Csis.org / National security

Domain overview in National Security niche. Based on relevant links and pages only.
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Popular pages pointing to csis.org

Pages with highest topical PageRank pointing to domain.

url / atext / target url
center for strategic and international studies proliferation prevention program
previous report by the csis
gulf events
governance economics and development in the middle east
radicalism extremism and insurgencies
global health policy in the second obama term
u s policy priorities for global health diplomacy and multilateral engagement in the second obama term
commission on smart global health policy
ending child marriage and advancing u s policy

Popular pages from csis.org

On-topic pages from domain with highest topical PageRank.

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external backlinks

Global Security Forum 2016: After Mosul | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Analysis | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Freedom of the Press Under Attack | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Global Health Policy Center Archive | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Oil and Gas Market Series | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Food and Agriculture | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Integrating Strike and Defense | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Trump Readies Full Trade Arsenal | Center for Strategic and International Studies
Public Diplomacy and National Security: Lessons Learned for the Next Administration | Center for Strategic and International
Overcoming Intolerance and Extremism | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Domains with most semantic flow to csis.org

Relevant domains with most links to selected domain.

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http://comw.org/ 70.21comw.org
http://sourcewatch.org/ 40.19sourcewatch.org
http://gwu.edu/ 30.18gwu.edu
http://belfercenter.org/ 20.15belfercenter.org
http://climateandsecurity.org/ 20.14climateandsecurity.org
http://wikipedia.org/ 30.11wikipedia.org
http://house.gov/ 20.09house.gov
http://infosecisland.com/ 10.08infosecisland.com
http://nytimes.com/ 30.08nytimes.com
http://thediplomat.com/ 20.08thediplomat.com

Domains with most semantic flow from csis.org

Relevant domains with most links from selected domain.

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http://csis-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/ 512.65csis-prod.s3.amazonaws.com
http://washingtonpost.com/ 190.82washingtonpost.com
http://apple.com/ 50.23apple.com
http://thediplomat.com/ 30.19thediplomat.com
http://defenseone.com/ 30.17defenseone.com
http://flickr.com/ 20.14flickr.com
http://nationalinterest.org/ 70.14nationalinterest.org
http://nytimes.com/ 50.13nytimes.com
http://voanews.com/ 20.11voanews.com
http://vox.com/ 20.11vox.com

Most linked pages from csis.org

Pages from domain with most relevant inbound links.




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external links

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referring domains

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https://www.csis.org/topics/energy-sustainability/energy-geopolitics 20.150.930.061yes148470000
https://www.csis.org/topics/defense-and-security/missile-defense 20.150.930.060.98yes143510000
https://www.csis.org/about-us/conference-center-csis 20.150.930.06-1no-1-1-1-100
https://www.csis.org/support-csis/foundation-and-government 20.150.940.060.7yes122380000
https://www.csis.org/topics/international-development/governance-and-rule-law 20.150.930.060.86yes149420000
https://www.csis.org/topics/human-rights/transitional-justice 20.150.750.04-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.csis.org/support-csis/donate 20.150.470.03-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.csis.org/events/ieas-world-energy-outlook-2017 10.150.570.04-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.csis.org/experts?f[0]=field_categories%253Afield_programs%3A328 10.150.520.04-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.csis.org/features/us-natural-gas-global-economy 10.150.510.03-1--1-1-1-100

Hubs from csis.org

Pages from domain with most likely on-topic outgoing links.




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https://www.csis.org/programs/energy-and-national-security-program 510.150.932.711yes155520000
https://www.csis.org/analysis?f%5B0%5D=type%3Apublication&f%5B1%5D=field_publication_type% 170.150.920.420.65yes275580000
https://www.csis.org/programs 100.150.950.20.58yes207480000
https://www.csis.org/topics/global-health 30.150.930.150.93yes151470000
https://www.csis.org/topics/cybersecurity-and-technology/cybersecurity 20.150.930.090.95yes141470000
https://www.csis.org/topics/energy-sustainability/energy-geopolitics 20.150.930.071yes148470000
https://www.csis.org/topics/international-development/us-development-policy 10.150.930.050.91yes154470000
https://www.csis.org/topics/international-development/governance-and-rule-law 10.150.930.050.86yes149420000
https://www.csis.org/topics/defense-and-security/missile-defense 10.150.930.040.98yes143510000

Random 'national security FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general national security topic.



Q: What should I do if I get an NSL?
A: If you receive an NSL, you can talk to a lawyer, but the lawyer is then bound by the gag order. You can also challenge the NSL in court.
Q: Who do I contact if I lost an item on campus?
A: If you are experiencing symptoms and have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days, you should self-isolate for 14 days from the date of last contact.

If you develop symptoms, you should get tested within 24 hours.
Q: What is an Interagency Agreement (IAA)?
A: Login.gov charges other agencies for our work. The IAA is the contract that governs this.
Q: What does CE do?
A: The Continuous Evaluation program is designed to supplement the information obtained during initial and periodic reinvestigations, transforming them into ongoing reviews rather than snapshots.
Q: What should I do if I get a call claiming there's a problem with my Social Security number or account?
A: This article introduces the concept of “overfitting” and how it can impact your data science projects. Overfitting is a problem that can occur when you try to fit a model to data that is too noisy or too complex. This can cause your model to perform well on the training data but poorly on new data. Overfitting can be avoided by using regularization techniques, such as L1 or L2 regularization.

Overfitting is a problem that can occur when you try
Q: How do I file an administrative appeal?
A: You may file an administrative appeal if you are not satisfied with an agency’s initial response to your request. Before doing so, however, you may wish to contact the FOIA professional handling the request or the agency’s FOIA Public Liaison. The FOIA Public Liaison is there to explain the process to you, assist in reducing any delays, and help resolve any disputes. Often, a simple discussion between you and the agency will resolve any issues that may arise.


Q: Where do visitors enter the campus?
A: The NIH campus is accessible to visitors through the NIH Gateway Visitor Center (pedestrian entrance) or the NIH Gateway Vehicle Inspection Center (vehicle entrance). The West Gateway Center is also open for pedestrian visitors. The Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility (CVIF) is open 24/7 for visitors that arrive after normal hours.
Q: Where do patients/patient visitors enter the campus?
A: Patients and patient visitors are welcome to enter the NIH campus at the NIH Patient Entrance located at West Drive and Cedar Lane during its hours of operation, 6 a.m. – 10 p.m., 7 days a week. Additionally, patients and patient visitors can access the NIH campus at the Commercial Vehicle Inspection Facility (CVIF), 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Q: Where do I pick up the Campus Shuttle or Campus Limited shuttle buses?
A: NIH Shuttle Bus to Bethesda Metro Station. Take Red Line towards Glenmont. Exit at Wheaton Station. Take Ride On Bus Route 55 towards Aspen Hill. Exit at Georgia Avenue and Aspen Hill Road. Walk down Aspen Hill Road to the intersection with Connecticut Ave. Walk down Connecticut Ave for about 1/2 mile. The hotel is on the left.


Q: What is the process for facilitating large groups of people entering campus for conferences or special events?
A: The location of security screening and badging for visitors attending large events on campus is conducted at the perimeter of campus versus at the buildings.
Q: What are the hours of operation for vehicular entrances?
A: The current vehicle entrance/exit hours of operation can be found at: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/maps/Pages/Employee-Access-Map.aspx
For visitor entrances/exits only, please visit: http://www.ors.od.nih.gov/maps/Pages/NIH-Visitor-Map.aspx
Q: What are the hours of operation for the visitor centers?
A: The West Gateway Center is open to pedestrians from 6 a.m.


Q: Why does the NIH have enhanced security including a perimeter fence?
A: The NIH needed to increase security after the Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11, so they put up a fence with multiple access points for employees, a restricted access point for visitors and patients, and a second restricted access point for construction and delivery vehicles.
Q: Why does security ask me, what the purpose is of my visit to NIH?
A: The NIH is asking individuals entering their facilities if they have a legitimate purpose for doing so, and if they are expected by an NIH employee contractor or affiliate. This is a health and safety measure to ensure we reduce the risk of unintentional community spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Q: Why does the National Institutes of Health (NIH) screen visitors?
A: The security procedures at NIH were put in place after 9/11 and are in compliance with the standards set by the Interagency Security Committee.
Q: What are acceptable forms of identification a visitor can present to gain access to National Institutes of Health (NIH) facilities?
A: If you’re a foreigner, you need a passport. If you’re a US citizen, you need a government-issued ID.

Passport (any country)

U.S. Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)

Foreign government-issued passport

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Employment Authorization Document that contains a photograph (Form I-766)

U.S. Certificate of Natural
Q: Why does the National Institutes of Health ask visitors questions related to citizenship?
A: The NIH may ask visitors questions related to citizenship, to help confirm identification, in the absence of suitable documents including acceptable forms of identification.
Q: What happens when a foreign national arrives at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a visitor?
A: If you're not a US citizen, you will have to go through additional screening at the NIH.
Q: What should a visiting foreign national from a designated country expect when they arrive at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)?
A: If you are a foreign national from a designated country, you will need to present a passport, visa, or U.S.-issued green card in order to gain access to the NIH campus. If you are a U.S. green card holder, you will not need advance notice. If you are a foreign national from a designated country and do not hold a U.S. green card, you will need to be on an approved visitor list in order to gain access to the


Q: Why do I need to show my ID at certain buildings?
A: The university has cut back on the number of guards at the main entrance, and there are fewer guards patrolling the campus.
Q: What happens if security attempts to contact the person, I am visiting at NIH but they do not answer the phone?
A: NIH security will call your host to confirm your visit. If they can't get ahold of your host, you will be denied access to the NIH.
Q: What happens to my alarm system if my power goes out?
A: You should contact National Security to discuss your specific needs in order to get a tailored quote. Monitoring is billed in advance, usually semi-annually (every 6 months), and you can purchase equipment outright with no monthly rental fee. You may add more protection to your system as your needs change, and technical assistance is available if you have any problems.
Q: How do I go about organizing a comprehensive approach to cyber security in my organization?
A: The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) has a Workforce Framework that categorizes and describes cyber security work, which may be a helpful resource for students interested in cyber security careers. The Framework is available at http://niccs.us-cert.gov/training/national-cybersecurity-workforce-framework.


Q: What are acceptable forms of identification for visitors?
A: You will need to provide a valid form of government-issued photo identification in order to receive a visitor pass.
Q: What is identity verification (identity proofing)?
A: Identity proofing is the process of verifying that a user is who they say they are.
Q: What forms of identification can Login.gov accept for identity proofing?
A: Only state-issued identification is accepted.


Q: When did the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence start?
A: The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence is a commission established by the US government to review advances in artificial intelligence and associated technologies.
Q: How does the Commission define artificial intelligence?
A: The definition of artificial intelligence used by the Commission is very broad and includes any system that can learn from experience and improve performance without significant human oversight.
Q: When will national security eligibility be granted?
A: The government can deny you a security clearance if they think you're a threat to national security, even if there's no evidence that you actually are.


Q: How many times have NSLs been challenged in court?
A: No, NSLs are not constitutional.
Q: How many Commissioners are there and who appointed the Commissioners?
A: There are fifteen Commissioners appointed to the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, twelve of whom were appointed by members of Congress, two by the Secretary of Defense, and one by the Secretary of Commerce.
Q: How many meetings has the Commission held and who are they meeting with?
A: The Commission has been working with AI experts from industry, government, academia, and non-profit organizations to identify national security risks associated with AI and develop recommendations for addressing those risks. The Commission has also been meeting with partner entities, allies, and others to gain insights into AI developments and trends that could pose national security risks.


Q: How can I obtain approval for my medical device?
A: The NSA's use of FISA Section 702 is focused and limited to collecting communications from specific foreign intelligence targets located overseas in order to protect the United States from critical threats. The Agency has instituted many safeguards and levels of oversight to ensure that it uses this authority lawfully and in a way that protects the privacy and civil liberties of Americans.
Q: How can I get handicapped parking?
A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the type of housing assistance that may be available to new NSA employees will vary depending on the individual's specific circumstances and needs. However, some resources that may be of help include the Commuter Transportation Center, which offers shuttle services to and from a nearby MARC train station, and the local county Paratransit services.
Q: What kind of customer records?
A: NSLs are bad because they allow the government to obtain sensitive information without a warrant. A judge does not play a role in the NSL process, and NSLs can be issued to anyone. The FBI can obtain content with an NSL.
Q: How does the compelled production of records pursuant to NSLs violate the First Amendment?
A: Yes, an NSL requires a court order. The legal standard for issuing an NSL is that the government must have a "reasonable belief" that the person or entity being targeted is engaged in criminal activity. NSLs have been challenged on constitutional grounds, but have generally been upheld by courts.
Q: How does the statutory standard of review of NSLs violate separation of powers?
A: The Second Circuit Court of Appeals and the District Court for the Northern District of California have both ruled that NSL gag orders amount to unconstitutional and content-based prior restraint on speech and that the statute fails to include procedural protections required by the Supreme Court to protect First Amendment rights.
Q: How is the Commission organized?
A: The NSCAI is comprised of six lines of effort, each of which meets bi-monthly. The lines of effort are Invest in AI Research Development & Software; Apply AI to National Security Missions; Train and Recruit AI Talent; Protect and Build Upon U.S. Technology Advantages & Hardware; Marshal Global AI Cooperation; and Ethics.
Q: How can I request information from the Commission?
A: The Commission will proactively provide information via its website. If you would like to make an inquiry to the Commission, please email: inquiry@nscai.gov.
Q: How can I request records of the Commission?
A: You can submit a FOIA request to the Commission by emailing FOIA@nscai.gov with a description of the desired records.
Q: How can I learn more about cybersecurity?
A: CISOs need adequate funding and staffing to effectively address cybersecurity threats, and an approved strategy can help them overcome challenges like lack of visibility and influence. State government must include capabilities like vigilance and resilience to anticipate the growing threat landscape.
Q: What about requirements for obtaining records on someone else?
A: The short answer is that it is unlikely to be possible for you to obtain records relating to your father’s military service without his authorization, or proof that he is deceased.


Q: What are the proposals to fix NSLs?
A: There have been several proposals to reform NSL authority, but none of them have addressed all of the flaws with the current system. President Obama has called for some changes to be made, but it is unclear how he intends to implement them.
Q: What factors are considered?
A: The National Security Adjudicative Guidelines are used to evaluate individuals who require national security eligibility. Factors that are taken into account include a person’s loyalty to the United States, their foreign influence, and their willingness to comply with laws and regulations.
Q: What factors may not be considered?
A: The federal government does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation when making national security eligibility determinations.
Q: What are exclusions?
A: The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law that gives the public the right to request records from the federal government. There are three narrow categories of law enforcement and national security records that are exempt from the FOIA: records relating to ongoing criminal investigations, records relating to unconfirmed informants, and records relating to foreign intelligence or counterintelligence.


Q: Why is there a 10-business day waiting period for people from designated countries?
A: don't go to china.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is asking all visitors and contractors to notify HHS’ Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in advance of their visits to HHS offices, facilities, or events.

The 10-day notice prior to the visit is specified by HHS policy to ensure adequate time to complete background screening prior to the visitor’s arrival.

Q: What is the objective of CNSSP #11?
A: The objective of CNSSP #11 is to ensure that COTS Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity-enabled IT products acquired for use to protect information on U.S. National Security Systems comply with the requirements of the NIAP program in accordance with NSA-approved processes and, where applicable, the requirements of the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Cryptographic validation program(s).
Q: Why is CNSSP #11 so important?
A: CNSSP #11 establishes a process for the evaluation of Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity-enabled IT products used on U.S. National Security Systems. The policy requires that products be evaluated by an independent, accredited third-party before being approved for use on NSS.
Q: Why is there a need for a national Cybersecurity acquisition policy like CNSSP #11?
A: The U.S.


Q: Who has endorsed the CIS Controls?
A: The CIS Controls are a recommended set of actions for cyber defense that provide specific and actionable ways to thwart the most pervasive attacks.
Q: Who is using the CIS Controls?
A: The CIS Controls are a set of best practices for securing systems and data. They have been adopted by thousands of organizations worldwide and are supported by numerous security solution vendors.
Q: Where do I go to find out more information about the CIS Controls Assessment Module?
A: The CIS Controls are free to use. If you are a vendor or consultant, you can enroll in CIS SecureSuite Product Vendor or Consulting Membership or become an authorized Supporter to use the Controls in tools or services that benefit your customers.


Q: What is the scope of the Commission’s review?
A: The Commission on Artificial Intelligence was established by Congress in order to review advances in AI and machine learning, and to consider ways to advance the development of these technologies in the United States.
Q: What is the current size of the staff at NSCAI?
A: The NSCAI staff is made up of around 25 full-time employees, as well as people from various Federal entities who are detailed to the NSCAI.
Q: What does it mean if the interim determination is denied?
A: An interim determination allows the applicant to start working before the full background investigation is complete and before DSS grants the final national security eligibility determination.
Q: What is covered in this background investigation?
A: DSS conducts reinvestigations every five years for employees with security clearances. The investigation will cover key aspects of the applicant’s life since the previous background investigation.
Q: What is the CNSS (formerly called the NSTISSC)?
A: The Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) is responsible for setting national-level Cybersecurity policies, directives, instructions, operational procedures, guidance, and advisories for United States Government (USG) departments and agencies for the security of National Security Systems (NSS).
Q: What is the Nationwide Cyber Security Review (NCSR)?
A: State governments should focus on aligning operational practices with privacy policy in order to address the leading privacy concerns. Cyber security has consistently been a top concern for state CIOs, and training and awareness is in the top five cyber security initiatives across the states. The NCSR, or Nationwide Cyber Security Review, is a voluntary self-assessment survey designed to evaluate cyber security management on the state and local level.
Q: What is continuous diagnostics and mitigation/monitoring (CDM)?
A: The goal of the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program is to provide a consistent, government-wide set of continuous diagnostic solutions to enhance defenders’ abilities to identify and mitigate emerging cyber threats through risk-based decision making.
Q: What is the FOIA?
A: The FOIA is a law that allows citizens to request access to records from any federal agency.
Q: What is FOIA.gov?
A: FOIA.gov is a website that allows you to make requests for information from the government, and view statistics about the administration of the Freedom of Information Act.
Q: What can I ask for under the FOIA?
A: You can request any agency record, but the agency is not required to create new records or do research in response to your request.
Q: Who handles FOIA requests?
A: There is no central office in the government that handles FOIA requests for all federal departments and agencies. Each federal agency processes its own records in response to FOIA requests.
Q: What are FOIA exemptions?
A: There are nine exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act, which protect information from being released if it would cause harm in certain ways. These exemptions include protecting information that would invade personal privacy, or harm law enforcement investigations.
Q: What is the Office of Government Information Services?
A: OGIS is a part of the National Archives and Records Administration that provides mediation services to resolve disputes between FOIA requesters and agencies, as well as review agency FOIA compliance, policies, and procedures.


Q: Who can make a FOIA request?
A: Yes, any person can make a FOIA request, regardless of citizenship.
Q: How do I make a FOIA request?
A: If the information you want is not publicly available, you can submit a FOIA request to the agency’s FOIA Office.
Q: Where do I send a FOIA request?
A: There are many federal agencies, each with their own records and procedures. You will need to contact the specific agency you are interested in to get the records you are seeking.
Q: How is a FOIA request processed?
A: After an agency receives your FOIA request, it will send you a letter acknowledging the request and assigning it a tracking number. The agency will then search for records in response to your request and review them to determine which can be released. The agency will redact any information protected from disclosure by one of the FOIA’s nine exemptions and then send you the releasable records.
Q: How much does it cost to make a FOIA request?
A: There is no initial fee required to submit a FOIA request, but the FOIA does provide for the charging of certain types of fees in some instances.


Q: How long will the Commission exist?
A: The Commission will submit its final report to Congress in March 2021, and due to the urgency of AI issues in national security, the Commissioners agreed to submit quarterly recommendations to Congress. In the Fiscal Year 2020 NDAA, Congress extended the Commission’s end date to October 1, 2021.
Q: What will I receive in response to a FOIA request?
A: It depends on the agency.
Q: How long will it take before I get a response?
A: It depends on the complexity of your request and the backlog of requests already pending at the agency.

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