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HR 3547 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 - Key Vote - The Voter's Self Defense System - Vote Smart1popular pages with HR 3547 - Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 - Key Vote - The Voter's Self Defense System - Vote Smart in title
Hawai‘i War Crimes: Extensive Appropriation of Property | Hawaiian Kingdom Blog1popular pages with Hawai‘i War Crimes: Extensive Appropriation of Property | Hawaiian Kingdom Blog in title
An evaluation of resurgence of appropriate communication in individuals with autism who exhibit severe problem behavior - Hoffman - 2014 -1popular pages with An evaluation of resurgence of appropriate communication in individuals with autism who exhibit severe problem behavior - Hoffman - 2014 - in title
Violence is never appropriate solution - Global Times1popular pages with Violence is never appropriate solution - Global Times in title
Building the Resistance to Same-Sex Marriage - Article 12 - The Congressional Appropriations Power - United States Justice Foundation |1popular pages with Building the Resistance to Same-Sex Marriage - Article 12 - The Congressional Appropriations Power - United States Justice Foundation | in title
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Appropriation bill: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms - Dr. Paul M. Johnson1popular pages with Appropriation bill: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms - Dr. Paul M. Johnson in title
Catalog Record: Statement of appropriations and expenditures,... | Hathi Trust Digital Library1popular pages with Catalog Record: Statement of appropriations and expenditures,... | Hathi Trust Digital Library in title
Homeopathy in Healthcare: Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Costs - RationalWiki1popular pages with Homeopathy in Healthcare: Effectiveness, Appropriateness, Safety, Costs - RationalWiki in title
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