/ Investments

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advance fee fraud
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private oil and gas offerings

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Investor Alert: Ponzi Schemes Using Virtual Currencies |
Risk |
Investor Bulletin: Accredited Investors |
Investor Alert: Beware of False Claims of SEC Registration |
Offering Document (or Official Statement or Prospectus) |
Using EDGAR - Researching Public Companies |
Transition of Mid-Sized Investment Advisers from Federal to State Registration |
Updated Investor Bulletin: Focus on Money Market Funds |
Prospectus |
Using EMMA - Researching Municipal Securities and 529 Plans |

Popular prospect pages from

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Investor Alert: Ponzi Schemes Using Virtual Currencies |
Investor Bulletin: Accredited Investors |
Investor Alert: Beware of False Claims of SEC Registration |
Transition of Mid-Sized Investment Advisers from Federal to State Registration |
Using EMMA - Researching Municipal Securities and 529 Plans |
Investor Alert: Advertising for Unregistered Securities Offerings |
Investor Alert: Bitcoin and Other Virtual Currency-Related Investments |

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Random 'investments FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general investments topic.



Q: What is a prospectus?
A: A prospectus is a formal legal document that provides details about an investment offering for sale to the public. A fund prospectus contains details on its objectives, investment strategies, risks, performance, distribution policy, fees and expenses and fund management.
Q: How can I obtain a prospectus?
A: 1. Sign in to your account
2. Navigate to your fund list
3. Click on the fund you want the prospectus for
Q: How can I decrease the risk?
A: Diversify your investments, focus on areas in which you have expertise, and invest in startups whose products you passionately use.
Q: How can I ask the founders questions?
A: If you're interested in a company that's currently fundraising, you can ask the founders questions directly on the fundraise page by clicking the "Ask a Question" tab.


Q: How do I sell back to my HSA?
A: 1. Log in to your account
2. Click on the "Transfer" tab
3. Enter the amount you want to transfer and click "Submit"
Q: How often can I sell back to my HSA?
A: You can sell and buy once per day.
Q: How often can I transfer from one investment to another?
A: You can only transfer money out of your HSA once per day. This includes transferring money back into your HSA.
Q: How should I place orders to buy and sell ETFs?
A: The least risky way to buy or sell an ETF is to place a limit order matching the best available offer.


Q: What is Fisher Investments?
A: Fisher Investments is a global asset management firm that provides investment management services to high net worth individuals and institutions.
Q: What Makes Fisher Investments Different From Other Money Managers?
A: We manage assets and help with investment goals.
Q: What is Fisher Investments' Approach to Investing?
A: We manage your money by learning about your goals, creating a personalized portfolio, and using your investment objectives and our market outlook to determine your asset allocation.
Q: What is Fisher Investments' Fee Structure?
A: We don't make money off of trades.
Q: What is Fisher Investments' Performance History?
A: We are proud of our performance history and our ability to develop investing strategies that take into account economic, political and sentiment factors.
Q: What Service Does Fisher Investments Provide?
A: We help high net worth individuals and institutions around the world reach their long-term financial goals.
Q: What Types of Investments Does Fisher Investments Hold for Clients?
A: We invest in stocks, bonds, and other securities.
Q: How Does Fisher Investments Protect Client Accounts?
A: We take your security and privacy seriously.
Q: Who is the CEO of Fisher Investments?
A: Damian Ornani has been CEO of Fisher Investments since 2016.
Q: Who Owns Fisher Investments?
A: We’re a private company that can act in our clients’ best interests.


Q: What is the minimum investment balance?
A: $1,000.
Q: How Do I Become a Client?
A: You can become a client by calling us today at (888) 823-9566.
Q: What is the Minimum to Become a Client?
A: Fisher Investments' Private Client Group focuses on high net worth individuals with investable assets of $500,000 or more.
Q: What is the minimum investment to use the robo-advisor?
A: Automated Investor is a robo-advisor that offers a simple and automated way to invest in a portfolio of exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The company has a $1,000 minimum investment requirement and does not charge any management fees.


Q: How Many Employees Does Fisher Investments Have?
A: Fisher Investments is a global investment management firm with over 5,000 employees in 30 countries.
Q: How Much Money Does Fisher Investments Have Under Management?
A: We manage over $211 billion for clients globally as of 6/30/2023. This includes assets under management from our four principal business units: Fisher Investments Institutional Group, Fisher Investments Private Client Group, Fisher Investments 401(k) Solutions Group, and Fisher Investments Private Client Group International.
Q: What experience does the management have?
A: The senior management of the Commonwealth Funds is very proud of the organization and its accomplishments.
Q: How many members do you have?
A: We are a global investment network with over 1.9 million members.

We offer a variety of investment opportunities, including real estate, venture capital, and private equity.

We have a wide range of experience and expertise, and we are always looking for new and innovative ways to grow our network and our portfolio.
Q: How many investments should I make?
A: Invest small amounts of money in startups on a regular basis. Only invest what you can afford to lose.


Q: Why did my fund price suddenly drop in value?
A: There are a number of reasons why a fund's value may drop unexpectedly, including changes in the underlying assets, changes in market conditions, or even changes in the fund's management. While it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for a drop in value, it is important to remember that all investments come with risk, and even the best-performing funds can experience periods of losses.
Q: Why did my fund price drop so much more than the market?
A: There could be a number of reasons why your fund unexpectedly dropped in value. It could be due to changes in the market, changes in the fund's strategy, or even changes in the fund manager. If you're concerned about why your fund dropped in value, it's best to speak to your financial advisor.


Q: What is an ETF?
A: it depends on your circumstances.

If you are looking for simplicity and want to minimize fees, then index mutual funds are a good choice. They are easy to understand and manage, and have low fees.

If you are looking to minimize taxes, then ETFs may be a better choice. When you sell an ETF, you only pay taxes on the gains, whereas with a mutual fund, you pay taxes on the entire amount.

If you are looking to
Q: How can I make sure an entrepreneur responds?
A: Fill in your profile, send personal messages, look professional.

2. How do I know if my offer is attractive?

It’s a good idea to do some research on the market and compare your offer to other investors. Make sure you’re offering what they’re looking for.

Tl;dr: Research the market and compare your offer to other investors.

3. How do I know if the entrepreneur is worth investing in?
Q: What are the limits on canceling an investment?
A: You'll have a 5-day notice before the Community Round closes.


Q: What are the Electronic Consent Agreement and Trade Confirmation Waiver?
A: You need to agree to our agreements in order to enroll in our investment account.
Q: What are recurring transfers and their benefits?
A: Yes, you can set up recurring transfers from your HSA to your checking account. You can do this by setting up a minimum balance that you want to keep in your HSA.
Q: What are the benefits?
A: This mutual fund has no sales load or commission, offers a dividend reinvestment plan, has a low minimum investment, and has dedicated and experienced management.
Q: What are the benefits of Automated Investor?
A: If you're looking for a way to increase your privacy and security online, consider using a VPN. A VPN can help to protect your online activity from being monitored by your ISP, government, or other third parties. It can also help to encrypt your traffic, making it more difficult for anyone to snoop on your activity.
Q: What are other ways to invest?
A: Automated Investor is a tool that U.S. Bancorp Investments uses to provide you with investment opportunities.
Q: Why are my securities held by the Custodian?
A: A Custodian is a third-party service that holds and protects investments made through Wefunder. Using a Custodian increases the quality of startups that use Wefunder while also giving more voting power to investors on Wefunder.
Q: What forms/documents are acceptable to prove accreditation?
A: 1. Download the docs from the link below.
2. Fill out the docs.
3. Upload the docs.
4. Investor will get an email notification.
Q: How are contracts signed?
A: Everything is done electronically and you can find your contract in your portfolio.


Q: What are the risks?
A: There are risks involved in investing in foreign securities, including market risk, economic risk and mortgage rate risk.
Q: What are the risks of Automated Investor?
A: There is some risk involved in using Automated Investor, but this is to be expected with any investment. Your money may not be immediately accessible if you need to withdraw it, and the service could be impacted by technology issues.
Q: How do I write Risks?
A: Investors may lose interest in the company if it does not perform well
-The company may not be able to scale quickly enough to meet investor expectations
-The company may have difficulty attracting and retaining top talent
-The company may have difficulty raising additional rounds of funding
-The company may have difficulty executing on its business plan
-The company may face increased competition
-The company may be subject to legal or regulatory risks


Q: What are digitally managed investments with Betterment?
A: Betterment is an online financial advisor that offers automated advice and portfolio management. It is now possible to invest in an HSA through Betterment. When it is time to use the funds in the HSA for eligible medical expenses, Betterment automatically sells the right investments, making it easy to access the funds.
Q: What are the costs associated with foreign investments?
A: Yes, it can be more expensive to manage an international portfolio, but the increased costs may be offset by the increased performance of the portfolio.
Q: What are the costs?
A: If you're looking for a free investment service, you've come to the right place!
Q: How do I transact business with CFR?
A: Complete the Investment Application and enclose a check payable to CFR. For IRA applicants, also complete a TMI IRA Application Form and make checks payable to TMI Trust Company.


Q: What happens if a company I want to invest in does not meet its funding target?
A: The total funding amount is an estimate entered by the entrepreneur. Your money will have an immediate influence as soon as you transfer it to your chosen company.
Q: What if I don’t have a specific goal in mind?
A: 1) Set up a Mint account.

2) Connect your accounts to Mint.

3) Set up your goals.

4) Track your progress.
Q: What happens when the company files its Form C?
A: 1. Wefunder can only take payments towards a company's escrow account once they file their Form C.
2. The Community Round will do this with the help of Wefunder once they receive their minimum in reservations.
3. Early Bird Terms and Contracts are unavailable during the TTW stage.
4. When a company hits its goal, Wefunder will help that company file its Form C. Once that is complete, everyone who made a reservation will be
Q: What can I say (or not say) in "real life" to the public?
A: You are allowed to talk to the public about the facts of your business or products if you do not mention the terms of your fundraise.


Q: What is the robo-advisor tool Automated Investor?
A: Automated Investor is a robo-advisor that uses advanced computer software to manage your investments automatically in an investment advisory account.
Q: How does the robo-advisor Automated Investor manage my investments?
A: Robo-advisors use algorithms to automatically invest your money in a diversified portfolio of assets that is rebalanced regularly. This can help to keep your costs low and your portfolio balanced.
Q: How do I decide my risk comfort level with the robo-advisor?
A: If you’re a beginner investor, we recommend starting with a low-risk portfolio. If you’re more experienced, you might decide to increase your risk to get a higher potential return.
Q: How will you manage my automated investment account?
A: Automated Investor makes trades for you to keep your account balanced.
Q: How often does the robo-advisor review my account?
A: Yes, it is.

Automated Investor is a robo-advisor, so it is designed to automatically monitor and rebalance your investment portfolio. However, you can always manually check your account to see how it is doing.
Q: How do I check my robo-advisor account details?
A: Automated Investor is a robo-advisor that is part of the US Bank investment platform. It has a $500 minimum investment, no management fees and requires a US Bank account.
Q: How do I add money to my robo-advisor account?
A: You can add money to your account at by making a one-time deposit or setting up recurring transfers.
Q: Who can manage the joint Automated Investor account?
A: Both parties will need to open an Automated Investor account. Once both accounts are opened, either party can then invite the other to join their account.


Q: Who is eligible to open an Automated Investor account?
A: You must be a U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident, at least 18 years old, have $1,000 or more in investible assets, have a valid Social Security number or Tax Identification Number, be a customer of USBI or our affiliate, U.S. Bank and be enrolled at to open an Automated Investor account.
Q: How do I open an Automated Investor account?
A: Automated Investor is an online robo-advisor that offers automated investing and portfolio management. The company has no minimum investment requirement and charges a flat annual fee of $1 per month. Automated Investor offers a wide range of investment options, including stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds.
Q: How do I transfer money into my Automated Investor account?
A: You can transfer money from any checking or savings account. Just go to the transfer area in the Automated Investor dashboard or If you’d like to rollover a 401(k) from a previous employer, call us at 866-758-8655.
Q: How do I complete my investor account?
A: I'm an accredited investor looking to invest in early-stage companies. I'm interested in companies that are working on innovative and disruptive technologies.


Q: Why is international investing important?
A: International investing can provide opportunities for diversification and potential returns, but it also comes with certain risks. Money managers with experience investing in international markets can help mitigate some of these risks.
Q: What is portfolio rebalancing?
A: Portfolio rebalancing is the process of buying and selling investments in your account to help keep your overall investment mix aligned with your goal.
Q: Why is portfolio rebalancing important?
A: Rebalancing is the process of buying and selling assets in your portfolio in order to maintain your desired asset allocation. This is important because it helps to manage your risk by reducing the volatility of your portfolio.
Q: What is “cost basis” and why is it important?
A: Cost basis is how much you paid for a stock, bond, mutual fund, etc.
Q: Why is it important to consider risk?
A: ;

The greater the risk, the greater the possible reward [or loss]. The greater the total return [income plus growth] you seek, the greater the risks you must take to get there. Compensated risk provides a corresponding increase in potential reward. Uncompensated risk does not enhance a portfolio’s return expectation. Covenant Trust’s goal is to reduce or eliminate uncompensated risk through portfolio diversification. Our challenge is to properly match the risk that you can


Q: How will you invest my money?
A: ETFs offer investors a way to pool their money in a fund that makes investments in stocks, bonds, other assets or some combination of these investments.
Q: What ETFs do you invest in?
A: We recommend avoiding fixed income ETFs in general.
Q: How will my investment help another church?
A: CFR is a non-profit organization that provides loans to churches with the intention of helping them grow and expand. There are no fees associated with investing with CFR, and interest is compounded daily.
Q: Where does my money go after I invest?
A: Wefunder does not touch your money, it goes into an escrow account.
Q: Why do you need my SSN?
A: We need your SSN to comply with tax law and to keep your investment safe. We take security seriously and have measures in place to protect your information.
Q: How much am I allowed to invest?
A: It’s complicated. Thankfully, when you sign up for a Wefunder account, you’ll be able to ask our team any questions you have.


Q: How could turnover and other factors affect my investments?
A: Active trading is not done intentionally by the management of the Commonwealth Funds, but circumstances can occur that result in more active participation in the markets. Turnover can be affected by rebalancing of the equity portfolio among sectors, rebalancing between equities and debt instruments, investing new subscriptions as well as making required liquidations for redemptions.
Q: How do you determine the asset allocation between countries in the Australia/New Zealand Fund?
A: There are no set guidelines for country asset allocations. The investment process seeks to capture what is believed to be the best opportunities considering the reasonable diversification determined to be essential.
Q: How are investments chosen and asset allocation determined?
A: 1. Diversification - Investing in many different investments reduces risk.

2. Low fees - Automated Investor only invests in investments with low fees.

3. Tax efficiency - Automated Investor only invests in investments that are tax efficient.

4. Risk-adjusted returns - Automated Investor only invests in investments that have a history of providing risk-adjusted returns.

5. Liquidity - Automated Investor only invests in investments that are highly liquid
Q: How is the valuation determined?
A: The valuation of a startup is determined by the amount of capital chasing startups. right now, early-stage high-growth startups are often valued at $3 to $20 million for their first financing. Lifestyle businesses are valued at less. Companies that have raised several rounds of financing and are further along are worth far more.


Q: What is tax-loss harvesting?
A: Tax-loss harvesting is a standard strategy used to help reduce taxes on gains. Automated Investor is among the few robo-advisors and other automated investing algorithms that now make it possible to use tax-loss harvesting without a high minimum-balance requirement.
Q: How does tax-loss harvesting work?
A: Automated Investor will sell an investment at a loss and either reinvest the proceeds or hold the cash for 30 days to avoid a wash-sale. This allows you to “harvest” the loss for tax purposes.
Q: What Tax Forms Should I Expect to Receive?
A: If you invested in an LLC, you may receive a Schedule K-1 in tax years where the LLC incurred a taxable gain or loss.
Q: What Tax Obligations Do I Have?
A: You'll need to file a yearly Form 1065 and distribute Schedule K-1s to your investors if your company is taxed as a partnership. If your company is taxed as a corporation, you'll need to do a corporate income tax filing.


Q: What investment process does the fund manager use?
A: We study the economy and find companies that will do well in the future.
Q: How do you protect on the downside?
A: There is no one perfect portfolio management style that outperforms in all market conditions. The goal is to capture as much of the market upside while maintaining some debt instruments to assist in providing stability on the downside. This is not always successful but the income streams can be stabilizing during times of market corrections.
Q: What do you mean by “professional” investment management?
A: Investment management is a professional service that helps you choose and manage investments.

What is investment management pdf?

Investment management is the professional asset management of various securities (shares, bonds and other securities) and other assets (e.g., real estate) in order to meet specified investment goals for the benefit of the investors.

What is investment management in simple words?

Investment management is the professional asset management of various securities (shares, bonds and other
Q: How do you begin the investment management process for my account?
A: We review your completed Covenant Trust Investment Questionnaire, we determine the investment objective that best suits your needs and goals. Investment objectives range from very conservative, income-only accounts to growth-oriented accounts that offer the potential of superior, long-term returns. The classification of your account within this range is determined by balancing your investment objectives against the level of risk you can tolerate comfortably. Covenant Trust has eight basic investment objectives:

1. Capital preservation

2. Income

Q: How can you have a unique plan for each account, but only one basic strategy?
A: Covenant Trust's basic investment strategy is to invest in bonds and stocks through mutual funds, and to customize the mix of assets based on the individual goals and needs of the account holder.
Q: What do you charge?
A: For Reg CF, Wefunder charges 7.5% of the total fundraise, only if successful. For Reg A+, we charge a flat fee of $375K.
Q: How can I gift stock out of my brokerage account?
A: In order to gift stock out of your brokerage account, you must submit a written request to Fidelity, either by bringing a letter of instruction to a Fidelity Investor Center, or by mail. Your letter of instruction should include the following information:

-Your name, address, and Fidelity account number
-The name and address of the person you are gifting the stock to
-The name of the stock you are gifting, the number of shares, and the stock


Q: What investment-related services does Covenant Trust offer?
A: Covenant Trust manages the assets held in accounts that benefit Covenant ministries.
Q: How does Covenant Trust select individual bonds and stocks for my account?
A: Covenant Trust uses multiple investment managers, and monitors them for risk and performance.
Q: How does Covenant Trust decide when to invest in tax-exempt bonds?
A: We will consider investing in tax-exempt bonds or funds for an account if there is an adequate yield advantage over taxable alternatives, taking into account the client’s projected marginal income tax rate.
Q: Who reviews investment activity at Covenant Trust?
A: The Investment Committee of the board meets at least quarterly to formulate and review investment policy, evaluate internal and external investment analysis, establish criteria for Covenant Trust core holdings, review asset allocation and holdings of selected individual accounts, and monitor the activities of the Portfolio Review Committee which reviews each fiduciary account at least once annually.
Q: What can you tell me about Covenant Trust’s investment management performance?
A: We don't really know what we're doing, but we're pretty confident that we're doing a good job.
Q: How does Covenant Trust help me achieve my objectives?
A: We offer professional asset management services to help you achieve your investment objectives.
Q: How Can/Will Wefunder Help Me with My Taxes?
A: It depends on the investment structure. If you have an SPV, the SPV is the only direct investor in your company.


Q: What is a trading day?
A: A trading day is the time span that a particular stock exchange is open.
Q: What is the sell discipline?
A: The sale of securities is dictated by valuations and changes. Valuations may dictate a sale when the individual or relative security values are determined to be out of order representing an unacceptable risk-reward holding. Changes may dictate a sale when financials change, management changes, product lines or other uncertainties change resulting in an unacceptable risk-reward holding in the opinion of the fund management.
Q: How is my privacy protected?
A: We will never share your name or contact information with anyone unless you decide to connect with them.
Q: What is a streak?
A: You can see your streak on the mobile app by going to the Profile page and tapping the Streak section. If you don’t see a streak, you’ll need to make an automated or manual deposit two months (or more) in a row.
Q: What is “risk tolerance”?
A: Risk tolerance is your personal level of comfort with the amount of risk in your investment portfolio.
Q: What is Wefunder?
A: We allow people to invest in startups with as little as $100. If the startup does well, the investor may make money, and if not, they lose their investment.
Q: How is Wefunder different from the stock market?
A: 1. Companies on Wefunder are typically earlier stage than companies listed on the NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange.

2. Companies on Wefunder may not have any revenue, while companies listed on the NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange must have at least $10 million in annual revenue.

3. Companies on Wefunder may have a limited operating history, while companies listed on the NASDAQ or the New York Stock Exchange must have been in
Q: Why did you create Wefunder?
A: We started AngelList to help our friends raise money and to invest in causes we care about. We're a Public Benefit Corporation so that we can help make capitalism work better by sprinkling the Silicon Valley fairy dust across the rest of America.
Q: What is Capitalize?
A: Capitalize is a new brand by Wefunder focused on making it easier for accredited investors to raise money.
Q: What is a Custodian?
A: A Custodian is an entity (such as a broker-dealer, bank, or transfer agent) that holds any securities on behalf of all investors (who are the "beneficial owners" of the securities). This means investors do not actually possess the shares, convertible notes, or SAFEs. Instead, the Custodian holds them on their behalf. All voting rights of securities are delegated to the Lead Investor, who directs the Custodian on how it should vote the
Q: What is a SAFE?
A: A SAFE is an investment contract that gives you the right to equity in a startup at a future date, typically in exchange for a lower price than professional investors pay. The key term in a SAFE is the Valuation Cap, which sets the maximum price per share.
Q: What is a Convertible Note?
A: A convertible note is an unsecured loan that converts to stock at some point in the future. The most important term to focus on is the Valuation Cap, which sets the maximum price per share that the loan will convert into.
Q: What is Wefunder Cash?
A: The Wefunder Cash account is an online wallet that helps you invest faster by allowing you to transfer funds and make reservations.
Q: What exactly is a reservation?
A: Yes, you can make a reservation for a Community Round that is in the Testing The Waters (TTW) stage. You will be asked how you intend to pay when making the reservation.
Q: How can I contact Wefunder?
A: We have a few ways for investors to communicate with us:

-Our website has a form that investors can fill out to contact us

-We also have an email address that investors can use to reach us

-We're always happy to answer any questions investors may have in person or over the phone
Q: Who are the best startups funded by Wefunder?
A: Wefunder is the best platform to raise money for your startup because it has the best track record of success and because it is the most prestigious platform.
Q: What is a Disaster Loan?
A: The Disaster Loan is a loan from Wefunder intended to help small businesses during a crisis. It has a low interest rate and flexible repayment options based on revenues.
Q: What is a Form C?
A: You must file a Form C with the SEC in order to collect investments on Wefunder via Regulation Crowdfunding. Wefunder has an online tool that helps you create a draft Form C fast and easy.
Q: What information do I need to provide for Wefunder to generate a Form C?
A: The Form C will include your company name, address, website, the amount of money you're raising, the amount of money you've raised to date, the amount of money you're trying to raise, your business description, the amount of money you're offering, the price per share, the number of shares you're offering, the type of securities you&#x.
Q: How do I get mentioned in Wefunder's newsletter?
A: We're working on making our marketing emails more personalized and effective, and we're basing it off of data from investments.


Q: What should I look for in an asset manager?
A: You want an asset manager who is proactive, communicative, and responsive to your needs. You want someone who is always looking for ways to improve your portfolio and help you reach your financial goals.
Q: Why should I invest in startups?
A: Invest in startups because you believe in the product and the team, not just to make money.
Q: Why do startups use SPVs?
A: SPVs help startups raise money by grouping together smaller investors into one large entity. This makes it easier to get venture capitalists on board and get approvals for future financings.
Q: Why should I offer Early Bird Terms?
A: Early Bird terms are a discount off of the normal terms offered to the first $50k - $100k worth of investments.


Q: What kind of companies are on Wefunder?
A: We’re a venture fund that invests in early-stage companies.
Q: What kind of businesses can fundraise?
A: We're looking for early-stage companies that have a concrete business plan and are not in a heavily regulated industry.
Q: How are companies sorted and highlighted on Wefunder?
A: We sort companies by objective metrics and highlight/advertise companies based on objective criteria. We do not make investment recommendations.
Q: What legal restrictions are there on advertising?
A: You can now start promoting your raise before your Form C is filed, as long as you abide by these rules: don’t include any terms of your offering – direct people to your Wefunder pitch. Avoid hyperbole and misleading info. Oh, and don’t say the SEC has "approved" your offering. The SEC doesn't like that.

The SEC has released new rules that will allow startups to start
Q: How much money can I raise on Wefunder?
A: It depends on the size and type of your raise.


Q: What is the cost for Automated Investor?
A: – Automated Investor charges a 0.24% annual advisory fee on all assets under management. This fee, billed quarterly, covers all transactions, trades, rebalancing, advice and account administration. No additional fees are charged to buy or sell securities.

How does Automated Investor compare to other investment services?

Automated Investor is a low-cost solution that’s available to anyone with a brokerage account. Our annual advisory fee of 0.24% is lower than the
Q: What is a Lead Investor?
A: The Lead Investor is an investor who is familiar with the startup and decided to invest on the same terms as those offered on Wefunder. The Lead Investor directs the voting power of all Wefunder investors and can take other actions on behalf of investors.
Q: What does a Lead Investor do?
A: The Lead Investor is the one who decides whether or not to invest on the same terms as those offered on Wefunder, and also signs documents on behalf of all investors on Wefunder.
Q: Who chooses the Lead Investor?
A: You need to have a lead investor before you can file a Form C.
Q: Who is qualified to be a Lead Investor?
A: The lead investor is the person who provides the most money to your company on Wefunder, and they also have to agree to be the lead investor.
Q: How should I go about choosing a Lead Investor?
A: Be smart, be coachable, be likable, have a clear reason for wanting to invest.
Q: What if I don't yet have a Lead Investor?
A: You should try to choose a Lead Investor from your professional network or from the Wefunder investors that back your company during the campaign. If you can't find a Lead, you won't be able to withdraw any money you raise on Wefunder.
Q: What contract does a Lead Investor sign?


Q: How long before I can see my transfers in my investment account?
A: If you enter a transfer before 4 p.m. ET, it will be traded the same day and settled/posted on the next trading day.
Q: How do I earn a return?
A: The amount you may earn depends on the type of investment contract the company offers.
Q: How long until I see a return?
A: It depends on the type of investment contract.


Q: Where can I get help deciding what funds to choose?
A: You can use the information in each fund’s prospectus to help you decide which funds are right for you. The Optum Bank asset allocation calculator can also help you determine what funds to choose. However, it is always best to speak with a financial advisor to get personalized advice.
Q: How can I best get investing advice from the Bogleheads?
A: Create an emergency fund
-Pay off high-interest debt
-Max out retirement accounts
-Invest in a diversified portfolio

1. Create an emergency fund:

The first thing you should do with a windfall is to create an emergency fund. This will help you cover unexpected expenses in the future without having to dip into your investment portfolio.

2. Pay off high-interest debt:

If you have high-interest debt, such as
Q: Where can I view my investments?
A: You can view all of your reservations and investments by visiting your Wefunder Portfolio. Here, you will be able to see the status and payment information for all of your investments and download your contracts if applicable.
Q: Where can I get more advice on how to invest wisely?
A: If you're looking for early-stage investing firms with a proven track record, Y Combinator is a great option.


Q: What are my payment options?
A: You can pay for your investment using a bank transfer (US only), check (for investments $1000+), credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or wire transfer (international investors only).
Q: How long do I have to send a payment?
A: Payment must be made by the end of the Community Round.
Q: How do I check my payment status?
A: If you're still confused about the process, here's a quick summary of what you need to do:

1. Sign up for an account at Wefunder.

2. Verify your account.

3. Go to the company's profile page.

4. Click on the "Apply to Invest" button.

5. Follow the instructions on how to apply to invest.

6. If you are accepted, you will receive an email with
Q: How do I verify my accredited status?
A: If you want to verify your status as an accredited investor, you'll need to submit documentation that confirms your income or net worth.
Q: What is mobile check investment?
A: You can use the Vanguard app to deposit checks into your Vanguard account using your phone’s camera.


Q: What are the fees charged for my transactions?
A: There are no trading fees charged for investments associated with your HSA. Other fees and expenses applicable to continued investments are described in each mutual fund’s current prospectus.
Q: What fees do investors pay?
A: For bank ACH, wires, or checks, Wefunder charges a 2% transaction fee, with a minimum of $8 and a maximum of $100.
-For credit cards, Apple Pay, or Google Pay, Wefunder charges a 5% fee, with a minimum of $8 and no maximum.
Q: What updates will investors expect?
A: Keep your investors updated on your company's progress at least quarterly, even if it's just a few photos or paragraphs.


Q: Why is Vanguard special?
A: The Vanguard Group is an American investment management company that offers a variety of financial services, including investment management, asset management, and brokerage services.
Q: Why is my investment still pending?
A: Credit cards: 1-2 business days
-ACH/bank transfer: 5 business days
-Wire transfer: up to 10 business days
Q: Why is my investment still in escrow?
A: Yes, it can take a few months for your investment to be confirmed.
Q: Why is my total investment less than I committed?
A: If you commit $250, your commitment will be lowered to $240 to purchase 12 shares, but you will still receive any perks you were expecting at the $250 level.


Q: How will I receive a refund?
A: If you cancel your investment or a Community Round fails, your money will be refunded automatically. If you paid by check or wire, your refund will be sent to your Wefunder Cash account. From there, you can refund the money to your bank account (US banks only) or wire the funds to your bank (international investors only.)
Q: How long will it take to receive my refund?
A: Cryptocurrencies can be a great investment, but they can also be volatile and high-risk. SoFi Invest® offers a variety of investment products to help you diversify your portfolio.
Q: How long will it take to receive my Wefunder Cash refund?
A: Wefunder Cash refunds are processed quickly, and you can expect to receive your money back within 3-5 business days.
Q: When will I receive my perks?
A: If you have questions about the perks you have earned from investing in a company on Wefunder, please reach out to the company directly.
Q: How long will it take until my fundraise is live?
A: 1. You can start advertising your Wefunder pitch immediately after creating it, but you'll need to include certain disclosures in all public communications.
2. Once you file your Form C, you'll have to wait at least 21 days before withdrawing any funds.


Q: What happens if I drop below the minimum?
A: If you are looking for a way to save for your future health care costs, an HSA is a great option. You can contribute to it with pre-tax dollars and use the money tax-free to pay for your medical expenses.

If you are looking for a way to invest your HSA money and grow it over time, consider transferring your HSA to a provider that offers investment options.

Just remember that you can only invest your HSA money if you have
Q: What happens next?
A: We ask you about your risk tolerance and investment goals in order to determine how much of your money should be in cash, fixed-income, and equities.
Q: When will the Community Round close?
A: If the minimum fundraising target is reached, the round will close early.
Q: What happens if the Community Round fails?
A: If you're not happy with your investment, we'll give you a full refund.
Q: What if my raise fails?
A: If your raise fails, you'll need to demonstrate significant progress before you can run a new one on Wefunder.
Q: What happens to the paper check after it's been submitted?
A: Destroy the check once it’s posted.



Q: How can individuals qualify as accredited?
A: If you have an annual income of over $200,000 or a net worth of over $1 million (excluding your primary residence), you may be considered an accredited investor.
Q: How can entities qualify as accredited?
A: To be an accredited investor, you must either have a net worth of over $1 million, or an annual income of over $200,000.


Q: How often can I change my investment elections?
A: You can update your investment options once per trading day.
Q: How do I buy?
A: The Commonwealth Funds are available through local brokers offering no load funds or by contacting Commonwealth.
Q: How do I change my email settings?
A: Go to your profile and click on email settings.
Q: How do I make changes to my goal?
A: You can update your goal target date, goal target amount or goal name, directly from your account dashboard. Updates will generally take effect the following day.
Q: How do I change my password?
A: Go to Find Password and choose Reset to create a new password.
Q: How do I close my raise?
A: After your funding target has been met and at least 21 days have passed, you may initiate the close of your round at any time.
Q: How do I file my annual report?
A: You must file an annual report with the SEC no later than 120 days after the end of your fiscal year. You can either pay a professional to file it for you, or follow the steps below to file it yourself.


Q: How are you different than Kickstarter?
A: Wefunder is for people who want to invest in your company, while Kickstarter is for people who want to buy your product.
Q: How are you better than your competitors?
A: We're the largest and most popular crowdfunding platform, and we're dedicated to helping good companies succeed. We have great prices, a great community, and a commitment to our values.
Q: How are SPVs different than the Crowd SAFE?
A: The Crowd SAFE sucks for founders. Don't use it.


Q: What is XX and XX Investments LLC?
A: The XX is a group of experienced entrepreneurs who help startups with everything from investment to mentorship. They also act as a custodian for all securities sold on Wefunder, so your company only has one entity on the cap table.
Q: What is the relationship between XX and Wefunder?
A: Wefunder does not have any equity stake in XX companies.
Q: How much does XX Investments LLC cost?
A: For the first 3 years after your raise, the XX Investments LLC will waive all fees. After 3 years, it will collect $1K annually until IPO, acquisition, or dissolution.


Q: How can I filter pitches using your search page?
A: 1. Click on the "Search" button at the top of the screen

2. Type in your search criteria in the "Search for" field

3. Click on the "Filter" button

4. Select your filters from the dropdown menus

5. Click on the "Apply" button

6. Click on the "Search" button again
Q: How do I create my pitch page?
A: You can raise money in a few different ways:

Apply for a grant

Get a loan

Sell equity


Don’t forget to also look into government programs and tax incentives.

You can raise money from almost anywhere. The best place to start is with your own network.

If you’re looking to raise money from investors, make sure you have a solid business plan and pitch deck.
Q: How do I create a good pitch?
A: 1. Go to your profile page and click on the "Edit Profile" button.

2. In the "About Me" section, scroll down to the "Website" field and enter your website's URL.

3. Once you're finished, click on the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.
Q: How do I delete my pitch?
A: If you delete your company, you're permanently deleting your company from Wefunder.
Q: Why isn't my live fundraise showing up on the Explore page?
A: Wefunder will not show your company on the Explore page until you have either (1) filed your Form C, or (2) completed a profile compliance review while in testing the waters.


Q: Who Makes the Firm's Investment Decisions?
A: The IPC makes all strategic investment decisions for our clients’ portfolios and is supported by a large research department.
Q: How do I use specific identification of shares when selling?
A: The shares are identified by the order in which they are purchased.

If an investor purchases 100 shares of Company XYZ on Monday and 100 shares of Company XYZ on Tuesday, the shares purchased on Monday will be considered the "first 100 shares" and the shares purchased on Tuesday will be considered the "second 100 shares".
Q: Who can use this platform?
A: This platform is designed for sophisticated investors or investment professionals.
Q: Who manages the SPV?
A: The manager of an SPV is typically Wefunder Admin, LLC, who then delegates voting decisions to the Lead Investor. For legacy Reg D SPVs and those set up for certain purposes such as investing in follow-on financings, the manager is Wefunder Advisors, LLC. The manager of the relevant SPV is indicated in the Subscription Agreement that investors sign when they invest through an SPV.
Q: How do revenue share or loans work?
A: A Wefunder Revenue Share Loan Agreement is a promissory note paid back from a share of the business's revenues. Important terms in this note include the loan amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, and the percentage of revenues that will be paid back to the investor.
Q: Who should use a Revenue Share?
A: A revenue share is a type of promissory note that is paid back from a share of the revenues of the business. It is typically more exciting for investors than a standard loan, and can be safer for a company with less predictable cash flows.


Q: How do I set up recurring transfers?
A: Yes, you can set up a recurring transfer from your HSA to an investment account. To do so, sign in to your account and enter the threshold dollar amount you want to be applied to your recurring threshold. When your HSA balance exceeds that threshold, money will be swept out in $100 increments to your investment account and be allocated per the elections you have set up for investments.
Q: How do I choose the contract and set the terms?
A: 1. If you're a pre-revenue company, you should raise money on a convertible note with a 20% discount and a $1 million cap.
2. If you're a post-revenue company, you should raise money on a SAFE with a 20% discount and a $5 million cap.
Q: How should I set my fundraising target?
A: You must hit your minimum funding goal to be successful, and your minimum goal must be enough to give your business at least 6 months of runway.
Q: How should I set up my marketing strategy?
A: The most important thing you can do to make your fundraise successful is to plan a big first day. This will help create momentum that will carry throughout the entire fundraise. Other key tips include preparing a list of people who are supportive of your venture, and timing your fundraise to coincide with other newsworthy events.


Q: What does “international” mean?
A: Companies headquartered in the United States are considered “domestic” while companies headquartered outside of the United States are considered “international.”.
Q: What is a wash-sale and how does it impact the amount of cash in my account?
A: The wash-sale rule is an IRS regulation that prevents a taxpayer from taking a tax deduction for a security sold in a wash sale. The rule defines a wash sale as one that occurs when an individual sells or trades a security at a loss and, within 30 days before or after this sale, buys a “substantially identical” stock or security.
Q: How do SPVs work?
A: We're using SPVs to make it easier for startups to raise money and for investors to invest in startups.
Q: How does Preferred Stock work?
A: The essential term for a non-lead investor investing a small amount is the Post-Money Valuation or the Pre-Money Valuation. This is effectively what the company is considered to be worth; with it, you can calculate your percentage ownership. Comparatively, the price of the stock is relatively meaningless.
Q: How does currency conversion work for refunds?
A: – You may get back less than you paid depending on the exchange rate.
Q: How do over-subscriptions work?
A: A company can only legally close on $5M in a 12-month period, so if they receive more investment commitments than that, the round is over-subscribed.
Q: How does it work?
A: You can deposit your check from your mobile device.


Q: How can I prioritise which types of pitches appear to me in the lists?
A: Yes, you can change your investment criteria on Acorns at any time. To do so, go to your profile settings and make sure you have set your investment criteria to match your investment priorities.
Q: What types of accounts are eligible?
A: Almost every brokerage account can do mobile check deposit.
Q: What types of checks are accepted?
A: Personal checks
-Cashier's or bank checks
-Certified checks
-Federal Reserve checks
-U.S. Treasury checks
-Business checks
-Vanguard issued checks

Types of checks we don't accept:

-Checks made payable to cash
-Altered checks
-Checks in a foreign currency or drawn on a foreign bank
-Post-dated checks
-Stale-dated checks (generally, checks dated more
Q: What if the check isn't accepted or is rejected?
A: We'll let you know if your check isn't accepted for some reason.</div>


Q: How are the funds selected?
A: Optum Bank has a wide variety of investment options available, including some that are conservative and some that are more aggressive. The fees for the selected funds are typically average or below average.
Q: How do I compare bond funds?
A: Municipal bonds are great for taxable accounts, especially if you are in a high tax bracket.

The following is a list of the most common types of bonds:

U.S. Treasury bonds are issued by the federal government and are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. Because of this, the interest paid on these bonds is exempt from state and local taxes.

Municipal bonds are issued by state and local governments and are backed by the full
Q: What investment options are available for Wisconsin municipalities?
A: Municipalities in Wisconsin may invest funds only in those investments specified in Wis Stat $ 66.0603(1m), which authorizes the following investment options:

-U.S. government obligations
-Obligations of the state of Wisconsin or any of its political subdivisions
-Obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States
-Corporate bonds that are rated in one of the two highest rating categories by at least two
Q: Why raise funds from the crowd?
A: Make your most loyal customers into owners. They are often your most passionate evangelists.
Investors have a financial interest in helping your business succeed. For instance, if you own a brewery and your customer is also your investor, she'll likely drink more beer there, and bring her friends more often.
Need help recruiting an engineer?  Looking for an intro to a key VP at a big company?  Want feedback on your product from an
Q: When will the check be posted to my account?
A: If you make a purchase request on a business day before 4pm ET, the trade date will be the next business day. If you make a purchase request on a business day after 4pm ET, or on a non-business day, the trade date will be the second business day following the day Vanguard receives the purchase request.
Q: When will the funds be available?
A: You can deposit a check by taking a picture of it with your phone.

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