items received or maintained by a private person or entity on behalf of a public office or agency, as long as the records are received or maintained in the course of providing a service or function for the public agency.
Q: How much can I be charged for a record obtained through the Open Records Act?
A: The public agency must use the most economical means available for providing copies of a public record, which may include electronic means such as internet access. The agency may charge a reasonable fee for the search, retrieval, and other direct administrative costs associated with the request, but this fee cannot exceed the salary of the lowest paid full-time employee who has the necessary skill and training to perform the request. There is no charge for the first 15 minutes of these actions. When copies are provided, the
Q: What personal information contained in public records is subject to the Open Records Act?
A: There are many exceptions to the Open Records Act that protect the privacy of personal information in Georgia.

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