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Jill Stein plugs recount on Russian state TV, doesn't mention Russians are the reason for the recount - AMERICAblog News1
McCain campaign: Palin won't do any interviews, she's just going to read speeches from now on - AMERICAblog News1
James Neimeister, Author at AMERICAblog News1
How John McCain forced me to write about the weird story of Sarah Palin's daughter's pregnancy - AMERICAblog News1
Chris Andoe, Author at AMERICAblog News1
transgender Archives - AMERICAblog News1
Hillary Clinton Archives - AMERICAblog News1
About Us - AMERICAblog News1
John Oliver Archives - AMERICAblog News1
CNN: Just last week, Falwell reiterated his belief that gays caused September 11 - AMERICAblog News1

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