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Random 'real estate FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general real estate topic.



Q: What is the MLS?
A: The MLS is a system of real estate listings in an area, where buyers can (through a Realtor or the Internet) view what is available in their price range, and with the features they are looking for.
Q: What does DOM mean in the MLS?
A: .
Q: What does it mean to be prequalified for a loan?
A: A prequalification letter is not the same as a preapproval letter, and neither one guarantees that you’ll get approved for your mortgage. A prequalification letter is based on your self-reported information and doesn’t require verifying documentation.

Pre-Qualification Mortgage Mortgage Pre-Qualification vs. Mortgage Pre-Approval | The. – Mortgage Pre-Qualification Mortgage pre-qualification is a written statement from a lender stating the loan amount you


Q: What are closing costs?
A: Closing costs are expenses incurred by buyers and sellers when the ownership of the property is transferred.
Q: What are comparables or “comps”?
A: – A comparable is a similar home that has recently sold in the same area.
Q: What are prepayment penalties?
A: A prepayment penalty is a penalty fee charged to the borrower for paying off a mortgage early, thus allowing banks (or owners, if they do the financing) to still make money off of the loan.
Q: What Costs are Associated with Home Ownership?
A: The seller is responsible for paying both the buyer and sellers Realtor fees. Realtor fees often range from 2.5% to 3% for each the listing agent and the buyers agent. This totals between 5%-6% in Realtor fees paid by the seller at closing, from their net proceeds of the sale.

There are required monthly/ annual recurring home ownership costs such as:

Property Taxes – cost depends on city/county (ex 1
Q: What goes on during closing and what are the costs?
A: Closing is the final step of purchasing a home, where the title is officially transferred from seller to buyer. There are many fees associated with buying a home, which can range from 2-5% of the home price.


Q: What is Title Insurance?
A: Title insurance protects against any legal challenges to your ownership of a property.
Q: What is Homeowners Insurance?
A: Homeowners insurance covers the house and its contents against damages caused by fires, hailstorms, or other casualty. Flood insurance is required by the lender if the property is in a flood hazard area/flood plain. Condominiums and townhomes are somewhat different, as certain items may be covered by the homeowner’s association fees.
Q: What is mortgage life insurance?
A: Mortgage life insurance is an optional form of term life insurance that pays off a home loan in the event of the borrower's death.
Q: What is mortgage insurance?
A: Mortgage insurance protects the lender in the event that the borrower defaults on the loan.


Q: What is a good number of homes to tour prior to making an offer?
A: It’s best to view several homes before making a decision on which one to purchase. Bring a notepad and pen to take notes on each home’s features, and try not to view more than 6 or 7 homes in one day so you don’t get confused.
Q: How big is an acre?
A: An acre of land is an area of land equal to 43,560 square feet.
Q: What is an appraisal?
A: An appraisal is an estimate of the value of a piece of property by a licensed, trained, and experienced individual called an appraiser.
Q: What do I want to look for in an investment property?
A: Location is key! Look for an area with good schools, a thriving job market and local attractions. Consider the age demographic of the area, too.


Q: What are real estate “contingencies”?
A: A contingency is a condition in a real estate contract that allows either the buyer or seller to cancel the contract if the condition is not met.
Q: What is a real estate broker, and how does this differ from a real estate agent?
A: A real estate broker is an agent who is authorized to open and run his/her own agency. A seller’s agent is a real estate agent that works solely on behalf of the seller and owes duties to the seller. A buyer’s agent is a real estate agent that works solely on behalf of the buyer and owes duties to the buyer. A transaction broker is a real estate agent that assists the buyer or seller or both throughout a real estate transaction without being an agent
Q: What is a real estate closing?
A: An appraisal is an estimate of the value of a piece of property by a licensed, trained, and experienced individual.
Q: What does the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) require?
A: An appraisal is an estimate of the value of a piece of property by a licensed, trained, and experienced individual called an appraiser.
Q: What are Covenants, as they relate to real estate?
A: covenants are restrictions on your property that you agree to when you buy a piece of land.
Q: How is a Realtor different from a real estate agent?
A: Not all real estate agents are Realtors. Realtors are real estate agents who have gone through extra training and are required to adhere to a more strict code of ethics.
Q: What is Better Real Estate?
A: BRE is a company that helps you buy a home.


Q: What is meant by a debt-to-income ratio?
A: A debt-to-income ratio is a ratio of your monthly debt obligations to your monthly income. Lenders use this ratio to determine if you can afford to make your loan payments. A lower debt-to-income ratio is better because it means you have more income available to make your loan payments.
Q: What is meant by the term “contingency” in a sales contract?
A: A real estate contract is a binding agreement between the buyer and seller of a property. The contract outlines the terms of the sale, including the purchase price, any contingencies, and the date of closing.


Q: How do I Choose a name for my real estate company?
A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions, as the best strategy for investing in real estate will vary depending on your specific goals and circumstances. However, in general, you will not need a real estate license to invest in real estate, and the best exit strategy for your goals will depend on your specific goals and circumstances.
Q: How can I build equity into my house?
A: Market appreciation, paying extra on your mortgage, and making improvements to your home are all great ways to build equity.
Q: Where do you see yourself living and for how long?
A: If you plan on living in the same location for a long time and you are financially stable then buying a home is a good investment. If you plan on moving soon or are not financially stable then renting may be a better option for you.
Q: How long will it take me to sell my home?
A: The time it takes to sell a home depends on many factors, but the most important one is price.
Q: How will I know how much to list my house for?
A: Research public and private schools in the area, ask around, and visit school websites to learn more about the schools in the area. Consider getting pre-qualified or pre-approved for a home loan, and get a home inspection to make sure the property is in good condition. Be aware that you will also have to pay closing costs in addition to the down payment when purchasing a home.
Q: How do I find out tax information about a house?
A: If you’re looking for a quick answer, here’s a table that shows the average property tax in every state.

State Average Property Tax Property Tax as % of Home Value Alabama 0.43% 0.43% Alaska 1.07% 1.07% Arizona 0.72% 0.72% Arkansas 0.69% 0.69% California 0.77% 0.77% Colorado 0.62% 0.62% Connecticut 1.98
Q: How will selling my house affect my tax return?
A: The sale of a house can have major tax implications, both federal and state. There are many factors that will determine how your taxes will be affected, including whether you purchased the home or inherited it, whether it’s used for business, if you’ve done any major improvements to it, and whether you’re using the sale to purchase other property.


Q: What is the opportunity zone?
A: The qualified opportunity zone program allows investors to defer capital gain taxes on profits from the sale of capital assets by reinvesting the proceeds in certain economically designated areas.
Q: What are the Basic Steps involved in Buying Your Home?
A: The first step in buying your home is doing the proper research. You need to find out if you are a good candidate to become a homeowner. You can start by looking at some of the home prices in your area and the estimated housing expenses that come with owning a home (See: What costs are associated with owning a home). Next you should evaluate your credit score, and make sure that it is sufficient. Poor credit history can result in the denial of a loan or a significant hit
Q: What happens if the buyer refuses to buy the house after the contract is signed?
A: If a buyer refuses to purchase the home even though they are contractually obligated to do so, then the seller is generally entitled to receive the deposit that was put in escrow at the time the purchase contract was signed.
Q: Where is the Project located?
A: Yes, the developer has a good reputation in the market.
Q: What are the amenities that the Developer is offering in the Project?
A: The project is an under construction project.
Q: What are the potential tax benefits?
A: Real estate investment offers many tax benefits. But owning rental properties is one of the strategies with the greatest potential.


Q: Why shouldn’t I price my house a little high, since I can always drop the price later?
A: When you buy a house, you’re paying for the house, the land, and the location. A house in a prime location will be much more expensive than a house in a less desirable location.

What is a good price to pay for a house?

A good price to pay for a house is one that is in line with the current market value of the home.
Q: What recourse do I have if I’m unhappy with my agent?
A: If you have a problem with your real estate agent, talk to their broker.
Q: How do I know if it’s worth the price?
A: The only person who can determine whether a house is worth the price is you.
Q: How do I know if a buyer’s qualified?
A: There are a few different ways to determine if a buyer is qualified to make an offer on your house. Looking at their credit history, current income or employment, whether they have been pre-qualified or pre-approved for a loan and the length of time they need before closing are all factors you should be looking at in potential buyers.


Q: What is a loan commitment letter?
A: A loan commitment letter is a document from a lender that outlines the terms of a loan that they have agreed to extend to a borrower. This is often considered “loan approval” and allows the borrower to proceed with their purchase.
Q: How can I be assured that my buyers will really be able to get a loan?
A: Your agent should require that the prospective buyer provide a letter from their lender along with their offer. That letter should state a dollar amount, type of loan, and terms of the loan that they are qualified to receive.
Q: How do I get the best loan?
A: It's a good idea to refinance your mortgage when interest rates are low.
Q: When is the best time to put my house on the market?
A: Spring is traditionally the best time to put your house on the market. This makes sense as spring is a time of change and transition. School years are ending, tax returns have been received, the weather is warming and the days are getting longer.


Q: What is included in a home’s square footage?
A: Square footage is the measure of a home’s interior livable space.
Q: What is “earnest money”?
A: Earnest money is a deposit made to a seller that indicates the buyer’s seriousness about purchasing a property.
Q: What are home warranty plans?
A: A home warranty plan is a service contract that covers major items in the home such as the furnace and appliances. It is not a replacement for homeowners insurance, but can provide additional coverage for some items.
Q: What are some examples of home projects that will increase the value of my home?
A: Making home improvements that add value to your home are a smart investment. But over improving real estate can be like pouring money down the drain. Too often homeowners make improvements that fit them specifically, which narrows down the market for resale. While it’s important to enjoy the amenities of the home in which you live, it’s still essential to think about potential resale of the property.
Q: What are home inspections?
A: It is important to inspect a home prior to purchase in order to avoid purchasing a structurally unsound home.
Q: How does my REALTOR® determine how much my home is worth?
A: A CMA is a report that real estate agents use to estimate the value of a home.
Q: What is Carpet Area?
A: Carpet area is the actual usable area of the apartment, excluding walls, balconies, terraces, and other common spaces.
Q: What is my home worth?
A: 1. Use online home value estimators like Zillow or Redfin.

2. Talk to a realtor and get a broker price opinion or competitive market analysis.

3. Have an appraisal done for a more detailed look at your property's value.
Q: What is home staging?
A: 1. Use neutral colors and furniture to make your home more inviting to buyers.
2. Add pops of seasonal decor to create positive emotions.
3. Hire a professional home stager or consult with your real estate agent for more tips.
Q: What is ARV?
A: ARV stands for After Repair Value and it is used to calculate the future value of a distressed property after a rehab.


Q: What should I consider when looking at a house?
A: When buying a home, make sure to consider your future needs and whether the home will require a lot of upkeep. Also, have a list of your minimum requirements to help you picture yourself living there.
Q: How much of a down payment do I need?
A: If you’re thinking about buying a home, it’s important to consider the role of your down payment.
Q: What improvements should I make before selling?
A: It depends on the overall condition of your home - if it needs a lot of work, it might be best to sell as-is. Otherwise, making some small improvements can help show your home in its best light to potential buyers.
Q: What should I know about credit and down payment assistance?
A: The process of buying a home can vary greatly depending on the individual. It is important to consult with a REALTOR® to get the most accurate advice specific to your situation.

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