debate 2000 in atext

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debate 200010.06urls with [debate 2000] in atext
vice presidential debate draws lowest viewership since 200010.01urls with [vice presidential debate draws lowest viewership since 2000] in atext
the united nations human cloning treaty debate 2000 200510.01urls with [the united nations human cloning treaty debate 2000 2005] in atext
2000 new york senate debate10.01urls with [2000 new york senate debate] in atext
republican party pr firm memo from 2000 about how to win the global warming debate by continuing to stress10.01urls with [republican party pr firm memo from 2000 about how to win the global warming debate by continuing to stress] in atext
vice presidential debate ratings lowest since 200010urls with [vice presidential debate ratings lowest since 2000] in atext

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