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Random 'parallel bars FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general parallel bars topic.



Q: Where to Buy Gymnastic Bars?
A: The best way to buy gymnastic bars is to purchase them from a reputable seller that offers warranties on their products. This ensures that you get a quality product and that you have a safety net in case there are any problems with your purchase.
Q: How are Gymnastic Bars Made?
A: Gymnastic bars are made out of high-quality materials in order to ensure the safety of the gymnasts using them. Different types of gymnastic bars are made out of different materials, depending on their intended usage.
Q: How to Build Gymnastic Bars?
A: It is quite difficult to build your own gymnastic bars. It is better to buy equipment that conforms to international standards.
Q: How should I care for the bars?
A: Just use a dry, clean, cotton cloth or a dry soft duster like a handheld swiffer.


Q: Where can I park my car?
A: The closest parking garage to Parallel is below the A'DAM Tower at Overhoeksplein 5, 1031 KS.
Q: How do I purchase tickets?
A: The only official way to buy tickets for Parallel events is through our website or at the door (if the event is not sold out). You need a Parallel account to purchase tickets online. Our ticket partner, Paylogic, handles the transaction. Please note that purchasing tickets through resellers like Ticketswap or Viagogo is at your own risk.
Q: When can I purchase tickets?
A: The ticket sales start date and time can be found on the relevant programme page on our website.
Q: When can my child join a class?
A: You can enroll your child in our program at any time, and tuition will be due on the first of each month.


Q: How does tuition billing work?
A: You can register for Tri-Star classes online through the Parents Portal. Once you have submitted all of your information, you can select a class class that is most appropriate to your child’s age and skill level. You can pay with a credit card or bank draft.
Q: How does the waiting list work?
A: There is a 3 month waiting period for us to get to your name. We strive to stay on target, yet issues with bar quality and typical employee issues such as family and sickness can cause wait times to be longer than we expect/hope for.


Q: What is the difference between Men’s and Women’s gymnastics?
A: Tri-Star offers a safe and fun environment for your child to learn gymnastics, with classes designed to challenge students and help them grow as athletes. You can observe your child's class each week using Spot TV, and progress reports are sent out every quarter. There is no pro-rating or refunding for missed classes.
Q: What is the difference between tumbling and gymnastics?
A: Gymnastics involves all of the different apparatuses, while tumbling is just learning to flip.


Q: How Much Do Gymnastics Bars Cost?
A: The price of a gymnastics bar varies depending on the type of bar.
Q: Why do I need an account to order tickets?
A: You need a Parallel account to buy tickets online.
Q: How do I order?
A: Email us at to get on the waiting list for a particular instrument. Provide your shipping address so we can get a freight quote and have all information ready. We will email you as soon as possible letting you know that you have been placed on the list.
Q: What Do They Do in Class?
A: The girls classes at the gym focus on the vault, uneven bars, beam, and floor events, while the boys classes focus on the floor, pommel, rings, vault, parallel bars, and high bar events. Each level consists of specific skills that must be mastered before a gymnast can move up to the next level.
Q: How do I register?
A: You can register for classes online through our Parent Portal. If you are not currently registered, please take a moment to do so.


Q: What forms of ID are accepted?
A: We accept passports, ID cards, and driver's licences as forms of identification.
Q: What are the differences between the M3-SEP model and the M4-Studio model?
A: The SEP model has 2 bending joints, while the Studio model has 4 joints. The SEP is sprayed black and the Studio is sprayed with a clear lacquer.
Q: What Are the Goals of the Classes?
A: The goal of gymnastics classes is to improve the flexibility, strength, balance, and coordination of the gymnast, as well as to increase confidence and self esteem.
Q: What are the Mini Olympics?
A: The Mini Olympics is a series of events that take place every four years. The events are held in different countries around the world.
Q: When signing up for classes how long is he/she enrolled?
A: We do not have a refund policy, but we do have a withdrawal policy. If you withdraw from a class, you will not be charged for that class.


Q: What does Parallel do to provide a safe space for its visitors?
A: Parallel is a safe and inclusive space for everyone to be themselves. We have a zero tolerance policy for any form of discrimination or harassment. If you experience any kind of intimidation or harassment, you can notify a member of our staff in confidence and appropriate action will be taken.
Q: What is Parallel's search policy?
A: We have a strict no-weapons policy.
Q: What should I do if I feel uncomfortable or threatened?
A: we take safety seriously, and want you to too. Please help us create and maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Q: What are Class Sizes?
A: There is a maximum class size for both preschool and academy classes.
Q: What if I'm Late for a Class?
A: If you arrive more than fifteen minutes late to your appointment, you will need to reschedule.
Q: What if I Miss a Class?
A: You can get a make-up token if you miss a class, but you have to use it within four weeks and it's subject to availability.
Q: What if I Drop My Kids off Early and Pick Them Up Late?
A: We are NOT responsible for kids before or after their scheduled classes so please be sure to be on time for pick up and drop off.


Q: What time does the programme start?
A: 1. Check your email for a confirmation of your purchase.

2. If you have a ticket for a show: check the event page for the most up-to-date show times.

3. If you have a ticket for a workshop: check your email for the most up-to-date workshop times.
Q: What should my child wear for class?
A: For girls, a one-piece leotard with or without athletic shorts. For boys, shorts and a t-shirt.
Q: What Level Should My Child Start in?
A: If your child has no prior gymnastics experience or limited experience, level 1 is the best place to start.
Q: What if my child has previous experience with gymnastics?
A: If your child has prior experience with gymnastics training at other facilities, they will need to schedule an evaluation in order to be placed in the appropriate level at our gym.
Q: How do I know what class to put my child in?
A: We offer a no-risk trial class so you can see what works for you and your family. We can also schedule an evaluation with our instructors to find the appropriate class for your child.
Q: When does my child move up to the next level?
A: We do evaluations in all classes on an ongoing basis, and you will be notified by email as soon as your child is eligible for promotion to the next level. You may also request an evaluation at any time if you believe your child is ready for a higher level class.


Q: What is the policy on drugs?
A: Don’t do drugs.
Q: What is your ratio of children to coaches?
A: The ratios for 3-4 year old classes is 6:1, and for all other classes, the ratio is 8:1.
Q: How Old Do They Need to Be to Enroll?
A: Our preschool classes are for children aged 3-4, and our academy classes are for children aged 5 and up.
Q: What Happens When I Transfer From Another Team?
A: It is recommended that a short private appointment be arranged with a coach to better determine their placement here. If the transfer student was previously on another gym's competitive team, a short evaluation must be arranged with a coach.
Q: What do coaches look for when inviting kids to competitive teams?
A: Coaches look for children who are physically strong, flexible, have good basic skills, are motivated to learn and succeed, are coachable, have mental toughness, and good sportsmanship.
Q: What is required to be on a competitive team?
A: Joining a competitive team requires a strong commitment from both the athlete and their family. Financially, it can be expensive, but many gyms offer fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost.

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