[americans for tax reform] in atext

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americans for tax reform180.45urls with [americans for tax reform] in atext
americans for tax reform positions100.39urls with [americans for tax reform positions] in atext
americans for tax reform 2310.07urls with [americans for tax reform 23] in atext
press release governor perry s energy paper hits all the right notes americans for tax reform10.06urls with [press release governor perry s energy paper hits all the right notes americans for tax reform] in atext
grover norquist s americans for tax reform as well as koch brothers backed americans for prosperity10.04urls with [grover norquist s americans for tax reform as well as koch brothers backed americans for prosperity] in atext
americans for tax reform continues dishonesty on taxes10.02urls with [americans for tax reform continues dishonesty on taxes] in atext
americans for tax reform can t help but distort clean energy legislation10.02urls with [americans for tax reform can t help but distort clean energy legislation] in atext
americans for tax reform attacks attempt to combat bill shock10.02urls with [americans for tax reform attacks attempt to combat bill shock] in atext
americans for tax reform clouds the truth about rep joe sestak10.02urls with [americans for tax reform clouds the truth about rep joe sestak] in atext
americans for tax reform doesn t side with the truth10.02urls with [americans for tax reform doesn t side with the truth] in atext

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