[suicide rates] in title

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The Relationship Between Antidepressant Prescription Rates and Rate of Early Adolescent Suicide | American Journal of Psychiatry1popular pages with The Relationship Between Antidepressant Prescription Rates and Rate of Early Adolescent Suicide | American Journal of Psychiatry in title
GunCite-Gun Control-International Homicide and Suicide Rates1popular pages with GunCite-Gun Control-International Homicide and Suicide Rates in title
List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia1popular pages with List of countries by suicide rate - Wikipedia in title
All countries compared for Crime > Suicide rates > Suicide rate (both sexes)1popular pages with All countries compared for Crime > Suicide rates > Suicide rate (both sexes) in title
Mexico Crime > Suicide rates Stats: NationMaster.com1popular pages with Mexico Crime > Suicide rates Stats: NationMaster.com in title
All countries compared for Crime > Suicide rates > Suicide rate (females1popular pages with All countries compared for Crime > Suicide rates > Suicide rate (females in title

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