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April | 2015 | JTF1popular pages with April | 2015 | JTF in title
Ohio State Terrorist Portrayed Himself as “Peaceful, Praying Muslim” in Student Newspaper | JTF1popular pages with Ohio State Terrorist Portrayed Himself as “Peaceful, Praying Muslim” in Student Newspaper | JTF in title
Amona Settlers Reject State Plan to Expel Hilltop Jews to Appease Muslims | JTF1popular pages with Amona Settlers Reject State Plan to Expel Hilltop Jews to Appease Muslims | JTF in title
Trump Tweets That He Settled Trump University Fraud Lawsuit as a “Sacrifice to the Country” | JTF1popular pages with Trump Tweets That He Settled Trump University Fraud Lawsuit as a “Sacrifice to the Country” | JTF in title
Islam at its best! Arabs open Jewish grave and photograph themselves with the corpse | JTF1popular pages with Islam at its best! Arabs open Jewish grave and photograph themselves with the corpse | JTF in title
JTF | Jewish Task Force1popular pages with JTF | Jewish Task Force in title
Trump Considering David Petraeus for Secretary of State After Pleading Guilty to Leaking Top-Secret Government Files | JTF1popular pages with Trump Considering David Petraeus for Secretary of State After Pleading Guilty to Leaking Top-Secret Government Files | JTF in title
For the First Time Ever, Jewish, Arab Fertility Rates Identical | JTF1popular pages with For the First Time Ever, Jewish, Arab Fertility Rates Identical | JTF in title

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