barrier in atext

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israeli west bank barrier40.17urls with [israeli west bank barrier] in atext
architectural barriers act20.13urls with [architectural barriers act] in atext
blood brain barrier60.12urls with [blood brain barrier] in atext
chapter 6 law 3 love knows no barriers10.12urls with [chapter 6 law 3 love knows no barriers] in atext
barriers40.12urls with [barriers] in atext
barriere isabelle10.11urls with [barriere isabelle] in atext
u s trade representative announces new obama administration accomplishments in reducing barriers to american20.1urls with [u s trade representative announces new obama administration accomplishments in reducing barriers to american] in atext
barrier40.1urls with [barrier] in atext
immigrant women need health coverage not legal barriers10.1urls with [immigrant women need health coverage not legal barriers] in atext
langerin is a natural barrier to hiv 1 transmission by langerhans cells20.09urls with [langerin is a natural barrier to hiv 1 transmission by langerhans cells] in atext

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