acupuncture in title

Titles of on-topic pages containing query phrase.

title info

Acupuncture Doesn’t Work « Science-Based Medicine1popular pages with Acupuncture Doesn’t Work « Science-Based Medicine in title
Be Wary of Acupuncture, Qigong, and "Chinese Medicine"1popular pages with Be Wary of Acupuncture, Qigong, and Chinese Medicine in title
Another overhyped acupuncture study misinterpreted « Science-Based Medicine1popular pages with Another overhyped acupuncture study misinterpreted « Science-Based Medicine in title
Attitudes to evidence in acupuncture: an interview study | SpringerLink1popular pages with Attitudes to evidence in acupuncture: an interview study | SpringerLink in title
Credulity about acupuncture infiltrates the New England Journal of Medicine « Science-Based Medicine1popular pages with Credulity about acupuncture infiltrates the New England Journal of Medicine « Science-Based Medicine in title
NCAHF Position Paper on Acupuncture1popular pages with NCAHF Position Paper on Acupuncture in title

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