Ons.gov.uk / Religion, belief

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Religion in England and Wales 2011 - Office for National Statistics

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http://lse.ac.uk/ 20.11lse.ac.uk
http://nsrn.net/ 20.11nsrn.net
http://humanism.org.uk/ 10.07humanism.org.uk
http://huffingtonpost.co.uk/ 10.06huffingtonpost.co.uk
http://theconversation.com/ 10.06theconversation.com
http://theguardian.com/ 10.06theguardian.com
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https://www.ons.gov.uk/help/accessibility 10.160.890-1--1-1-1-100
https://blog.ons.gov.uk/ 10.160.860-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/populationandmigration 10.160.830-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ons.gov.uk/census/2011census/consultationsusersandlocalpartners 10.160.360-1--1-1-1-100
https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity 10.160.790-1--1-1-1-100

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https://www.ons.gov.uk/census/2011census 110.160.010-1no-1-1-1-111
https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/religion/articles/rel 20.280.790.251yes77120022
https://www.ons.gov.uk/ 20.150.010-1no-1-1-1-111

Random 'religion, belief FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general religion, belief topic.



Q: Why is Living by Faith so Difficult?
A: No

There is no concrete evidence that God exists. There are only interpretations of events that could be seen as evidence of God's existence, but there is no way to definitively say that these events were caused by a higher power.
Q: What are some beliefs held by people of faith?
A: In short, use whatever is most natural and concise in the given context.
Q: Why is it so cathartic to forgive someone and let go of the past?
A: The Bible is a collection of writings by various authors, all of whom were inspired by God.


Q: What possible reason could God have for allowing them?
A: The only question that will satisfy our hearts when confronted with evil is whether we can trust God. With all the evil around us, and more particularly, the evil happening to us, how do we know that we can trust God? The answer is found in Jesus Christ, his Son. While we can’t hope to understand all of God’s reasons in allowing evil, we can know that he is trustworthy to deliver us from evil. We know this because of the lengths


Q: What is your response?
A: God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins so that we may be saved from His judgment. If we believe in Jesus and declare Him as our Lord, we will be saved.
Q: What is Christianity?
A: Christianity is a religion based on the belief in one God who created the world and all that exists in it. Christians believe in the Bible as the authoritative source of religious teachings, and follow Jesus Christ as their savior.
Q: What is “Theistic Satanism”?
A: There is no such thing as a theistic Satanist, as Satanism is a philosophy that rejects the supernatural.


Q: What does religious freedom mean?
A: Religious freedom is the right to believe and practice whatever religion you want, without interference from the government.
Q: Why is religious freedom important to our society?
A: Protecting freedom of conscience is to respect and uphold the right of individuals to think and act as free citizens.
Q: What does “free exercise” of religion mean under the First Amendment?
A: The government may limit free exercise of religion when there is a compelling interest, such as public health or safety.
Q: What about the study of other religious traditions?
A: The academic study of religion is essential to understanding both the nation and the world.
Q: How can an individual ensure that a religious holiday display that she erects is constitutional?
A: Holiday displays on private property are immune from constitutional challenges. If you want to erect a display on public property, you will need to get permission from the appropriate authorities.
Q: How does Pew Research Center measure the religious identity of survey respondents and the religious composition of the U.S.?
A: We generally rely on respondents’ self-identification when it comes to religious groups. However, there are some cases where we use a more expansive definition that includes people who identify culturally or ethnically with a particular group, even if they don’t identify religiously.
Q: What does the “free” mean in Evangelical Free Church?
A: The term “Free Church” refers to a church that is free from state control and free from hierarchical control.
Q: What does the expression the “significance of silence” mean?
A: The EFCA does not require agreement on certain doctrinal issues, but rather allows for differing views as long as they fall within certain theological parameters.


Q: How should teachers respond if students ask them about their religious beliefs?
A: Teachers may not proselytize for or against religion in the classroom, but they may answer brief questions about their personal religious beliefs.
Q: How should the Bible be included in the history curriculum?
A: The Bible has played an important role in history and can be studied in a variety of courses in the social studies.
Q: What are the academic aims of a literature elective in the Bible?
A: A literature elective in the Bible would aim to provide students with a basic understanding of the Bible.
Q: How should the Bible be included in the literature curriculum?
A: The Bible can be studied in public schools as part of a literature course. It can be studied as a work of literature, in terms of its aesthetic categories, language, symbolism and motifs. It can also be studied as a work that has been used by later writers in their own works of literature.
Q: How should teachers of a Bible elective be selected and what preparation will they require?
A: School districts and universities should offer in-service workshops and summer institutes for teachers who are teaching about the Bible in literature and history courses. When selecting teachers to teach Bible electives, school districts should look for teachers who have some background in the academic study of religion.


Q: How are exemption requests evaluated?
A: The three standards that states use to evaluate religious-exemption requests are the "compelling interest" test, the "least restrictive means" test, and the "rational basis" test.
Q: How is it that the EFCA allows both infant (paedo) and believer baptism (credo)?
A: The EFCA allows both infant and believer baptism, but does not condone division over the issue.
Q: How should local churches respond Supreme Court decisions regarding same-sex marriage?
A: The Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states.
Q: How does the EFCA view marriage?
A: The EFCA believes that marriage is a good gift from God, and that the divine design for sexual expression is between one man and one woman. They also believe that Scripture grants two life-enhancing options for sexual behavior: monogamous marital relations between one man and one woman, or sexual celibacy.
Q: Why does God allow suffering and unhappiness in the world?
A: I was introduced to religion during a truly difficult period in my life. Why did God choose to wait till that time to save me?

God may have chosen to wait until that time to save you because He knew you would be more receptive to His message during a difficult period in your life. Perhaps He knew that you would be more likely to listen and learn from Him during a time when you were facing challenges and difficulties. Whatever the reason, know that God is always there for
Q: How do Deists view God?
A: Deism is a belief in a God based on reason and nature, not revelation. Deists may or may not pray, and there are no Deist rituals or churches.


Q: What is the EFCA position on homosexuality and same-sex marriage?
A: The EFCA does not condone homosexual behavior or same-sex marriage, but is welcoming to all.
Q: What is the view of the EFCA regarding the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper?
A: The EFCA believes that one is saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. When participated in by faith, there is a strengthening of one’s faith, although there is no salvific efficacy in the ordinances in and of themselves.
Q: What is the EFCA’s position on the miraculous gifts (generally including tongues, healing, prophecy, and miracles)?
A: The EFCA does not have an official policy on miraculous gifts, but believes that regeneration/conversion and Spirit-baptism occur simultaneously when one becomes a Christian. We do not believe that a post-conversion baptism of the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues is required to live a full life.
Q: What is the EFCA's position on women in ministry and credentialing?
A: The EFCA does not ordain women, but women can and do serve in vocational ministry. Women usually do not serve as elders in the EFCA, but the local church is free to make its own decision on this matter.
Q: What is the position of the EFCA regarding the historicity of Adam and Eve?
A: The statement of faith affirms that Adam and Eve were historical figures in the sense that they were created by God ex nihilo and that they are the first beings created in the image of God.
Q: What is the EFCA's position on the timing of the rapture and on the millennium?
A: The EFCA Statement of Faith allows for all millennial views: Premillennial, including the various premillennial views, Postmillennial, and Amillennial.


Q: How do I tell my faith community about my loved one’s sexual orientation and/or gender identity?
A: There is no conflict between being LGBTQ and being religious. In fact, many LGBTQ people are religious and active in their own faith communities. If you are struggling to reconcile your religion with your sexual orientation or gender identity, there are many other people of faith who are LGBTQ or have LGBTQ loved ones that you can reach out to for support. Additionally, attitudes toward sexual orientation and gender identity within faith communities are changing, and religious texts are open to a variety of interpretations.
Q: What is the destiny of those who die in infancy or who may be mentally incompetent and unable to respond to the message of the gospel in conscious faith?
A: Some people believe that God can accept infants and the mentally incompetent into heaven without conscious and deliberate faith on their part.
Q: What is the destiny of the unevangelized who have not heard of God’s saving work in Jesus Christ—can they be saved?
A: We don't think that God saves people apart from conscious faith in Jesus.


Q: Why do Satanists worship The Devil?
A: Satanists are atheists who believe that humans are the most important beings in the universe.
Q: What do you think a person needs to do in order to be “saved”?
A: I don't think other religions are wrong, and I think that the best way to "spread the news" is to live my life out loud and strive to treat others with love, kindness, and compassion.
Q: What accommodations do you think might work?
A: I need a single room in an apartment near campus with a kitchen and bathroom that I can share with 1-2 other people.

I'm looking for a single room in an apartment near campus with a kitchen and bathroom that I can share with 1-2 other people. I need a place to study and do my homework, so a quiet environment is important to me. I also need a place to keep my things organized, so a clean and spacious room is a must.
Q: What else can I do to support the University’s policy for accommodating religious beliefs and practices?
A: Do not reject a request for accommodation for religious beliefs or practices while making the same accommodation for another individual for a non-religious reason, except for in exceptional circumstances and where there are legitimate reasons for the difference in approach.

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