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http://dolmanlaw.com/ 20.11dolmanlaw.com
http://malmanlaw.com/ 10.09malmanlaw.com
http://revosmithlaw.com/ 10.07revosmithlaw.com
http://lawbr.net/ 10.07lawbr.net
http://lawfirmofjeremyrosenthal.com/ 10.06lawfirmofjeremyrosenthal.com
http://ipfs.io/ 10ipfs.io

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http://wcrinet.org/ 10.04wcrinet.org
http://baaa-acro.com/ 10.03baaa-acro.com

Most linked pages from iii.org

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https://www.iii.org/resource-center/publications 10.180.550.03-1no-1-1-1-100
https://www.iii.org/white-paper/personal-automobile-insurance-more-accidents-larger-claims 10.180.520.01-1no-1-1-1-100
https://www.iii.org/brochures/insurance-for-your-house-and-personal-possessions.html 10.180.470.01-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.iii.org/publications/commercial-insurance 10.180.450.01-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.iii.org/publications/a-firm-foundation-how-insurance-supports-the-economy 10.180.410-1--1-1-1-100

Hubs from iii.org

Pages from domain with most likely on-topic outgoing links.




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https://www.iii.org/resource-center/publications 50.180.550.03-1no-1-1-1-100
https://www.iii.org/fact-statistic/facts-statistics-marine-accidents 40.150.770.150.94yes4840000
https://www.iii.org/fact-statistic/facts-statistics-aviation-and-drones?table_sort_735941= 20.150.590.050.75yes5451111

Random 'maritime accident FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general maritime accident topic.



Q: What Does “Adequate Proof of Loss” Mean And Why Is It Important?
A: A claimant must provide adequate proof of their loss to the insurance company, which includes proving the other party’s fault for the accident and their damages and injuries. Certified mail is still a good way to establish a clear record of your attempts to provide adequate proof of loss.
Q: Why It Is Important To Accurately Report Injuries To A Medical Provider After A Car Wreck?
A: If you’ve been in a car accident, make sure to document your injuries soon after the accident occurs. This will help ensure that the insurance company takes your injuries into account when adjusting your insurance claim.
Q: Why Hire Zehl & Associates After a Maritime or Offshore Accident?
A: We’ve been sued by companies like McDonald’s, Coca Cola, and Procter & Gamble, and we’ve won.

We’re a company that creates and sells products that help people live healthier lives. We’re also a company that stands up for what we believe in, even when it means going up against some of the largest companies in the world.

We’ve been sued by companies like McDonald’s


Q: How can I successfully pursue and win a maritime accident insurance claim?
A: The most common environment in which maritime accidents occur is the working deck of a vessel.
Q: What Is The Difference Between A Maritime Injury Claim And A Jones Act Claim?
A: If you've been injured at your maritime job or at sea, you need to speak with an experienced Jones Act attorney as soon as possible.
Q: What is the difference between a ski craft and a PWC?
A: A ski craft is a small boat designed for speed, carrying no more than two people. A personal watercraft (pwc) is a larger boat designed to carry more than two people.


Q: How Long Do I have To File A Maritime Or Jones Act Claim?
A: You need to speak with an experienced Jones Act attorney as soon as possible if you've been injured at your maritime job or at sea in order to find out if you qualify for compensation under the Jones Act.
Q: How Long Does It Take For A Jones Act Case To Settle?
A: It depends on many factors, but a Jones Act case can take several years to resolve.
Q: What Are My Rights Under The Jones Act?
A: No

The oil industry is a very competitive industry, and companies are always looking for the best and brightest employees. If you have the skills and experience that a company is looking for, they are not going to blacklist you because you filed a lawsuit.
Q: How long do I have to bring a lawsuit under the Jones Act?
A: No, you do not have a Jones Act claim if you were injured on your way to work.

The Jones Act is a federal law that provides certain protections and benefits to seamen who are injured while working on a vessel. In order to bring a claim under the Jones Act, an individual must be a seaman as defined by the Act. The definition of a seaman is very specific and generally excludes individuals who are not working on a vessel at the time of their injury.
Q: How old do I have to be to operate a ski craft?
A: You must be at least 16 years of age to operate a ski craft.


Q: What Duties Do My UM Insurer Owe Me During The UM Claims Process?
A: If you think your UM insurer is not treating you fairly, you can contact an attorney to help you pursue your claim.
Q: What Is My Maritime Case Worth?
A: No lawyer can tell you what your case is worth without doing the hard work of gathering evidence and evaluating witnesses. However, we can tell you what the likely jury verdict or settlement range is so that you can make an informed decision.
Q: What rights do offshore oil/gas rig workers have?
A: Offshore oil and gas rig workers are protected by the Jones Act and the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. These acts provide compensation for workers injured on the job. Rig operators must ensure quick and quality medical aid for injuries suffered.
Q: What Is My Offshore Injury Case Worth?
A: No lawyer can give you an estimate of your case's worth without first investigating and putting together your case.
Q: What is a personal watercraft (PWC)?
A: A personal watercraft is a small powerboat with an inboard motor that uses a jet pump for propulsion. Its design allows the operator to sit, stand, or kneel on the craft. Personal watercraft must follow the same regulations as other powerboats, in addition to any craft-specific rules for personal watercraft.


Q: What Are The Safest Days And Times To Drive?
A: The number of fatal crashes is more frequent on weekends, peaking on Saturday. The number of nonfatal crashes is higher on weekdays, peaking on Friday. For both fatal and nonfatal wrecks, the peak time of day was 4 p.m. to 7:59 p.m., but vary depending on the time of year. In general, less fatal crashes occur in the morning and increase later in the day and into the evening hours.
Q: What are the most common accidents involving boats?
A: Most boat accidents occur when a passenger falls overboard or the boat capsizes.
Q: What are the most common causes of boating accident injuries?
A: The most common causes of boating accident injuries are boat fires, sinking, collisions, drowning, man overboard, capsizing, flammable material explosions, interior flooding, gasoline fires, propeller injuries, and jet ski accidents.
Q: What are the most common causes of jet ski accidents?
A: The most common causes of jet ski accidents are operator error, inexperience, and recklessness. Other causes can include mechanical failure, bad weather, and waves.
Q: What are the most common kinds of lawsuits filed when it comes to Jet Ski personal injuries?
A: The most common forms of litigation associated with Jet Ski personal injury accidents are defective product litigation, lack of training, driver error, and negligent entrustment.
Q: What are the most common types of injuries sustained in a jet ski or personal watercraft (PWC) accident?
A: The most common injuries associated with jet ski or PWC accidents include wrongful death, concussions, traumatic head injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations, cuts, abrasions, decapitation, broken bones, burns, drowning, crushing injuries, and internal organ damage.
Q: What kinds of boats are commonly involved in accidents?
A: The most common boats involved in accidents are open motorboats, personal watercraft, and motorboats with cabins.


Q: What does the duty of care involve when it relates to a boat operator?
A: A boat operator’s duty of care may be violated by any action or inaction that puts others at risk of harm. Common examples include speeding, operating while intoxicated, and failing to properly maintain the vessel. If you are injured in a boating accident, you may be able to recover damages from the responsible party.
Q: What is the leading cause of fatal boating accidents?
A: The leading known cause of fatal boating accidents is alcohol use.
Q: What percentage of boating accidents are caused by the person at the boat operator?
A: If you are going to be operating a boat, it is very important that you take the time to learn all about the proper procedures that you should follow to ensure that you and everyone else around you stays safe.
Q: What percentage of boating accidents are caused by the person piloting the watercraft?
A: The percentage of boating accidents caused by the pilot or boat operator is close to 70 percent. This is a shocking statistic and points out how vital it is for the pilot to be cautious, clear-headed, certified, and safety-conscious at all times. The pilot is responsible not only for safely operating the watercraft but for all of those onboard as well.
Q: Who is in charge of recreational boating safety in Texas?
A: The most common citations given out by Texas game wardens are for not having the proper boat registration, not having enough life jackets on board, and not having a throwable flotation device.


Q: What if my vessel or employing company has a different nationality from my own?
A: Doyle Dennis LLP Trial Lawyers has years of experience and skill maneuvering through various webs of international law to establish the best path to recovery for maritime cases. If you are an injured maritime worker and concerned with how to proceed with your claim, let us guide you through the claim.
Q: Where can I register my boat?
A: You can register your boat at most marinas, sport shops, town halls, and DVM substations.
Q: Where can I find a list of restricted bodies of water?
A: There are many bodies of water in the United States that are restricted in some way. These restrictions can vary from prohibiting certain activities, to only allowing certain types of boats, to only allowing boats with certain engines.
Q: Who can register a boat?
A: Only the person who registered the boat last year or the owner of the boat can register it by providing proof of ownership.
Q: What do I need to bring to register my boat?
A: Bring proof of ownership, such as a bill of sale, a previous registration (if applicable), and your driver license.
Q: How many people can be towed behind a vessel at one time?
A: No more than six people may be towed on one or more inflatable tubes and no more than two people may be towed on water skis, aquaplanes, or other devices from the same motorboat at the same time.


Q: Why Does it Matter If My Accident Occurred in Federal Waters, State Waters, or Inland Bays?
A: You may be able to file a third-party claim if another company was involved in causing your injury. These claims can be complex, so it's important to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of an accident report for which I was involved?
A: I was in a car accident on [date] and would like a copy of the accident report.

Dear [Authority],

I am writing to request a copy of the accident report from my car accident that occurred on [date]. I was involved in a hit-and-run and would like to have a copy of the report for insurance purposes.

Thank you for your time,

[Your name]
Q: How do I get a NH commercial boating license?
A: 1. Call Marine Patrol Headquarters at (603) 293-2037 to obtain a commercial boat license application and study materials.

2. Complete the application following the instructions.

3. Mail the application to the Concord DVM Boat Desk.

4. After approximately one week, call Marine Patrol Headquarters to check if the processed application has been received.

5. When it is received at Marine Patrol Headquarters, you will be given a date and time for the commercial
Q: How do I register a commercial boat for inland waters?
A: The state of Massachusetts requires all boats (excluding canoes, kayaks, and sailboards) to be registered with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation. Registration is valid for three years and can be renewed online. The cost of registration is $40 for motorized vessels and $20 for non-motorized vessels.

The state of Massachusetts requires all boats (excluding canoes, kayaks, and sailboards) to be registered with the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Q: How do I register a commercial boat for tidal waters?
A: Rent a boat for the day in Concord, New Hampshire.


Q: What if I am a passenger injured on a cruise ship?
A: Doyle Dennis LLP is experienced in maritime law and can help you if you are injured on a cruise ship or holiday.
Q: What can I do to avoid or reduce the chances that I may be involved in a boating accident and sustain injuries?
A: 1. Wear a life jacket

2. Don't drink and operate a boat

3. Take a boating safety course

4. Be aware of your surroundings

5. Follow all boating regulations
Q: What is headway speed?
A: Headway speed is the slowest speed you can travel and still maintain control.
Q: How far do I have to be from other boats, docks, swim rafts, and shore when I am going above headway speed?
A: You must be 150 feet from other boats, docks, swim rafts, mooring fields, swimmers, designated swimming areas, floats, and shore before traveling above headway speed.
Q: How many observers do I need while towing a skier or other device?
A: When towing less than three people, there must be one observer (not including the operator). For three or more people being towed behind a motorboat, there must be two observers in addition to the operator.

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