[usa patriot act] in title

Titles of on-topic pages containing query phrase.

title info

Sen. Russell Feingold’s Statement on the USA PATRIOT Act (10/25/01)1popular pages with Sen. Russell Feingold’s Statement on the USA PATRIOT Act (10/25/01) in title
Bush Criticizes Schumer, Clinton On USA Patriot Act - The New York Sun1popular pages with Bush Criticizes Schumer, Clinton On USA Patriot Act - The New York Sun in title
EPIC - USA Patriot Act1popular pages with EPIC - USA Patriot Act in title
EPIC - USA PATRIOT Act (H.R. 3162)1popular pages with EPIC - USA PATRIOT Act (H.R. 3162) in title
FBI Underreported Use of USA Patriot Act1popular pages with FBI Underreported Use of USA Patriot Act in title
USA PATRIOT Act: enabling act for the US empire1popular pages with USA PATRIOT Act: enabling act for the US empire in title

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