economics studies in title

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Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal & Economic Public Policy Studies1popular pages with Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal Economic Public Policy Studies in title
Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal & Economic Public Policy Studies Intellectual Property/Patent Reform1popular pages with Phoenix Center for Advanced Legal Economic Public Policy Studies Intellectual Property/Patent Reform in title
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The Competitive Effects of Minority Shareholdings: Legal and Economic Issues(Hart Studies in Competition Law): Panagiotis Fotis: Hart1popular pages with The Competitive Effects of Minority Shareholdings: Legal and Economic Issues(Hart Studies in Competition Law): Panagiotis Fotis: Hart in title
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The International Non-Govermental foundation for socio-economic and political studies (The Gorbachev Foundation) - Mikhail Gorbachev -1popular pages with The International Non-Govermental foundation for socio-economic and political studies (The Gorbachev Foundation) - Mikhail Gorbachev - in title
Genome-wide association studies in economics and entrepreneurship research: promises and limitations | SpringerLink1popular pages with Genome-wide association studies in economics and entrepreneurship research: promises and limitations | SpringerLink in title
Routledge Studies in the History of Economics - Routledge1popular pages with Routledge Studies in the History of Economics - Routledge in title
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