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Anti-gay Georgia congressman could head Dept. of Health and Human Services - Metro Weekly1popular pages with Anti-gay Georgia congressman could head Dept. of Health and Human Services - Metro Weekly in title
GOP congressman defends reading Bible verse about putting gays to death - Metro Weekly1popular pages with GOP congressman defends reading Bible verse about putting gays to death - Metro Weekly in title
Congressman Chris Collins | Representing the 27th District of New York1popular pages with Congressman Chris Collins | Representing the 27th District of New York in title
Despicable: Abe Foxman slams only Muslim Congressman | MuzzleWatch1popular pages with Despicable: Abe Foxman slams only Muslim Congressman | MuzzleWatch in title
Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez Called ‘Communist’ and ‘Traitor’ in Los Angeles [Video]1popular pages with Trevor Loudon's New Zeal Blog » Illinois Congressman Luis Gutierrez Called ‘Communist’ and ‘Traitor’ in Los Angeles [Video] in title
My Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, is under consideration for Sec of State. He wants supporters to vote for him in Breitbart poll in the1popular pages with My Congressman, Dana Rohrabacher, is under consideration for Sec of State. He wants supporters to vote for him in Breitbart poll in the in title
John Brademas, Former Indiana Congressman and NYU President Dies at 89 | USA.GreekReporter.com1popular pages with John Brademas, Former Indiana Congressman and NYU President Dies at 89 | in title
Congressman Robert Hurt Wrong on Iran | Let's Try Democracy1popular pages with Congressman Robert Hurt Wrong on Iran | Let's Try Democracy in title
Congressman Frank Wolf Demands GITMO Terrorists Not Be-by PipeLineNews.org1popular pages with Congressman Frank Wolf Demands GITMO Terrorists Not Be-by in title
Pando: The first congressman to battle the NSA is dead. No-one noticed, no-one cares.1popular pages with Pando: The first congressman to battle the NSA is dead. No-one noticed, no-one cares. in title

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