Unf.edu / Senior citizens

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http://www.unf.edu/student-affairs 10.160.760.04-1--1-1-1-111
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http://www.unf.edu/graduateschool/ 10.160.670.03-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.unf.edu/drc/ 10.170.660.03-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.unf.edu/admissions/international/ 10.160.660.03-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.unf.edu/oira/alc/ 10.160.610.02-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.unf.edu/admissions/ 10.160.580.02-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.unf.edu/trustees/Calendar.aspx 10.160.440-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.unf.edu/trustees/ 10.160.430-1--1-1-1-111

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http://famu.edu/ famu.edu
http://usf.edu/ usf.edu
http://fau.edu/ fau.edu
http://ufl.edu/ ufl.edu
http://floridapoly.edu/ floridapoly.edu
http://uwf.edu/ uwf.edu
http://ncf.edu/ ncf.edu
http://fldoe.org/ fldoe.org

Random 'senior citizens FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general senior citizens topic.



Q: How can I get home delivered meals?
A: There are limited areas where homebound meal delivery is available. Frozen meals may be an alternative for those living outside the homebound delivery areas.
Q: Where can I get help with my medications?
A: The Council on Aging provides assistance for long term medications through our Prescription Assistance Program.
Q: How do I get a license plate discount?
A: If you are a one person household and total gross income is below $33,562 annual or 2 person household and total gross income is below $44,533 annual and you are age 65 or older or disabled you will qualify. Discount eligibility is 2 years from the time your application is approved.


Q: What is Assisted Living?
A: Assisted living is a supportive living option for seniors who need help with some activities of daily living, but who don’t require complex medical care or 24-hour supervision. It is typically less expensive than nursing home care, and can be a more comfortable and home-like environment for those who don’t want to live in a traditional nursing home setting.
Q: What is the difference between Assisted Living and a Nursing Home?
A: Assisted living is for people who are still relatively independent and need only occasional help with activities of daily living. Nursing homes are for people who are sick and need constant nursing care.
Q: How much does Assisted Living cost?
A: The cost of Assisted Living is often less than the cost of staying at home with services.
Q: Who is right for Assisted Living?
A: Assisted living is a great option for seniors who need help with daily activities but who still want to live independently. The average Assisted Living resident is 84 years old, female, widowed or single, and takes at least two medications daily.
Q: What services are offered in Assisted Living communities?
A: Assisted Living provides many services that help residents with their daily needs, including meals, personal care assistance, medication reminders, weekly laundry service, trash removal, weekly housekeeping, social and cultural activities, transportation, and wellness programs.


Q: What funds are available to assist me thru the Senior Center?
A: Contact Information & Assistance for up-to-date information on what funding is available for your specific need.
Q: What age can I receive services from the Senior Resource Center?
A: There are many programs out there for seniors to help them stay active and engaged in their communities. Many of these programs are free or have low costs. There are also many programs that are specifically designed for seniors.
Q: What senior housing is available in Stephenson & JD County?
A: There are many housing options for seniors, but we don't have a specific one that we recommend.
Q: What are the age requirements and asset qualifications to receive help thru the Community Care Program?
A: If you are 60 years or older, and have an asset level of $17,500 for a one person household or $35,000 for a two person household, you may be eligible for the Senior Citizens’ Property Tax Deferral Program.
Q: Where is the Senior Center located?
A: The Chelsea Senior Center is a community center that offers programs, trips, and classes for seniors. Membership entitles you to a monthly newsletter and discounts on programs and classes. The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4 pm.


Q: When can I apply for Medicare?
A: You can apply for Medicare 3 months before your 65th birthday, the month of your birthday, or 3 months after your birthday with no penalty. If you have been declared disabled by the social security administration, you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare on the 25th month of your social security approved disability.
Q: When is the application deadline?
A: Yes, you need to re-apply for the homestead exemption every year.


Q: What services do you offer Senior citizens?
A: The Senior Center provides information and referrals, as well as legal assistance, to seniors 60 and up.
Q: How much will have to pay for my sticker?
A: The average cost of car insurance in the United States is $1,548 per year. However, this number will vary depending on your individual circumstances, including your age, driving history, and the type of car you drive.
Q: How many staff members do you have?
A: The Friends of the William B. Cashin Senior Activity Center is a group that advocates for and supports the Senior Center.


Q: What is the share of the older persons in the total population of the Country?
A: The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007 provides for the maintenance and welfare of parents and senior citizens, and lays down the duties of children and other relatives towards them. The National Policy on Older Persons aims to provide a comprehensive framework for the welfare of senior citizens.
Q: What action has been taken by the Ministry to care and protect the lives and property of older persons in view of sudden spurt in crime against older persons?
A: There are more females than males in the survey. The majority of the respondents are in their 20s and 30s.

The survey had a total of 1,738 responses, with 1,724 usable responses. The responses were collected from August 1st, 2016 to September 19th, 2016.

There are more females than males in the survey. The majority of the respondents are in their 20s and 30s.

There are more females than males in
Q: What is the population of persons aged 60 plus?
A: The projected population aged 60+ by sex as on 1st March 2001-2026, as per the Report of the Technical Group on Population Projections constituted by the National Commission on Population, May 2006 published by the Office of the Registrar General, India is as under:
(In million)

60+ Male
Q: What are the main features of elderly population of India?
A: The profile of the elderly population indicates that they are generally healthy and active, but are more likely to have chronic health conditions than younger adults. They are also more likely to be living alone, have lower incomes, and be less educated.


Q: What is the difference between heavy and light duties?
A: We offer a variety of services that can help you with your everyday needs, and we also offer assistance with larger projects. We are insured and bonded, and our rates are very reasonable. Contact us today to see how we can help you!
Q: What are the important features of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007?
A: The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007 provides for the need-based maintenance of parents and grandparents by their children, and sets up tribunals to adjudicate claims in a time-bound manner. The Act also contains provisions for the protection of life and property of senior citizens, better medical facilities, and the setting up of old age homes in every district.
Q: What is the applicability of the Act?
A: The Act extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir and it applies also to citizens of India outside India (Section 1(2)).
Q: What is the definition of Child/children under the Act?
A: The Act defines "children" as son, daughter, grandson and granddaughter who are not minor.
Q: What is the definition of Maintenance under the Act?
A: The "Maintenance" includes provision for food, clothing, residence and medical attendance and treatment.
Q: What is the definition of a Senior Citizen under the Act?
A: A "senior citizen" is any Indian citizen who is 60 years of age or older.
Q: Who are eligible for claiming maintenance under the provisions of the Act?
A: The Act provides that a senior citizen including parent who is unable to maintain himself from his own earning or out of the property owned by him, shall be entitled to make an application for claiming maintenance.
Q: What is the effect of the order of maintenance?
A: The maintenance order has the same force and effect as an order passed under the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.


Q: What is the time limit for disposing an application for claiming maintenance?
A: ;

An application for the monthly allowance for the maintenance and expenses for proceeding shall be disposed of within ninety days from the date of the service of notice of the application to such person. However, the Tribunal may extend the said period, once for a maximum period of thirty days in exceptional circumstances for reasons to be recorded in writing.
Q: Who can appeal to the appellate Authority under the Act?
A: The Appellate Tribunal is a body set up to hear appeals from orders of tribunals. A person aggrieved by an order of a tribunal may, within 60 days, file an appeal with the Appellate Tribunal.
Q: What is the time limit for an appellate authority to dispose of the appeal?
A: Appellate Tribunal is required to make endeavours to pronounce its order in writing within one month of the receipt of an appeal.


Q: What Are Senior Citizen Health Insurance Options?
A: A senior citizen is a social demographic based on age. Someone who is 35, for example, cannot be a senior. Being a senior citizen typically means that a person is at the age in which they retire from work. They are transitioned from a working adult to a retiree.
Q: What are the income limits?
A: The L5A - Senior School Tax Exemption is for those whose Georgia taxable income does not exceed the maximum authorized by Social Security plus $25,000, which for 2023 is $112,048. The S3 - Regular School Tax Exemption and L3A - $20,000 Senior Exemption are for those whose Georgia taxable income does not exceed $10,000.
Q: What are the provisions about revocation of will?
A: A senior citizen can seek to revoke any property, which has been transferred in favour of children/relative on the condition that such children/relative would provide maintenance to him but are not providing the same. The tribunals are empowered to declare such transfers as void on the applications of such parent.
Q: What are the provisions for medical care of senior citizens provided in the Act?
A: The Act provides that the State Government shall ensure that,
Q: What are the provisions for protection of life and property of senior citizen provided in the Act?
A: The Act requires the Central Government and State Government Officers, including the police officers and the members of the judicial service, are given periodic sensitization and awareness training on the issues relating to this Act. Further, the State Government shall prescribe a comprehensive action plan for providing protection of life and property of senior citizens.
Q: What are the provisions for prevention of abandonment of senior citizen provided in the Act?
A: The Act provides that whoever, having the care or protection of senior citizen leaves, such senior citizen in any place with the intention of wholly abandoning such senior citizen, shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three months or fine which may extend to five thousand rupees or with both.


Q: What are the facilities provided by the Ministry for the training and orientation of workers and volunteers of organizations providing services to the senior citizens?

The following are the rules for firearms use in the game:

1) Firearms are only to be used in self-defense, or to defend others.

2) If you are involved in a fight, you may only use firearms in self-defense if you are the one who started the fight.

3) If you are not involved in a fight, you may not use firearms.

Q: When will the Act come into force in the States?
A: The Act come into force in a State on such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint (Section 1(3)).
Q: What is the monitoring mechanism for implementation of the Act by the States?
A: The Act has been enacted in pursuance of the provisions of Article 41 read with Entry 23 of the Concurrent List (Schedule VII) of the Constitution of India.
Q: What is the monitoring mechanism for implementation of the provisions of the Act by the States?
A: The Central Government may make periodic review and monitor the progress of the implementation of the provisions of this Act by the State Governments.


Q: What are your hours?
A: Our rates are $30 an hour. You can mix and match any of our services. The amount of help we provide is based on your decision. We are family owned and operated. I’d like to keep it that way. The people we send to your homes are the same people we invite into ours. Our customers have needs and our employees like a flexible schedule. That means our hours vary based on the type of help you want and the times you’re available
Q: Why has the National Policy on Older Person adopted the age of 60+ for defining 'Old Age'?
A: Grant-in-Aid schemes are schemes that are set up by the government to provide financial assistance to non-profit organizations or groups. The aim of these schemes is to promote and support various social, economic, and cultural activities.

What are Grant-in-Aid schemes?
Q: What are the salient features of National Policy on Older Persons?
A: The Government has formulated the National Policy on Older Persons, which was announced in the year 1999 covering all aspects concerning older persons.
Q: What is the implementation mechanism of National Policy for Older Persons?
A: The National Policy on Older Persons (NPOP) was set up in 1999 to help the government formulate and implement policy and programmes for the welfare of the aged.


Q: What is the eligible criterion for a Non Governmental Organization to obtain grant-in aid under the Integrated Programme for Older Persons?
A: No, the government is not revising the schemes for welfare of the older persons.
Q: What are the schemes under which financial assistance is provided for welfare of the older persons?
A: The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment supports programmes for the welfare of the elderly through financial assistance to Non Governmental Organizations under the two schemes detailed below:-.
Q: What are the projects admissible for assistance under the Integrated Programme for Older Persons?
A: 1. Day Care Centre for Older Persons

2. Mobile Medical Units

3. Geriatric Ward in General Hospitals

4. Construction of Old Age Homes

5. Strengthening of existing old age homes

6. Training of volunteers/ personnel for running old age homes

7. Research on problems of elderly persons.

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