Wilderdom.com / Social sciences

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http://wikiversity.org/ wikiversity.org
http://socialpsychology.org/ socialpsychology.org
http://wikipedia.org/ wikipedia.org

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http://cmu.edu/ 20.17cmu.edu
http://doi.org/ 10.09doi.org
http://icio.us/ 10.09icio.us
http://wikipedia.org/ 10.09wikipedia.org
http://nih.gov/ 10.09nih.gov
http://sagepub.com/ 10.08sagepub.com

Most linked pages from wilderdom.com

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http://www.wilderdom.com/group/SocialSupportHelpsPeopleGrow.html 10.1610.09-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.wilderdom.com/group/SocialSupportWaysToPromote.html 10.160.990.09-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.wilderdom.com/psych/doku.php?id=social_engagement 10.160.990.09-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.wilderdom.com/psych/doku.php?id=well_being 10.160.990.09-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.wilderdom.com/psychology/social/ 10.150.890.070.56yes1720011
http://www.wilderdom.com/psych/doku.php?id=social_support 10.170.920.061yes25127611
http://wilderdom.com/305/assess/essay/topics.html 10.150.840.06-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.wilderdom.com/psychology/social/Introduction.html 10.150.940.06-1--1-1-1-111
http://www.wilderdom.com/psychology/social/introduction/ 10.220.530.02-1--1-1-1-100
http://www.wilderdom.com/psychology/ 10.220.330.01-1--1-1-1-100

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http://www.wilderdom.com/psych/doku.php?id=social_support 120.170.921.031yes25127611
http://www.wilderdom.com/psychology/social/ 20.150.890.020.56yes1720011

Random 'social sciences FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general social sciences topic.



Q: How will this program affect students' employment chances?
A: Our students have a great record of placement in careers and graduate programs because we prepare them well and help them identify the best opportunities.
Q: What kind of employment opportunities could this program lead to?
A: The Social Science Scholars Program at the University of Virginia prepares students for a wide range of careers, with a 98.5% placement rate. Our graduates go on to work in human rights, medicine, psychology, law, government, intelligence, nonprofits, banking, and business.
Q: What happens if a student decides to drop out of the program?
A: Students may drop out at any time, but this may have implications for their scholarships.
Q: What kind of equipment and software will I need for the program?
A: You will need:

A laptop or desktop computer with a webcam and microphone.

A strong internet connection.

Headphones or earbuds.

Zoom software installed on your computer.

A quiet place to learn.

Technical Requirements

In order to participate in online classes, you will need the following technical requirements:

A laptop or desktop computer with a webcam and microphone.

A strong internet connection.

Headphones or


Q: How do I get help with my digital subscription?
A: Use our LiveChat feature to receive a faster response.
Q: What can I do with the MaSS degree?
A: The MaSS degree will prepare you for professional research careers in the public, private, and non-profit sectors.
Q: What kind of jobs can you get with this degree?
A: Our program would prepare students for a variety of jobs in the field of computer science, including software development, system administration, and network engineering.
Q: What will I be qualified to do with a Master’s Degree?
A: The M.Ed. is a professional degree for educators.


Q: Why are so few students admitted?
A: We strive to provide individualized support to a small group of students in order to ensure their happiness, productivity, and success.
Q: What kinds of students is the program looking for?
A: We’re looking for students who are passionate about learning, who work well with others, and who want to take on extra opportunities on and off campus.
Q: How many credits will students obtain as a Social Science Scholar?
A: The Honors Program in International Studies is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on global issues. Students take classes in a variety of disciplines, including history, political science, economics, and anthropology. The program also includes a study abroad experience.
Q: How many students are in the program?
A: We are looking for highly-motivated students who are passionate about their chosen field of study.
Q: How much math and programming are students expected to have for admission?
A: No, but you will need to be able to learn the material on your own.
Q: What portfolio pieces will students have after graduating from the program?
A: All students in the Data Science and Engineering program at UC San Diego will complete a multi-quarter capstone project, working hands-on with real data to solve impactful problems. The capstone will be completed under the supervision of a UC San Diego faculty member. These projects will represent useful portfolio pieces for the job market after graduation. In addition, classes may also include project-based work that can contribute to a more robust and diverse portfolio.
Q: What are eligible costs for a Democratic Anxieties in the Americas Research Grant award?
A: You are eligible to apply for the Democratic Anxieties in the Americas Research Grants if you are a PhD candidate who has achieved “All But Dissertation” status (completed coursework and passed qualifying exams) toward a PhD in the social sciences and related fields and is currently writing the dissertation.
Q: How many credits is the program?
A: 34–44 credits.
Q: How can I enroll in this course?
A: The course is tied with an internship/attachment element, so students need to apply for the course in the previous semester in order to be enrolled. The course registration will be done by Academic Registry and students do not need to register the course themselves.


Q: What is the minimum GRE score required?
A: There is no minimum GRE score required to apply to the MaSS program.
Q: What is the minimum TOEFL/IELTS score required?
A: You can apply to MaSS with a TOEFL score of 100 or an IELTS score of 7.5.
Q: What is peer review?
A: Peer review is a process in which experts in a given discipline confirm the value of another scholar’s research and attest to its having met the field’s standards. Through peer review, scholars help establish a reliable body of knowledge.
Q: What is a learned society?
A: learned societies are important in academia for a variety of reasons, including setting standards of excellence and being involved in pressing issues.
Q: What is life like at UC San Diego?
A: UC San Diego is a great place to learn and grow, and to make a difference in the world. Our campus is full of opportunity, and our students are passionate about making a difference.
Q: What GRE or MAT scores are expected for Social Studies Education graduate applicants?
A: No, you don't need to take the GRE or MAT.


Q: What application materials are required?
A: The Statement of Purpose and Personal History Statement should not exceed 500 words each, and the writing sample should be at least 1250 words. The GRE is optional for the 2023-2024 admission cycle.
Q: What are the application deadlines?
A: The priority deadline for Fall 2024 applications will be released in Fall 2023. After the priority deadline, applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Q: What are the humanities?
A: The humanities are those fields of knowledge and learning concerned with human thought, experience, and creativity.
Q: What are interpretive social sciences?
A: Humanistic inquiry is a broad field of research that encompasses all areas of inquiry that ask fundamental questions about individuals and societies. This includes interpretive social sciences such as sociology, psychology, and anthropology.
Q: Who are some of the recent ACLS fellows and grantees?
A: The ACLS community of fellows and grantees represents the rich diversity of humanistic scholarship.
Q: What are your upcoming fellowship and grant competition deadlines?
A: The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program is accepting applications for the 2020-2021 academic year. The deadline to apply is October 23, 2019.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program is accepting applications for the 2020-2021 academic year. The deadline to apply is October 1, 2019.

The National Institutes of Health's NIH Oxford-Cambridge Scholars Program is accepting applications for the 2020-2021 academic year. The deadline to apply is November
Q: What housing arrangements are available?
A: UCSD has graduate housing available. Off-campus housing is also an option.
Q: What are the minimum TOEFL scores accepted for application to your program?
A: The minimum score for the paper TOEFL test is 600. The minimum score for the iBT TOEFL test is 84. The minimum sub-score in each category is as follows: Reading= 22; Listening =22; Speaking = 18; Writing = 22.


Q: How much does the MaSS program cost?
A: The estimated cost of attendance for the MaSS Program at UCLA for the 2023-2024 academic year is $53,000. This includes student fees, health insurance, and tuition. The program offers merit-based scholarships, and we encourage all strong applicants to apply.
Q: When does the MaSS program begin?
A: The Fall 2022 Quarter begins on Monday, September 19th, 2022. Classes begin on Thursday, September 22nd, 2022.
Q: How much teaching experience should I have before applying for your graduate program?
A: There is no mandatory teaching experience requirement for applicants to the Master's Degree program, though it is strongly encouraged for those interested in an academic career as a professor of education.
Q: How do graduate students pay for tuition, and how much does it cost?
A: The cost of attendance at Penn State for a Master's Degree student can vary depending on many factors, but is typically covered in part by the student's employer. Some financial aid may be available through the Office of Student Aid.
Q: How much does the program cost?
A: The UC Berkeley Extension online project management program is a great value for the money, and it is accredited by the Project Management Institute.


Q: How can high school counselors learn more about the program?
A: The University of New Mexico School of Law is excited to announce that we are now offering a full-tuition scholarship to any student who is interested in applying to our school. We are committed to increasing diversity in the legal profession and believe that this scholarship will help us achieve that goal. If you or someone you know is interested in applying to law school, please contact us and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Q: Where should I send my academic records?
A: All academic records should be mailed to:
Allie Westrup
University of California, Los Angeles
2500B Public Affairs Bldg.
Box 957174
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7174
Q: What fields does ACLS support in its fellowship and grant competitions?
A: The humanities and interpretive social sciences include but are not limited to American studies; anthropology; archaeology; art history and architectural history; classics; economics; ethnic studies; film and media studies; gender studies; geography; history; languages and literatures; legal studies; linguistics; musicology; philosophy; political science; psychology; religious studies; rhetoric and communication; science and technology studies; sociology; and theater, dance, and performance studies.
Q: Where do I find more information about fellowship and grant competitions?
A: The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) is a nonprofit organization that recognizes 400 outstanding scholars in 13 different programs. These scholars exemplify ACLS's value of inclusive excellence.


Q: What majors can students take as a Social Science Scholar?
A: .
Q: What is a professional master’s degree?
A: The Master of Social Science program at UCLA awards a professional master’s degree. Professional master’s degree programs often can be completed in one academic year.
Q: What is the Master’s in Computational Social Science?
A: The Master of Science in Data Analytics and Social Science at Northeastern University combines skills in data analysis, visualization, and modeling with social science theories to investigate and produce actionable insights related to areas such as housing affordability, educational outcomes, and healthful behaviors across and within populations.
Q: What is the benefit of a master’s in CSS over a minor in CSS?
A: The master's program in Computational Social Science is designed to provide students with broader and deeper knowledge of the field, as well as with portfolio-worthy work-products that will help them get started in their careers. The undergraduate minor is only available to UC San Diego undergraduates.
Q: What is the requirement of Social Sciences Experiential Learning in Action (SOSC ELA)?
A: 1. Social Sciences Experiential Learning in Action (SOSC ELA) is a 3-unit requirement under Social Sciences Common Core.

2. SOSC ELA can be fulfilled by taking SOSC3005 Community and Civic Engagement or SOSC3006 Global Outreach in Year 3 or 4 of study.
Q: What can I do if the Faculty Member who is in charge of the research attachment that I have participated in summer, no longer works at HKBU in the following academic year?
A: Please contact your supervisor and the Faculty Office (email: soscela@hkbu.edu.hk) for the upcoming arrangement of the research attachment.


Q: How long does it take to earn the MaSS degree?
A: Our intensive program is three-quarters long, running from September to June each academic year.
Q: How long does it take to complete the MS program?
A: 34–44 credits, 3–4 semesters full-time, 6 semesters part-time.
Q: How long does it take to complete a graduate degree?
A: The M.Ed. Degree can be completed in 3 semesters, though it is more commonly completed across 2-3 years. A Master’s Paper is required before graduation (Fall or Spring), and this can be submitted in the last semester of classes or after finishing coursework. The degree needs to be completed within 5 years from admission.
The Ph.D. Degree takes a typical candidate 4 years to complete (full-time). It cannot be completed in less than
Q: How long does it take to complete the program?
A: The program can be completed in three years via part-time enrollment. You will complete two courses total in each term (Fall, Spring and Summer) for the first two years. In the third year, you will complete two courses in the Fall and Spring and one course in the Summer.


Q: How can students apply?
A: 1. Submit an application
2. Receive an email with a link to a Google Form
3. Fill out the Google Form
4. Receive an email with your acceptance status
Q: How do I create and place an order?
A: To create an order, add items to your shopping cart. You can do this by conducting a search, working through the search results list, and then going into the individual product pages. Alternatively, you can enter the product codes into the shopping cart on a catalog page. Once you have items in your cart, you can proceed to checkout, add billing and shipping details, and then order using either a credit card or a purchase order.
Q: How do I access my video streams and ebooks?
A: Digital material ordered online is accessible on My Digital portal. Log in with the username and corresponding password to access your digital content.
Q: How do I access my digital subscription (Active Classroom, Nystrom World, Nystrom Young Citizens, etc.)?
A: If you're having trouble accessing digital content, try logging in to My Digital. If you have trouble logging in to My Digital, contact customer service.

For more information on My Digital, check out this FAQ.
Q: How do I apply to the MaSS Program?
A: You must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution.
You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
You must submit GRE scores.
You must submit transcripts from all previous institutions attended.
You must submit three letters of recommendation.
You must submit a statement of purpose.
Q: How does an organization or institution apply for ACLS membership?
A: ACLS membership is open to learned societies whose work focuses on the advancement and support of humanistic scholarship, and whose membership includes a substantial proportion of scholars. ACLS also has a Research University Consortium, which is by invitation only, and an Associate member network, which accepts applications on a rolling basis. Finally, ACLS also has Affiliate members, which are organizations and institutions with goals and missions that closely align with those of ACLS.
Q: How do I apply to be a Graduate Employee (GE)?
A: All applicants to the program are eligible for the same funding. We do not have any separate fellowships specifically designed for international student applicants.
Q: What do I do if my email address or current address changes before the end of the semester?
A: The application is available online. You must submit a completed application, which requires an unofficial copy of transcripts from all college or university work to date, three letters of recommendation, a 2-page essay, GRE scores, TOEFL cores scores if English is not your native language, your resume/vita, and a sample of your writing (optional).
Q: How do I apply to the Joint Program between BDR and Psychology?
A: Yes, you can still get in if you don't have a background in one of the main disciplines.
Q: What are assistantships in Social Studies Education, and how do I apply for them?
A: Graduate assistantships provide financial support in return for work duties performed for the College of Education.
Q: How do I apply?
A: You can apply to the program by filling out and submitting an application via Cal State Apply. Our prospective program advisor can answer any questions you have about the application process. Appointments are available in person, by phone, and online.


Q: Who can apply to the Social Science Scholars Program?
A: MSU Scholarships are available to high school students, current freshmen, and transfer students. All Scholars have to be taking a major in the College of Social Science.
Q: How can I find the status of my order and when it will arrive?
A: To find the status of your order, please contact customer service.
Q: When will I find out whether or not I got into the program?
A: We will notify you of your admission decision via email once the admission decisions have been completed.
Q: When items are delivered electronically, what exactly happens?
A: You can use the Library's remote services if you are a faculty member, staff member, student, or sponsored visiting scholar of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. You can also use the Library's remote services if you are not currently enrolled at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, but you will not be able to use many of the electronic resources.
Q: How will I know if I can accelerate the program?
A: 44 credits for students with no prior related coursework. Students will have the opportunity to decrease their number of credits during the advisement process, prior to the start of the first semester.
Q: What degree will I earn when I finish the program?
A: You will earn a Bachelor of Arts in Humanities and Social Sciences from California State University, Fullerton, a fully accredited state university.
Q: When can I apply for the program?
A: Applications will be accepted from October 1 to May 25.
Q: What are the admission requirements for the program?
A: You need to have completed all lower-division coursework and have at least 69 transferable units from another institution.
Q: When should I take the SOSC ELA course?
A: The general course application timeline for Social Sciences Experiential Learning in Action is as follows:

-Students should plan for their experiential learning journey in their Year 2 of study

-The earliest experiential learning activities can take place during the summer preceding Year 3

-The course will be enrolled in Semester 1 of Year 3
Q: When can I apply the double-counting of GE Capstone towards SOSC ELA?
A: Talk to your major department to make sure the replacement course for making up 3 units is recognised.
Q: How can I obtain the offer of internship or research attachment for the course?
A: Just pay attention to the emails and e-announcements from the Faculty Office and you will be fine.
Q: How can I plan for my global outreach activity?
A: Choose social issue(s) to address
- Plan and choose experiential learning activities related to chosen social issue(s)
- Submit initial proposal/plan of proposed global outreach activity along with weekly planner including 4+ weeks activity details


Q: What courses will I be required to take?
A: The MaSS curriculum includes seven core courses especially designed for and exclusively taught in the program. These are:

-Introduction to MaSS
-Theory and Methods of Social Science
-Ethnographic Methods
-Quantitative Methods
-Qualitative Methods
-Political Economy
-Capstone Course
Q: How far in advance will we know the dates and times of classes?
A: The "summer bootcamp" classes (CSS 201S and CSS 202S) are expected to occur in July 2024. The schedule of classes for Fall, Winter and Spring is typically available by early May, early November and mid-February, respectively.
Q: Who will the partners for the capstone project be and how will students be matched with partners?
A: CSS affiliated faculty are working to develop partnerships with local industry, government, and non-profit partners to host capstone projects. In addition, affiliated faculty will be available to supervise capstone projects with a more academic focus.
Q: Who will teach my classes?
A: We have the same faculty as our on-campus programs.
Q: How do I know whether my community college and other courses will transfer to the program?
A: You can use ASSIST to find out if your units will transfer to the program. If you have taken related coursework somewhere else, a course evaluation may be recommended during the application process.
Q: How will my classes be formatted?
A: Online classes are structured similarly to on-campus classes except that the lectures are pre-recorded and the discussions are held on discussion boards.


Q: What if all of my supporting documents do not arrive by the deadline?
A: The application fee is $55 and can be waived if it is a burden to the applicant. The deadline to submit all materials is December 15.
Q: What should I do if the deadline is approaching or has passed and one or more of my recommenders has not submitted their recommendation?
A: Yes, you can submit your application without your recommenders' letters.
Q: What can I do if my application result for the proposed non-local experiential learning activity is not available yet by the time to submit the course application?
A: Students who wish to take the Course in Experiential Learning must first secure the offer of their proposed non-local experiential learning activity.
Q: What can I do if the proposed non-local experiential learning activity is cancelled after the course enrolment?
A: You can apply for course withdrawal if you cannot complete the recognised non-local experiential learning activity or cannot find appropriate replacement activity in that semester.

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