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Will the ADL self-destruct over Armenian genocide-denial? Chapter in open rebellion, director fired. | MuzzleWatch1popular pages with Will the ADL self-destruct over Armenian genocide-denial? Chapter in open rebellion, director fired. | MuzzleWatch in title
Israpundit » Blog Archive ADL allies with anti-Israel activists against Trump - Israpundit1popular pages with Israpundit » Blog Archive ADL allies with anti-Israel activists against Trump - Israpundit in title
Israpundit » Blog Archive Column One: The ADL’s new bedfellows - Israpundit1popular pages with Israpundit » Blog Archive Column One: The ADL’s new bedfellows - Israpundit in title
ADL Survey in Ten European Countries Finds Anti-Semitism at Disturbingly High Levels1popular pages with ADL Survey in Ten European Countries Finds Anti-Semitism at Disturbingly High Levels in title
ADL and Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ"1popular pages with ADL and Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ in title
ADL Report: Armed & Dangerous: Introduction1popular pages with ADL Report: Armed Dangerous: Introduction in title
David Duke Exposes the MSNBC and ADL Lies – David Duke.com1popular pages with David Duke Exposes the MSNBC and ADL Lies – David in title

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