the democracy institute in atext

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institute on religion and democracy50.2urls with [institute on religion and democracy] in atext
1 institutions and the evolution of european democracy10.07urls with [1 institutions and the evolution of european democracy] in atext
democracy beyond borders justice and representation in global institutions10.06urls with [democracy beyond borders justice and representation in global institutions] in atext
institute for democracy studies10.06urls with [institute for democracy studies] in atext
democracy and its institutions10.06urls with [democracy and its institutions] in atext
israel democracy institute20.06urls with [israel democracy institute] in atext
1 new forms of democracy reform and transformation of democratic institutions10.06urls with [1 new forms of democracy reform and transformation of democratic institutions] in atext
yedidia z stern prof yedidia z stern is the vice president of research at the israeli democracy institute where he10.06urls with [yedidia z stern prof yedidia z stern is the vice president of research at the israeli democracy institute where he] in atext
institute for religion and democracy20.05urls with [institute for religion and democracy] in atext
the democracy deficit in the global economy enhancing the legitimacy and accountability of global institutions10.05urls with [the democracy deficit in the global economy enhancing the legitimacy and accountability of global institutions] in atext

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