[polls] in title

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Pollster.com - Political Surveys and Election Polls, Trends, Charts and Analysis3popular pages with Pollster.com - Political Surveys and Election Polls, Trends, Charts and Analysis in title
General Election 2004 - Contests to Watch and Polling Data1popular pages with General Election 2004 - Contests to Watch and Polling Data in title
2012 Presidential Swing States Poll - August 8, 2012 - Wisconsin, Virginia, Colorado | Quinnipiac University Connecticut1popular pages with 2012 Presidential Swing States Poll - August 8, 2012 - Wisconsin, Virginia, Colorado | Quinnipiac University Connecticut in title
New Red C Poll Shows 6 Out Of 10 Irish People Want Neutrality Enshrined in Irish Constitution | Shannonwatch1popular pages with New Red C Poll Shows 6 Out Of 10 Irish People Want Neutrality Enshrined in Irish Constitution | Shannonwatch in title
New York City Polls | Quinnipiac University Connecticut1popular pages with New York City Polls | Quinnipiac University Connecticut in title
Public Policy Polling: Lincoln got caught in the middle1popular pages with Public Policy Polling: Lincoln got caught in the middle in title
Public Policy Polling: Palin and Women1popular pages with Public Policy Polling: Palin and Women in title
Poll: 75% glad Bush is done - CNN.com1popular pages with Poll: 75% glad Bush is done - CNN.com in title
Polling Institute at Saint Leo University – Saint Leo Poll Finds Americans Wary of Refugee Situation1popular pages with Polling Institute at Saint Leo University – Saint Leo Poll Finds Americans Wary of Refugee Situation in title
SeaWorld Faring Poorly in CNN Poll – Only 14% of Respondents Would Bring Their Familes - Candace Calloway Whiting1popular pages with SeaWorld Faring Poorly in CNN Poll – Only 14% of Respondents Would Bring Their Familes - Candace Calloway Whiting in title

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