global war on terrorism in atext

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global war on terrorism110.47urls with [global war on terrorism] in atext
president bush discusses global war on terror70.29urls with [president bush discusses global war on terror] in atext
global war on terror70.15urls with [global war on terror] in atext
establishing the global war on terrorism medals20.1urls with [establishing the global war on terrorism medals] in atext
progress report on the global war on terrorism20.09urls with [progress report on the global war on terrorism] in atext
world global war on terror faces government with unique enemy part 410.07urls with [world global war on terror faces government with unique enemy part 4] in atext
budget for global war on terror operations fiscal years 2001 200710.07urls with [budget for global war on terror operations fiscal years 2001 2007] in atext
forget the global war on terror10.07urls with [forget the global war on terror] in atext
bounding the global war on terrorism10.06urls with [bounding the global war on terrorism] in atext
global war on terrorism service medal20.06urls with [global war on terrorism service medal] in atext

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