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War is the New Peace: American Vets Reflect on Syria - The Daily Beast1popular pages with War is the New Peace: American Vets Reflect on Syria - The Daily Beast in title
World War II vet, oldest living South Carolina National Guard retiree honored | Article | The United States Army1popular pages with World War II vet, oldest living South Carolina National Guard retiree honored | Article | The United States Army in title
Angry Spirit Storms Court , Frees Arrested War Vets – REPORT | ZimEye1popular pages with Angry Spirit Storms Court , Frees Arrested War Vets – REPORT | ZimEye in title
Vets for Freedom - SourceWatch1popular pages with Vets for Freedom - SourceWatch in title
Colorado National Guard, WWII vets mark mountain division's return | Article | The United States Army1popular pages with Colorado National Guard, WWII vets mark mountain division's return | Article | The United States Army in title
Intel Vets Call 'Dissent Memo' on Syria 'Reckless' | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community1popular pages with Intel Vets Call 'Dissent Memo' on Syria 'Reckless' | Common Dreams | Breaking News Views for the Progressive Community in title

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