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Random 'herbal FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general herbal topic.



Q: What makes Red Moon Herbs products different and how do you make them?
A: We use 100 proof organic cane alcohol to make our extracts.
Q: How do I use these products?
A: Use infusions for chronic problems, teas for acute problems.

To make a tea, place 1-2 teaspoons of herb in a cup, add hot water, and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink.

To make an infusion, place 1 oz of herb in a pint jar, fill with boiling water, and cap tightly. Let sit for 4-8 hours, then strain and drink.

To make a strong infusion, place 2 oz of herb
Q: Why do you use alcohol in your extracts?
A: Alcohol is an excellent solvent for many phytochemicals, especially those that have limited solubility in water. It is also an excellent preservative, allowing liquid herbal extracts to maintain quality for many years.
Q: Where do these products ship from?
A: Delaware is the best state for shipping.


Q: What is the difference between an herbal extract and a tincture?
A: No, they do not have an expiration date, but their longevity will depend on which products you’ve chosen and how you store them.
Q: What is the difference between herbal oils and salves?
A: No

We do not use essential oils in any of our products, and we never have.
Q: What is the difference between organic and wild-crafted?
A: Organic plants are pampered and have everything they need to grow well. Wild crafted plants have to fend for themselves and may not have everything they need to grow well.
Q: What is an “herb/menstruum ratio”?
A: Our herbal extracts are potent, concentrated, and effective.
Q: What is an “extraction rate”?
A: Our extraction rates are the highest in the industry.
Q: What is a liquid herbal extract?
A: Liquid herbal extracts are made by using a liquid solvent ( menstruum) to extract beneficial compounds from herbs. The resulting liquid is then bottled on its own or with other extracts to make a formula.
Q: What is a broad-spectrum extract (vs standardized extract)?
A: Our products are always crafted for swift, effective absorption to work in harmony with the body. A broad-spectrum extract or whole herb extract is one where the entire desired plant part is extracted, and the final product represents this whole herb. The phytochemical profile is not quantified. A standardized extract can be any one of several types of extracts, including a whole herb extract, where one or more of the natural constituents is quantified and declared on the label. In some instances


Q: How much do I take and how do I calculate my dosage?
A: Check the dosage on the bottle, as well as any other resources you like to use such as your herbal practitioner or trusted book, to determine how much to take. A 'dropperful' of extract has about 25-30 drops. Most of the herbs we use have dosage amounts of about 2-3 dropperfuls 1-2 times/day.

How many drops of liquid should be in a bottle?
Q: How do you handle backorders?
A: Red Moon Herbs offers a satisfaction guarantee and will refund your purchase or replace your product if you are not satisfied within 30 days. Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of your order and you can get free shipping on orders over $99.
Q: How do I pay my failed payment?
A: Login to your Student Dashboard and access the Billing Page. Once logged in, you’ll see there is a Failed transaction with the option to “PAY”. Please click on the PAY button, and complete the steps required to make the payment.
Q: How much should I take?
A: Start with a low dose and increase as needed.
Q: How do I know how much of the product to take?
A: We recommend that you start at the lower end of the dosage range for maintenance, or follow the higher end of the dosage range for more immediate benefits.
Q: How do I open a wholesale retailer or professional account?
A: To open a wholesale account with Herb Pharm, create a user account and select the option indicating that you are a wholesaler or professional during the sign-up process.
Q: What do "Sustainably Wildcrafted" and "Responsibly Wildcrafted" mean?
A: We use herbs to help you feel better.
Q: How do I take the medicine?
A: Herbal medicine is a safe, effective and gentle treatment that has a lower impact on the environment than pharmaceuticals.


Q: When does Herbal Academy’s Lifetime Access start?
A: Students who enroll in a course after July 24, 2023 will automatically have lifetime access to the course. Students who enrolled in a course before July 24, 2023 can purchase lifetime access to the course for an additional fee.
Q: What exactly does Lifetime Access mean?
Q: Why do I have to purchase Lifetime Access?
A: The main reasons for the switch to Lifetime Access are expense, fairness, and support.
Q: Where do I find options to transition my Herbal Academy courses to Lifetime Access?
A: You will be able to purchase Lifetime Access for your courses on your Student Dashboard.
Q: When I finish my course will I be qualified to start a business or see clients?
A: The Herbal Academy will prepare you for a career in herbalism, whether you want to start your own business or see clients. We recommend additional hands-on training after completing the Advanced Herbal Course in order to gain the experience needed to work with clients.


Q: Why can't I move on to the next Unit?
A: If you don't pass a quiz, you can't move on.
Q: How do I move on to the next Unit?
A: Students must score an 80% on each quiz to move on to the next unit.
Q: Why isn't my coupon working?
A: First, check the coupon details to make sure it applies to the items in your cart. If the coupon is valid and there are no exclusions, then contact the merchant directly as they may have deactivated the coupon.


Q: What kind of comfrey do you sell?
A: Yes, our oatstraw is gluten-free.
Q: What kind of certificate will I receive and will I be a certified herbalist?
A: The Herbal Academy offers certificates of completion for its foundational courses, and badges of completion for its short courses. These are awarded after successfully completing a course and passing a quiz with an 80% or higher. The practice of herbalism is protected by the first amendment right to free speech.
Q: Why is your product out of stock and when will it be back?
A: We're out of stock on a bunch of stuff but we're working on it and it should be back in stock in 6-8 weeks.
Q: What supplements or herbs will I expect to receive?
A: Herbal supplements from reputable companies can help with various health conditions, but only if they are taken under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.


Q: Why do the courses have cost variations and price ranges?
A: The price variations reflect our payment plans. If you register for the online Introductory Herbal Course, you can pay $297 all at once, or in 6 consecutive monthly payments of $49.50. Or if our print version is in stock, you can register for the online and print version for $496.00. So you will see a range $49.50 – $$496.00 on the product page. Please see next question to learn more about payment plans and how
Q: Why do the courses have cost variances?
A: Register for the online Introductory Herbal Course for $297, or in 6 monthly payments of $49.50.

How do I know if I’ve registered for the course?

Once you’ve registered for the course, you will receive an email confirmation from us.

When do I get access to the course?

When you register, you will be able to access the course immediately.

How long do I have access to the course


Q: What supplies do I need for the Botanical Skin Care Course?
A: A list of supplies needed for the Botanical Skin Care course can be found here or by clicking the "Download the Botanical Skin Care Course Supply list as a PDF" button.
Q: What supplies do I need?
A: This course is entirely self-paced and online, so you’ll need approximately 30 hours to study along with internet access and a computer or tablet. You will most likely want a writing utensil and notebook to take notes. (Or upgrade your registration with our Formulary Notebook and Worksheet Set to keep track of your herbal experiments!) You will formulate and choose your own recipes to create, so herbs and other ingredients are completely your choice!

How long will


Q: What is your shipping, return and exchange policy for Goods Shop orders?
A: You can return unopened merchandise within 30 days for a full refund, less shipping fees. You can return opened merchandise within 30 days for a refund, less shipping and a $5 restocking fee.
Q: What is the Goods Shop?
A: The Herbal Academy's new Goods Shop features eco-friendly apparel and merchandise that supports nonprofit organizations dedicated to making the Earth a better place.
Q: What are your Goods Shop rates for international customers outside the United States?
A: The Herbal Academy is located in the United States, all fees and costs listed on our website are in USD. International customers should contact their bank to determine current exchange rates. To determine your shipping rate in USD, please enter your details at checkout.
Q: What is Stevia?
A: Stevia is an herbal sweetener that does not have the side effects of chemical sweeteners.


Q: How do I update my credit card for my course payments?
A: Login to your Student Dashboard and access the Billing Page. Locate the section, “My Payment Methods” and click “Add New Payment Method.” Fill out the required fields and click “Add Payment Method.”
Q: How do I update my credit card for The Herbarium?
A: Login to The Herbarium website.
Access your Profile.
Under Subscriptions, click “update billing details.”
Fill out the required fields and click on “update.”


Q: What materials do you need for the Making Herbal Preparations 101 Mini Course?
A: You are not required to purchase anything for this class, but if you wish to, you can purchase herbs and other supplies. A good guideline to follow is to purchase hard herbs and powdered herbs in smaller amounts, and to purchase soft herbs in larger amounts.
Q: What preparations are covered in the course?
A: This course will teach you the basics of herbal formulation and how to make a variety of herbal preparations.
Q: What are the “must haves” to have in your emergency essential kit?
A: I have a product that kills viruses, fungus, yeast, bacteria and parasites. It also improves heart health and heals skin wounds. I need to market it.
Q: Where are the acupuncture points?
A: Acupuncture is the insertion of needles in certain points on the body to relieve pain.
Q: What happens in a treatment?
A: You lie down on a massage table, needles are inserted into various points on your body, you rest for a while, and then the needles are removed.
Q: What are the qualifications required to be an acupuncturist?
A: Acupuncturists in Massachusetts must have a degree from an approved school program with more than 1900 hours of coursework, including at least 100 hours of supervised internship, and must pass national licensing exams. They must also complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years.


Q: How can I purchase course textbooks with the student discount?
A: To purchase the course textbooks with the student discount, you will need to be enrolled in the course and have an account in good standing. Once you are logged into your account, please visit the appropriate course textbook page to purchase your books.
Q: How much is the student discount for the textbooks?
A: You must be enrolled in the course to get the student discount.
Q: What if I want to enroll in a Path Package and purchase the textbooks?
A: Yes! You can purchase the textbooks for the Introductory and Intermediate Herbal Courses at a discounted rate if you are enrolled in one of The Herbal Academy’s Path packages. Just be sure you are logged into your student account before you purchase the books to receive the discount.
Q: How Can I Contact You?
A: You can email us at or text us at (302) 786-7755. Our store address is 621 N. Dupont Blvd, Milford, DE 19963.


Q: What are the course hours for the Herbal Academy classes?
A: It would take someone about 1,000 hours to become a certified herbalist.
Q: What can I do after I graduate from class?
A: Our students go on to be herbalists, herbal product makers, educators, and writers.
Q: How do I transfer from the Entrepreneur Herbal Course to the Business Herbal Course?
A: If you are enrolled in the Entrepreneur Herbal Course, you can transfer to the Business Herbal Course by logging into your account and clicking on the transfer page.
Q: What is the transfer fee for Entrepreneur Herbal Course students to move into the Business Herbal Course?
A: The Herbal Academy is asking for a one-time $50 administrative fee to transfer your Entrepreneur Herbal Course to the new Business Herbal Course. Your 2 year access to the new program will begin only when you click the Start Course Button.
Q: What is the price of the New Business Herbal Course?
A: If you’re interested in the business side of herbalism, this course is for you.
Q: What will be different between the Entrepreneur Herbal Course and Business Herbal Course?
A: The Business Herbal Course will have 7 Units instead of 6 Units. While a lot is added to the course, we will also remove 9 Lessons (reserved exclusively to the Advanced Herbal Course) that no longer fit with the new layout and course goals. These 9 lessons that won’t be included in the Business Herbal Course include the herbalism history and herbal traditions overview lessons in the first two units of the Entrepreneur Herbal Course. In addition, the Advanced Form
Q: When can I find out more about the Business Herbal Course?
A: The Entrepreneur Herbal Course is a great way to learn about herbs and their uses in business. The Business Herbal Course is a more comprehensive course that covers business topics in more depth. You can enroll in the Entrepreneur Herbal Course now to lock in the best rate on enrollment, and then transfer to the Business Herbal Course later for an additional fee of $50.
Q: Why are you charging an administrative fee to transfer?
A: The new editions of these courses are valued much higher than the original courses you originally enrolled in, with numerous updates, additions, and revisions throughout. In our view, this is a good deal for students. These new editions are worth much more than $50––AND, the transfer allows the student to reset their access to these courses, even those who have already earned their certificates, thereby providing them with a free extension on their course.
Q: How do you dissipate the alcohol out of herbal tinctures?
A: Tinctures are great, but they can contain a lot of alcohol. You can remove all of the alcohol by boiling it off.
Q: What is a Clinical herbalist and are they different from other modalities also practicing herbal medicine?
A: Clinical herbalists are highly trained in the use of plants as medicines, nutrition, pharmacology, and allopathic prescriptions.


Q: What course is right for me?
A: The Introductory Herbal Course is the best place to start for beginners because it starts with the basics of herbal product making and wildcrafting, anatomy, introduces you to many, many plants, covers common discomforts for adults and children, and discusses the overarching holistic approach of herbalism.
Q: When I transfer, is my access to my old course removed right away?
A: Yes, you will lose access to the course.
Q: When I transfer, will I lose progress on my previous course?
A: Yes, you have to start over.
Q: Where is my tracking information?
A: You’ll receive an email directly from UPS when your order ships. If you don’t receive one, please check your spam folder.


Q: How long will a bottle last if I am taking it daily?
A: Our 1, 2, and 4 oz extracts come with droppers. Our 8 and 16 oz extracts come with caps. Our 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 oz oils come with caps.
Q: How long will this course take me to complete?
A: The Entrepreneur Herbal Course will take most students 6-8 months to complete, with an estimated 75 hours of total coursework. The Business Herbal Course will take most students 7-12 months to complete, with an estimated 150 hours of total coursework.
Q: How long will I need to take it?
A: It depends on the person, the product, and the issue.
Q: How long will it take to receive my order?
A: We will replace your lost items if your order was insured, contact your local post office to file a claim.
Q: How many treatments will I need?
A: It depends.


Q: How long before or after eating should I take liquid herbal extracts?
A: 30 minutes before eating or 2 hours after eating.
Q: How many liquid herbal extracts can be taken at once?
A: No more than 5 single extracts or 3 compounds at a time.
Q: How should I store my Herb Pharm liquid herbal extracts?
A: room temp, not fridge, not heat.
Q: What herbal tradition/lineage is Herb Pharm based on?
A: We make herbal extracts in the Western herbalism tradition, influenced by the Eclectics and North American herbalism.


Q: What size do I choose?
A: It depends on the situation.
Q: Who do I contact if I have questions about an order?
A: If your order hasn’t shipped, adjustments may be possible. Our customer service team is available from 7 am to 4:30 pm PST, Monday to Friday and would be happy to help. Just call us at 800-348-4372 or email
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: Yes, we accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express.
Q: How do I track my order?
A: You can find your tracking information in your account or in the shipping confirmation email. If you can't find either, contact our support team and we'll help you out!

Q: What do I do if my order is missing?
A: Please contact your direct post office, mail courier or the company delivering your package with your tracking information first. Contact us within 7 business days or less from date of delivery so we can help you locate the package as soon as possible. We will file any claims if applicable and send a replacement if you qualify.
Q: What do I do if I received the wrong item or am missing an item?
A: We accept returns within 7 business days of delivery.
Q: What if I’m really sensitive?
A: Acupuncture is not painful, and we can always make it more comfortable for you if you feel uneasy.
Q: What if I have to take medication prescribed by my Doctor?
A: Herbalists are not regulated in the US.


Q: What is the cancellation policy for The Herbarium memberships?
A: If you cancel your subscription, you will no longer be charged, but you will retain access to the site for the rest of the year.
Q: What is your returns policy?
A: We will refund your purchase if you're not happy with it.
Q: What is the refund policy?
A: Regular priced items may be refunded within 30 days of purchase, provided they are unopened and in original condition. Sale items may not be refunded.
Q: What is the return & exchange policy?
A: You can return unopened products within 30 days for a refund, minus shipping fees and a $3 restocking fee. Products returned after 30 days can only be returned for store credit. Products purchased during a special promotion or sale are not refundable, but can be returned for store credit.


Q: What is the shelf life, and should I keep them in the refrigerator?
A: We are a family-owned and operated CBD company based in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. We use locally-sourced, organic ingredients and everything is hand-crafted in small batches. We offer a wide variety of CBD products including tinctures, capsules, topicals, and more. Our products are third-party lab-tested for potency and purity.
Q: Why is the LDM-100 a light and/or darker color sometimes and is the lighter one as potent as the darker one?
A: LDM-100 is a wild-crafted product and will vary in color and taste from batch to batch.
Q: What does one full squeeze of the dropper mean?
A: One full squeeze of the dropper means to squeeze the rubber bulb one time.
Q: What is the shelf life of your products?
A: Glycerin-based products have a best by date of around 3 years, while the alcohol-based ones are dated around 5 years.
Q: What is the shelf life of the products?
A: Most products have a shelf life of 1-2 years if stored properly, out of heat and sunlight. We also include a best by date label for the products for maximum potency and effectiveness.
Q: What is the shelf life of the teas?
A: We sell teas that are made of high quality herbs and spices. Our teas are stored in amber PET food grade jars to help preserve their effectiveness and flavor.


Q: How would I determine the dosages for children?
A: The suggested dosages on the labels are for an average adult, around 150 lbs. To determine the dosage for a child, divide the suggested dosage accordingly. For example, a 30 lb. child would take one fifth of an adult’s dosage. Therefore, a 25-50 drop suggested dosage would become 5-10 drops. For babies, dosages may be as low as 1-3 drops. Extracts are best taken in water, tea or juice.
Q: How long does it take to complete each course?
A: Each course has a different access time frame, which is triggered when a student clicks the Start Course button for their course.
Q: How does the transfer work?
A: You can purchase a transfer for $50 which will give you access to the updated courses. Your old course will be replaced and you will not have access to it anymore. The new courses will be available on or after February 20th.
Q: How do herbs work?
A: The secondary phytochemicals in herbs work with your body to promote health.
Q: How long does it take for herbs to be effective?
A: Liquid extracts are easy to use, quickly absorbed and highly effective. They can be used to treat a variety of issues, including pain, anxiety, inflammation and more.
Q: How long does it take for the herbs to work?
A: Herbs may have an immediate effect that relieves symptoms, but the way they work is vastly different from the way prescription or chemical medications work.
Q: How long does it take and will it work?
A: Herbal treatment can be very effective for acne and other skin conditions. However, it can take some time to see results and it is important to follow the treatment plan.


Q: What about cleanliness?
A: Acupuncture is a safe, effective medical treatment. Acupuncturists follow standard medical protocols for infection control.
Q: What about maintenance?
A: Acupuncture is a great way to help relieve stress, tension headaches, and migraines. It’s also great for managing pain and promoting relaxation.
Q: What about quality control?
A: Herbs are a great way to support your health and wellbeing. They’re easy to incorporate into your life, and they’re gentle and effective. When you’re ready to try herbs for yourself, look for a trusted brand and start with a small amount.


Q: What skill level is this course best suited for?
A: If you’re new to herbalism, we recommend starting with our Introductory Herbal Course or another local herbal apprenticeship.

This course is meant to be a continuation of your herbal foundation and will require that you have a basic knowledge of herbal medicine.

You can find a detailed description of what we mean by “basic knowledge” here.

If you’re not sure whether you’re ready for this course, please email us at [
Q: How does acupuncture work, in Traditional Chinese Medicine terms?
A: Acupuncture helps the body heal itself by stimulating points along channels of energy flow.
Q: How does this work, in scientific terms?
A: Acupuncture has been shown to increase the release of neurotransmitters and hormones, to change brain activity, and to stimulate the nervous system. These changes can lead to a variety of effects, including pain relief, improved circulation, and reduced inflammation.

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