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Many Youths Disregard Their Virginity Pledges, Harvard Study Says - latimes1
The Civil Rights Act: What JFK, LBJ, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had to say - LA Times1
Syrian rebel infighting has claimed nearly 500 lives, activists say - LA Times1
Edward Snowden turned back at Moscow passport control, official says - latimes1
Netanyahu says Israel will never give up the Golan Heights - LA Times1
Axelrod says Romney's Mormon religion off-limits - latimes1
Japan earthquake: Insurance cost for quake alone pegged at $35 billion, AIR says - latimes1
Doctor Says Ali's Brain Injuries Due to Boxing - latimes1
Perry's climate views shared by 'tea party' faithful, survey says - latimes1
Black Lives Matter has signed onto a platform in time for the presidential election. Here's what it says - LA Times1

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