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Germany celebrates 10 years of anti-discrimination legislation... | ILGA-Europe1popular pages with Germany celebrates 10 years of anti-discrimination legislation... | ILGA-Europe in title
It’s official – France adopts a new legal gender recognition procedure! | ILGA-Europe1popular pages with It’s official – France adopts a new legal gender recognition procedure! | ILGA-Europe in title
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE State-Sponsored Homophobia Report 2015 In 10 years criminalizing countries drop from 92 to 76 - ILGA1popular pages with FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE State-Sponsored Homophobia Report 2015 In 10 years criminalizing countries drop from 92 to 76 - ILGA in title
Survey on access to health care in the European Union | ILGA-Europe1popular pages with Survey on access to health care in the European Union | ILGA-Europe in title
Six steps to improve the state of the Union - not just another joint statement | ILGA-Europe1popular pages with Six steps to improve the state of the Union - not just another joint statement | ILGA-Europe in title
Ecoutez-les: Four French trans people on law proposal for legal gender recognition | ILGA-Europe1popular pages with Ecoutez-les: Four French trans people on law proposal for legal gender recognition | ILGA-Europe in title

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