Spdx.org / Licensing agreement

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SPDX License List | Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX)
License List | Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX)
Trademark | Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX)

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http://kemitchell.com/ 100.43kemitchell.com
http://ifross.org/ 30.23ifross.org
http://openhub.net/ 30.23openhub.net
http://apache.org/ 10.09apache.org
http://drupal.org/ 10.06drupal.org
http://debian.org/ 10.06debian.org
http://blackducksoftware.com/ 10.02blackducksoftware.com
http://rubygems.org/ 10.01rubygems.org
http://linuxfoundation.org/ 10linuxfoundation.org
http://crates.io/ 10crates.io

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http://opensource.org/ 180.96opensource.org
http://openldap.org/ 90.59openldap.org
http://github.com/ 50.36github.com
http://creativecommons.org/ 50.15creativecommons.org
http://archive.org/ 20.15archive.org
http://freebsd.org/ 20.15freebsd.org
http://opencascade.com/ 20.1opencascade.com
http://javaee.github.io/ 10.08javaee.github.io
http://zimbra.com/ 10.08zimbra.com
http://oclc.org/ 10.08oclc.org

Most linked pages from spdx.org

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https://spdx.org/ 40.3410.02-1no-1-1-1-122
https://spdx.org/spdx-license-list/matching-guidelines 20.180.990.281yes1351100
https://spdx.org/license-list 20.28101yes20122200
https://spdx.org/Trademark 20.280.9901yes1341112
https://spdx.org/Resources 20.280.960-1no-1-1-1-100
http://spdx.org/licenses/MIT 10.160.960.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://spdx.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause 10.1610.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://spdx.org/licenses/JSON 10.160.950.07-1--1-1-1-111
http://spdx.org/licenses/BSD-4-Clause 10.160.950.07-1--1-1-1-111
https://spdx.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause 10.160.990.07-1--1-1-1-111

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https://spdx.org/licenses/ 3760.310.9947.231yes3793761122
https://spdx.org/licenses/exceptions-index.html 270.180.992.441yes37341100
https://spdx.org/license-list 70.2810.961yes20122200
https://spdx.org/spdx-license-list/matching-guidelines 50.180.9901yes1351100
https://spdx.org/ 30.3410-1no-1-1-1-122
https://spdx.org/spdx-license-list/license-list-overview 10.210.990.111yes1991100
https://spdx.org/spdx-license-list/request-new-license 10.1810.091yes1782200
https://spdx.org/licenses/CDDL-1.1.html 10.150.970.081yes621111
https://spdx.org/licenses/APSL-2.0.html 10.150.870.081yes521100
https://spdx.org/licenses/CC-BY-ND-1.0.html 10.150.930.031yes521100

Random 'licensing agreement FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general licensing agreement topic.



Q: What Is an intellectual property license?
A: Yes, you can copyright a license.
Q: What is the typical form of payment under an IP license?
A: Royalties are payments that a licensee makes to a licensor for the right to use the licensor's intellectual property.
Q: What is an option agreement?
A: An option agreement is a contract that gives a company the right to use a technology for a limited time, usually in order to assess its commercial potential. The option holder is typically responsible for paying ongoing patent costs during the option period.
Q: What is the License Summary?
A: The License Summary displays real-time Volume License entitlements per Microsoft product family and version for all active and inactive Licensing IDs in your permission set.
Q: What is a License Entitlement?
A: A license entitlement is your right to install and use software products as detailed in the license agreement.
Q: What is a License Grant?
A: Software Assurance is a subscription service that allows you to stay current with Microsoft software. Software Assurance is available only as part of certain Microsoft Volume Licensing programs.

Microsoft Software Assurance is a subscription service that helps keep your software current. Software Assurance is included with certain Microsoft Volume Licensing programs. Software Assurance provides you with the latest Microsoft software releases and unique services to help you deploy, manage, and use your software more effectively.

Software Assurance is a subscription
Q: What is intellectual property?
A: Intellectual property includes inventions, software, and research materials created by UMass investigators.


Q: What terms and conditions should be part of an IP license agreement?
A: The above is not true. If you want to use a CC license, you must use the CC license, and you must comply with the terms of that license.

If you are using a CC license, the license terms are not optional. You must use the CC license, and you must comply with the terms of that license.

The CC license terms are not optional. You must use the CC license, and you must comply with the terms of that license.

Q: What are the standard terms in a license agreement?
A: The standard license agreement includes financial terms such as annual fees, milestone fees, a royalty on product sales, and reimbursement of patent costs, as well as non-financial terms such as degree of exclusivity, reservation of rights for the Federal government, for Rice and for other organizations for research and educational activities, and diligence requirements for assurance that the company has resources to develop the technology and is committed to doing so.
Q: What are some of the standard financial issues in a license agreement?
A: The fees are meant to compensate the university for the value of the intellectual property being licensed, as well as for the benefits that the licensee receives when seeking resources to develop the technology. Maintenance fees and royalties are the most common mechanisms for sharing value between a licensee and licensor.
Q: Why are some Licensing IDs for my organization not displayed in the list?
A: If you are the owner of the license

If you are a member of the license team

If you are a member of the license's organization

If you are a member of the license's GitHub team

If you are a member of the license's GitHub organization

If you are a member of the license's GitHub repository

If you are a member of the license's GitHub organization

If you are a member of the license's GitHub team
Q: What are the fees?
A: The upfront payment, annual maintenance fee, and milestone payments are all fees that are designed to encourage the licensee to be diligent in their commercialization efforts. The specific amounts of these fees are determined during the license negotiation.
Q: What is actually licensed in the agreement?
A: It can be any of several forms of intellectual property, including patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.
Q: What are the key changes being made to the Elastic License?
A: You can use Elasticsearch and Kibana for free as long as you don’t sell it and as long as you give Elastic credit.

1. You can’t sell Elasticsearch or Kibana

You can use Elasticsearch and Kibana for free as long as you don’t sell it. This includes selling access to your Elasticsearch cluster, selling Elasticsearch as a service, or selling a product that bundles Elasticsearch.



Q: What is a Software Service Level Agreement (SLA)?
A: A software service level agreement (SLA) is a contract between a software vendor and a customer that outlines the level of service the customer can expect from the vendor. The agreement should include measures and timelines for service in the event that something goes wrong.
Q: What are SLA Security Requirements?
A: (Too Long; Didn't Read) SLA security requirements are often included in an SLA to protect the vendor and all parties involved. The SLA security requirements components are particularly important for cloud-based software, as they identify shared demands that ensure both the vendor and the customer’s security needs are met.

What Is an SLA?

An SLA is a contract between a vendor and a customer that outlines the expectations for the service or product being provided. As the
Q: What are milestones?
A: Milestones are checkpoints that the licensee must hit in order to continue working with the university. If they miss one, the university will work with them to try and get them back on track.
Q: What are the rebates or remedies if an SLA is not met?
A: You can use the code for any purpose, but you can't redistribute it, nor can you redistribute any modifications you make to it.


Q: What is the Effective Quantity?
A: The Effective Quantity is the number of license entitlements per product and version with upgrades.
Q: What is the Active SA (Software Assurance) Quantity?
A: The Active SA Quantity is the number of licenses covered by Software Assurance (version upgrade protection) across all Microsoft Volume License programs.
Q: Why am I seeing Effective Quantity and/or Active SA Quantity as zero (0)?
A: The license summary is intended to show the licenses your organization is entitled to deploy and use. If the Effective Quantity in the generated license statement is shown as zero, it means that your organization isn't entitled to use the license under the terms of the set of licensing IDs selected for that statement. If the Active SA Quantity is shown as zero, it means that the licenses under the set of licensing IDs used to generate the statement don't have any valid or active Software Assurance coverage.
Q: How are monthly active users calculated?
A: A user is counted as an MAU if they log in or use your application in some way during the course of a calendar month.


Q: What is a Product Pool?
A: If you want to buy a license for an individual product, you need to buy it from the corresponding pool.

If you want to buy a license for multiple products, you can buy them from any pool.
Q: What is an Apache product?
A: You can't access the private variable in the parent class.

In the child class, you can access the private variable in the parent class.
class A
private $foo = 'bar';

class B extends A
public function getFoo()
return $this->foo;
Q: What kind of use constitutes “offering the product as a service” under SSPL?
A: If you run Elasticsearch and Kibana on your own and use it for yourself or your business, you can do so under the Elastic License 2.0. If you distribute Elasticsearch and/or Kibana as a service to others, you can do so under the Elastic License 2.0 or the SSPL.

### [Elasticsearch and Kibana](https://www.elastic.co/elasticsearch/)

Elasticsearch and K


Q: Why can't I use my software on different platforms?
A: Adobe software for different platforms is sold as separate products, so you need to purchase a license for each platform you use.
Q: Why can I see the Contracts list?
A: You can view the list of contracts if you're a valid Volume Licensing user.
Q: How can I see my License Grants?
A: If you see an asterisk in the product list, it means you received the product as a License Grant.

Q: How can I help?
A: Fill out the disclosure form as completely as possible, and conduct a preliminary prior art search. Include any relevant findings with your disclosure.


Q: How is a business chosen to be a licensee?
A: A licensee is chosen based on its ability to commercialize the technology for the benefit of the general public.
Q: Why does Rice take an equity position in its startup companies?
A: Rice benefits from its reputation, which adds value and credibility to the new company. In addition to the direct financial costs associated with patent prosecution, Rice’s researchers from its reputation, broad research base, faculty and graduate students while developing their innovative technologies. It is difficult to predict how a startup will achieve its success, and equity preserves Rice’s potential benefit as the startup grows.
Q: How long does it take for new license orders to appear in the contracts list?
A: If you just purchased a license, it may take up to 10 hours for it to appear in the list. If it's been longer than that, there may be a delay at your partner's end.
Q: How long does it take to obtain a patent?
A: It can take several years for a patent to issue.
Q: How much does it cost to file and obtain a patent?
A: It can cost a lot of money to file and obtain a patent.


Q: What is a Licensing ID?
A: Licensing ID is a code that identifies the level of ordering an organization can place.
Q: What is a copyright?
A: A copyright is the legal right to exclusive control over the use and distribution of a creative work.
Q: What is a patent?
A: A U.S. patent gives the holder the right to exclude others from making, using, selling or offering to sell an invention within the United States for a certain period of time.
Q: What is a “field of use”?
A: Our licenses are defined by the commercial success of the licensee in a particular field.
Q: What is the royalty rate?
A: The university does not set a standard royalty rate for inventions. The royalty rate negotiated depends on several factors, including the stage of development of the technology, the applicable commercial industry, and the nature of the invention.
Q: What is a sublicense?
A: Exclusive licensees are granted the right to pass-through the licensed rights to third parties for the express purpose of achieving those commercialization goals established in the primary license agreement.
Q: What is a territory?
A: The university may hold patent rights in multiple countries, and the territory of the license defines in which countries the university grants rights for the technology.
Q: What if I discover someone infringing the patent?
A: The university will pursue infringers of its patents, but non-exclusive licensees are not allowed to do so.
Q: Why didn't you patent my invention?
A: The OTC office may not pursue a patent application for a new invention for a variety of reasons, including if the invention is not considered to be sufficiently novel or if it is not considered to be of sufficient practical utility.
Q: How is patent prosecution managed?
A: The university maintains control of the prosecution to protect ongoing research and commercialization efforts, but encourages exclusive licensees to participate in the process.
Q: How often is billing done?
A: we can bill month-to-month or annually, your choice.


Q: Why do I need a confidential disclosure agreement?
A: If you want to keep your invention confidential, do not disclose it publicly without first consulting with the Office of Technology Commercialization. Otherwise, you may forfeit your ability to get a patent in most countries.
Q: What is a public disclosure?
A: If you publicly disclose your invention, you may lose your patent rights.
Q: Why do I need a material transfer agreement?
A: A material transfer agreement is needed whenever a researcher wants to send or receive research materials from another institution or company.


Q: What if I need to talk about my invention?
A: Yes, you may need a CDA if you plan on exchanging confidential information with another party.
Q: What if I want to publish my results?
A: Call the OTC Office in advance so that we can help you get the patent protection you need without delaying publication.
Q: What if FusionAuth breaks my stuff?
A: It works, but we don't promise to fix everything for free.

## Can I use this for commercial purposes?



Q: How do I know if I am eligible to use the Education version of the software?
A: Adobe's Educational versions of software are only available to accredited educational institutions and their employees.
Q: What are the benefits of disclosing inventions to OTC?
A: The University of Utah's Office of Technology Transfer manages the technology evaluation and patent prosecution process, and distributes revenues from licensing intellectual property to inventors and departments.
Q: What happens to my disclosure at the OTC Office?
A: OTC will assign a case manager to your disclosure, who will then interview you and assess the commercial value of your intellectual property. If they determine that it is in the interest of UMass Lowell to file for patent protection, they will take the necessary steps to do so.
Q: What kind of SLAs are available?
A: If you run FusionAuth in your own data center, you are responsible for ensuring that it meets the SLA.
- If you run FusionAuth on AWS, you are responsible for ensuring that the AWS infrastructure meets the SLA.
- If you run FusionAuth on Azure, you are responsible for ensuring that the Azure infrastructure meets the SLA.
- If you run FusionAuth in a container, you are responsible for ensuring that the container infrastructure meets the SLA.


Q: Where are my MPSA contracts?
A: There is no way to see MPSA licenses in the portal.
Q: What patent costs do I have to pay?
A: You can't sell it.
Q: What if I have other questions?
A: The Canonical Contributor Agreement is a licence agreement, not an assignment agreement. You retain ownership of your contributions and can contribute them to other projects as well.
Q: What are scenarios where I don't have to pay you?
A: ;

FusionAuth is a great tool for managing user authentication and authorization. It is easy to use and has a wide range of features. If you are looking for a tool to help you manage user authentication and authorization, FusionAuth is a great option.
Q: What are scenarios where I do have to pay you?
A: If you use FusionAuth for personal use or for your company, it is free. If you redistribute FusionAuth, you need to pay us.

### What is the cost for a support contract?

The cost for a support contract is $1,500 per year. This includes email and phone support, as well as access to our private support community.

### What is the cost for a professional services contract?

The cost for a professional services contract is $


Q: How can we obtain FusionAuth source code should the business cease?
A: We are happy to release the source code if we go out of business.
Q: Why isn't FusionAuth open source?
A: There are pros and cons to making our intellectual property open source. At this point we have chosen a closed source model for the core product but open source many components as well.
Q: Why call the blog “Doubling down on open: Part II”, how does this make you more open?
A: We are changing the name of our blog from “Open Source Products” to “Elastic Products.” We are not changing our licensing or our commitment to open source.


Q: Who owns my data in FusionAuth?
A: We need to store your data in order to provide you with our service.
Q: What protections does my data have in FusionAuth Cloud?
A: FusionAuth Cloud stores all data in an encrypted format, both at rest and in transit. Authorized support personnel have access to the database, but only in cases where a support issue requires it. All commands which escalate privileges on a system are logged, including those which allow access to PII.


Q: How is the licensing process handled?
A: The OTT markets the invention to potential licensees by utilizing marketing materials created using any publicly available information about the technology. The OTT assists in this process by putting in place non-disclosure agreements and mediating discussions between the inventors and potentials licensees.
Q: How do I find out what technologies are available for licensing at the university?
A: The Department of Energy's Office of Science supports basic research in many areas, including high-energy physics, nuclear physics, and fusion energy sciences.
Q: How does dual licensing work?
A: Elasticsearch and Kibana will be dual licensed under the Elastic License and SSPL.

The Elastic License is a permissive license that is compatible with the Apache 2.0 license.

The SSPL is a license that requires anyone who distributes Elasticsearch or Kibana to make the source code available under the SSPL.

The Elastic License will be the default license for the Elastic Stack.

The SSPL will be
Q: Why are you offering a dual license strategy?
A: The Elastic License has been updated to the Elastic License 2.0. It is more permissive, and it allows you to use our products with any software license, including SSPL.

The Elastic License 2.0

The Elastic License 2.0 is the most permissive of the three licenses. It allows you to use any of the Elastic Stack products, including Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash, with any software license, including S
Q: What is SSPL and how does it work?
A: SSPL is a source-available license created by MongoDB. It is based on GPLv3 and is considered a copyleft license. This means that if you use the source code and create derivative works, those derivative works must also be licensed under SSPL and released publicly.


Q: What does the FusionAuth license apply to?
A: You can use FusionAuth for free for development, but you need to buy a license if you are using it in production.

## License

Copyright (c) 2020 FusionAuth, Inc. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Q: Why is Elastic making this change?
A: Elasticsearch and Kibana are now open source software released under the Apache 2.0 license.

How does this impact you?

If you are a user of Elasticsearch and Kibana, this change should not impact you. Your use of Elasticsearch and Kibana is governed by the Elastic License, which is compatible with the Apache 2.0 license.

If you are a developer, you can now contribute code to the Elasticsearch and Kibana projects
Q: What versions does this change apply to?
A: We're switching from the Apache License, Version 2.0 to the Elastic License.

The Apache License, Version 2.0 has served us well for many years, but it no longer matches our business model. Our products are free and open source under the Elastic License, but we also sell a subscription that gives you access to additional features and services. We're switching from the Apache License, Version 2.0 to the Elastic License to allow us to continue to offer our products under the


Q: How does this change impact your partnerships with Microsoft, Google, Alibaba, and Tencent?
A: ; No, this doesn’t impact our relationship with our cloud providers.

How will the license change impact Elastic Cloud on Azure?

It won’t. We have a strong relationship with Azure and will continue to offer Elastic Cloud on Azure.

Tl;dr; No, this doesn’t impact our relationship with Azure.

How will the license change impact Elastic Cloud on GCP?

It won’t. We have a strong
Q: How does this change impact your relationship with AWS?
A: We have a strong relationship with AWS, but it is strained by ongoing litigation. We do not actively support the Amazon Elasticsearch Service.

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