1946 in title from go.jp

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All Japan Lawyers' Association, "Draft of Constitution Revision," January 21, 1946 | Birth of the Constitution of Japan1
Far Eastern Commission, "Basic Principles for a New Japanese Constitution," July 2, 1946 | Birth of the Constitution of Japan1
Amended Bill for Revision of the Imperial Constitution Passed by the Special Committee in the House of Peers, October 3, 1946 | Birth of1
Supposed Dialogues and Itemized Explanations Related to the Draft for a Revised Constitution, April to June 1946 | Birth of the1
Government Announcement, "Revisions Resubmitted to the Privy Council," June 8, 1946 | Birth of the Constitution of Japan1
From: GHQ SCAP Tokyo sgd MacArthur, To: War Department for WDSCA, nr Z 07139, dated 8 July 1946 [re Public Release of the FEC's Basic1
Miyazawa Drafts (A) (B), January 4, 1946 | Birth of the Constitution of Japan1
"Bill for Revision of the Imperial Constitution," Submitted to the Imperial Diet, June 20, 1946 | Birth of the Constitution of1
Amendments in the House of Representatives Subcommittee, July 27 to 29, 1946 | Birth of the Constitution of Japan1
GHQ Draft, February 13, 1946 | Birth of the Constitution of Japan1

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