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Random 'imports FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general imports topic.



Q: What Is An Import Compliance Manual?
A: An Import Compliance Manual is a set of documented processes and procedures for handling import shipments so that the various government laws and regulations are followed.
Q: What Should Your Company Include In An Import Compliance Manual?
A: The import manual should include sections on program organization, personnel and responsibilities, import documentation, broker instructions, entry process procedures, OGA requirements, import review, post entry review and corrections, training, guidance on tariff classification, and Free Trade Agreements.
Q: What Makes A Good Import Compliance Manual?
A: A good import compliance manual will be specific and will have achievable goals. It should address regulatory requirements and best practices. A good import compliance manual should also be reviewed on an annual basis to make sure policies and procedures stay relevant to the ever-changing regulations.
Q: How do I know what the number is for an imported journal entry?
A: If you are importing a single journal entry, you do not have to provide the number for the journal entry in your CSV file. If you are importing multiple journal entries, you need to provide numbers in your CSV file.


Q: What Is Duty Recovery?
A: Duty recovery is the process of getting back duty or fees that were overpaid to CBP.
Q: How Long Does The Duty Recovery Process Take?
A: Duty recovery can be a complicated process, but it is definitely worth it if there are duties that were paid in error. The first step is to look at the entries and see if there are any that are protestable. Once a protest is filed, it can take a while to receive the money back from CBP, but it is definitely worth it in the end.
Q: How long will detentions last?
A: If you are a retailer, you should take extra caution when importing goods from China. If goods are detained, you will be required to provide proof that the goods comply with CPSC’s safety requirements. If you cannot provide such proof, the goods may be refused entry into the United States.
Q: How long does it take to import my products?
A: QSI can help your business import goods from Asia at a lower cost, and can also manage your inventory, ensuring that goods are delivered safely and in a timely manner.
Q: How long does it take to import a PST file to a mailbox?
A: It depends, but it typically takes several hours for each terabyte (TB) of data to be uploaded to the Azure Storage area for your organization.
Q: How does the PST import process handle duplicate email items?
A: Yes.


Q: What Is A Customs Violation?
A: A customs violation is breaking the laws or regulations related to importing goods into the United States.
Q: What Typically Causes Customs Violations & How To Prevent Them?
A: There are many ways to prevent customs violations, but some of the most important include knowing the regulations, hiring an experienced consultant, and performing regular audits.
Q: What Happens If You Don't Declare At Customs?
A: The Customs Modernization Act requires all importers to exercise reasonable care when importing goods into the U.S. Not declaring items with Customs can result in negative consequences such as fines, penalties, and detention of your product.
Q: What Penalties Come With Customs Violations?
A: Customs has a penalty assessment system depending on the type of violation, level of culpability and if there was a duty loss.
Q: What Types Of Customs Violations Issues Should I Report?
A: Report any Customs violations you find. If there is a pattern of similar violations, you should examine other entries to determine if they can be corrected. If you find a systemic issue, you should submit a prior disclosure to Customs.
Q: What Is A Customs Protest?
A: A Customs Protest is a way to correct information previously entered on entry documents.
Q: What Is A Protest Filer?
A: The person who files the protest is the protest filer.
Q: How Long Do I Have To File A Customs Protest?
A: You have to file a customs protest within 180 days of the liquidation date in order to contest the duties and taxes assessed on imported goods.
Q: How Do I File A Customs Protest?
A: You can file a customs protest electronically through ACE, but you must have a Protest filer account in ACE.
Q: What is a reference type?
A: It's a way of mapping a column in a CSV file to a field in NetSuite that can have one or more list values, such as a dropdown list or a multi-select.


Q: What Is The New USMCA Agreement?
A: The USMCA is a trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada that is similar to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), but with some specific updates in certain areas.
Q: How Is The USMCA Different From NAFTA?
A: The USMCA is an update to NAFTA that includes some improvements, particularly in the areas of automotive production, energy, and digital trade.


Q: Why is CPSC going to issue Notices of Detention?
A: CPSC is better equipped to handle the import of products and substances than CBP.
Q: When will CPSC staff begin issuing detention notices?
A: I'm a big fan of the new design, but there are a few things I'd like to see changed.

The new design is a big improvement over the old one. The front page is much cleaner and easier to navigate, and the new features are great.

However, there are a few things I think could be improved:

1. The search bar should be more prominent. It's currently hidden away at the top of the page, and I often find myself
Q: What information will the Notice of Detention contain?
A: The notice will include the reason for the detention and the contact information for the CPSC Investigator responsible for processing the detention.
Q: Who will receive the Notice of Detention?
A: CBP will receive copies of all Notices of Detention for imported goods. The importer of record and the Customs broker handling the transaction will also receive Notices of Detention.
Q: Who provides the statistical information?
A: The providers of statistical information for extra-EU trade are all natural or legal persons lodging a customs declaration in a Member State. For intra-EU trade, the providers of statistical information are all taxable persons reporting an intra-EU transaction whose annual trade value exceeds a certain threshold.


Q: What are the measurement units?
A: The trade value is the statistical value, which is the amount that would be paid in the event of a sale or purchase at the time and place the goods cross the national border of the reporting Member State. The net mass is the weight of the goods without any packaging, and the supplementary quantity is a unit which provides useful information in addition to the net mass.
Q: What are the main causes of errors in reporting?
A: There is no easy answer when it comes to measuring the economic activity associated with international trade. A variety of factors can make it difficult to obtain accurate data, and the inherent complexity of trade activities can make it challenging to develop reliable estimates.
Q: What are the methodological causes of asymmetries?
A: version:

-Different research designs
-Different data collection methods
-Different data analysis methods
-Different definitions of key concepts
-Different research populations
-Different research contexts


Q: What are the special trade system and the general trade system?
A: The statistical territory of the ITGS includes all trade-related transactions in the customs territory of a country, including trade-related transactions in free zones and premises of inward processing.
Q: Why is the intra-EU trade balance not equal to zero?
A: Intra-EU trade is not perfectly balanced because of the CIF/FOB approach and because of deliveries to vessels and aircraft. At global level, the main reason is data reporting.
Q: Why does Eurostat not disseminate extra-EU imports of goods at TARIC level?
A: TARIC is a trade data bank and you can't access it.


Q: Where to find international recommendations and provisions relevant to ITGS?
A: There are a number of international recommendations and conventions relevant to ITGS, although they do not generally have direct legal force.
Q: Where is network upload available?
A: Google Cloud Storage has a few different ways to upload files, including the simple upload API, resumable uploads, and network uploads. Network uploads are the fastest way to upload files to GCS, especially if you're uploading large files (10MB or more).
Q: Where is drive shipping available?
A: Google Drive shipping is currently available in the United States, Canada, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Europe, India, East Asia, Southeast Asia, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Australia. Drive shipping will be available in more regions in the future.
Q: What commercial licensing agreements support drive shipping?
A: Drive shipping is available through a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA). Drive shipping isn’t available through a Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA).


Q: What permissions are required to create import jobs in the Office 365 Import Service?
A: You must be assigned the Mailbox Import Export role in Exchange Online to create import jobs in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal and import PST files to user mailboxes.
Q: What is the pricing for importing PST files by using network upload?
A: 1. Use network upload to import PST files into Office 365.
2. Network upload is free.
3. After PST files are deleted from Azure Storage, they won't be displayed in the list of files for a completed import job.
Q: What version of the PST file format is supported for importing to Office 365?
A: Import PST files into Office 365.
Q: What is the pricing for using drive shipping to import PST files to Microsoft 365?
A: It’s $2 per GB, so for a 1TB drive, it’d be $2,000.
Q: What version of the PST file format is supported for importing to Microsoft 365?
A: PST files using the Unicode format can be imported into Microsoft 365. Files using the ANSI format can also be imported, but we recommend using the Unicode format whenever possible. PST files from Outlook 2007 and later can be imported into Office 365.
Q: What is the preferred order for importing data into NetSuite?
A: 1. Import your data into a new database.
2. Run the necessary SQL scripts to clean up the data.
3. Import the data into your production database.


Q: What kind of hard drives are supported for drive shipping?
A: You can use a 2.5-inch or 3.5-inch SATA II/III hard drive.
Q: What courier services are supported for return shipping?
A: Microsoft uses FedEx to return your hard drive if you're in the United States or Europe. For all other regions, Microsoft uses DHL.
Q: What are the return shipping costs?
A: Microsoft charges you for the cost of shipping your hard drive back to you.


Q: How is the term "personal use" defined when being used in the previous question?
A: There is no specific timeframe that an individual must retain an imported vehicle before selling it.
Q: How do I set up a CSV file for use by the Import Assistant?
A: ;

The Import Assistant performs imports by record type, so you should put data for each record type in its own CSV file. The first step is usually to export data from your current application to a CSV file. After that, you may need to add columns required by NetSuite to the file, to ensure the import is successful. You can determine the fields required for import, and set default values for these added columns, on the Import Assistant's Field Mapping page.
Q: How can I use the Import Assistant to update existing NetSuite records?
A: Update: You can update existing records with new data by including a primary key field in your CSV file. The Import Assistant will match CSV records to existing records based on the primary key and update the matching records with the new data.
Add or Update: You can add new records or update existing records by including a primary key field in your CSV file. The Import Assistant will match CSV records to existing records based on the primary key and update the matching records with the new data. If
Q: How do I create template files for CSV imports?
A: There is no need to use a template when importing CSV files into NetSuite.
Q: How can I import Price Level for transaction line items?
A: You need to include a Price Level column in your CSV file that can be mapped to the NetSuite Price Level field.


Q: How Do I Find Legal Interpretations of NHTSA’s Regulations?
A: NHTSA does not have jurisdiction over motor vehicle titling and registration, or VIN issues.
Q: When are data revised and considered as final?
A: Data is revised frequently according to national needs and practices, but the latest revisions should be sent to Eurostat by October following the reference year.
Q: Why can European data differ from national data?
A: Eurostat's trade data is not necessarily more accurate than national data, but in general the two should be comparable.
Q: What is sublist data and how do I import it?
A: The Import Assistant can be used to import sublist data along with other record type data. Sublist fields are listed at the bottom of the Import Assistant Field Mapping page, within separate folders for each sublist. You need to map sublist fields on this page for sublist data to be imported.


Q: What is the impact of quasi-transit or the so-called ‘Rotterdam effect’?
A: The "Rotterdam effect" is an overvaluation of trade flows due to quasi-transit trade, which is most pronounced for the Netherlands. This effect impacts both imports and exports.
Q: How many hard drives can I ship for a single import job?
A: You can ship a maximum of 10 hard drives for a single import job.
Q: Why is my import job processing so slowly?
A: Your import may be slow because it includes a large number of records. You can save your import to be run at a later time. You should break large CSV files into multiple, smaller files that you import as separate jobs, to improve performance.
Q: Where are email messages regarding a CSV import job sent?
A: CSV Import Assistant email notifications are sent to the email address used to log in to the session that initiated the import job.
Q: Why does my import keep returning invalid reference key errors?
A: Use internal IDs or external IDs instead of names as primary keys or reference types.
Q: Why didn't my CSV import job that created new records trigger my workflow based on record creation or update?
A: Enable the Run Server SuiteScript CSV and Trigger Workflows preference when performing a CSV import. Workflows are treated as server-side SuiteScript, so they do not run if this preference is not enabled.


Q: How do I complete an import if my CSV file does not include values for a required field?
A: If you do not have any values to import for a required field, you can do one of the following:

Add a default value to the required field in your import file.
Map the required field to a field in your NetSuite account that has a value.
Add a default value to the required field in your import file
When you add a default value to a required field in your import file, NetSuite uses that value for all imported records.

Q: Why is the Individual field required for an import of customers, when all of my customers are companies, not individuals?
A: If you're importing records for individuals, you must specify the Individual field as true.
Q: What values should I import for the Global Subscription Status field for customers?
A: The Global Subscription Status field on customer records determines whether or not a customer can receive email sent through campaigns and email merge operations.

The Global Subscription Status field on customer records determines whether or not a customer can receive email sent through campaigns and email merge operations. When a customer record has a Global Subscription Status of Unsubscribed, the customer will not receive email sent through Salesforce Marketing Cloud.


Q: What is the difference between leads, prospects, and customers imports?
A: Leads are imported into NetSuite as Customers. The Stage field on the Customer record defines the stage of "Customer" that is currently in the system - a Customer can be a Lead, Prospect or Customer.
Q: What is the difference between the following advanced options: Overwrite Sublists and Overwrite Missing Fields?
A: Overwrite Sublists:

Applies to: Sublists

Action: Replaces all data in sublists with mapped fields

Overwrite Missing Fields:

Applies to: Individual fields

Action: Replaces data in fields with null values

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