Xinhua - English in title

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Xinhua - English5popular pages with Xinhua - English in title
Germany says U.S. to lose financial superpower status_English_Xinhua1popular pages with Germany says U.S. to lose financial superpower status_English_Xinhua in title
Exit polls show 62% U.S. voters regard economy as top issue_English_Xinhua1popular pages with Exit polls show 62% U.S. voters regard economy as top issue_English_Xinhua in title
Profile: Raul Castro, President of Cuba_English_Xinhua1popular pages with Profile: Raul Castro, President of Cuba_English_Xinhua in title
Skin color, national interest: U.S. voters say they know which matters_English_Xinhua1popular pages with Skin color, national interest: U.S. voters say they know which matters_English_Xinhua in title
Article sees "indissoluble bond between Dalai Lama, feudal serfdom"_English_Xinhua1popular pages with Article sees indissoluble bond between Dalai Lama, feudal serfdom _English_Xinhua in title
Former serf writes: Dalai Lama "chief representative" of Tibetan serfdom_English_Xinhua1popular pages with Former serf writes: Dalai Lama chief representative of Tibetan serfdom_English_Xinhua in title
President: Serbia will never recognize Kosovo independence_English_Xinhua1popular pages with President: Serbia will never recognize Kosovo independence_English_Xinhua in title
Living Buddha: Tibetan culture well preserved_English_Xinhua1popular pages with Living Buddha: Tibetan culture well preserved_English_Xinhua in title
Americans making historic elections_English_Xinhua1popular pages with Americans making historic elections_English_Xinhua in title

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