Zocalopublicsquare.org / Waterway transport

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http://aguanomics.com/ 20.13aguanomics.com
http://oregoncatalyst.com/ 10.07oregoncatalyst.com
http://latimes.com/ 10.07latimes.com
http://capitalpress.com/ 10.07capitalpress.com
http://wrd.org/ 10.07wrd.org
http://ladwp.com/ 10.07ladwp.com
http://ca.gov/ 10.07ca.gov
http://amazon.com/ 10.04amazon.com

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http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2014/03/14/if-clean-water-is-a-right-why-have-we-been-so 10.150.930.071yes4584211
http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/ 10.170.960.07-1no-1-1-1-111
http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2013/10/11/hey-world-someday-l-a-wont-need-your-water/id 10.170.960.071yes4581111
http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2013/11/11/please-no-not-a-water-related-fact/ideas/up-f 10.170.950.071yes4371111
http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2013/10/14/will-we-ever-get-sane-about-water/events/the- 10.170.950.071yes4580011
http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/event/?postId=52636 10.170.950.07-1no-1-1-1-100
http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/tag/water/ 10.170.960.07-1no-1-1-1-100
http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/tag/environment-2/ 10.170.960.07-1no-1-1-1-100
http://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/media-partners/ 10.170.560.04-1--1-1-1-111

Random 'waterway transport FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general waterway transport topic.



Q: How can I integrate and use the content in my lessons?
A: All content on the Transport School Labs website is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
-You can choose from a variety of different excursions and guest lectures.
-The aim of the project is to promote the topic of logistics in inland waterways in national and international research and educational facilities.
Q: Where can I pick-up the FWA sticker?
A: We're giving away free stickers.
Q: Why is the sticker more if bought from a satellite location?
A: If you're in a hurry, you can go to a satellite location and pay a convenience fee on top of the sticker price and any additional processing fees.
Q: Where can I launch?
A: There is no public launch at our location, but the Chain O Lakes State Park in Spring Grove has a free public launch. Otherwise, you have to call around to marinas and see if they offer launching and what the fee would be.
Q: Where does the FWA get it's income?
A: The DNR is primarily funded by user fees, which come from things like hunting and fishing licenses, snowmobile registrations, and ATV registrations. The DNR is also funded by the state's general fund, which comes from things like taxes.
Q: Where can I find out what the current FWA projects are?
A: We are currently dredging the Western approach to the Panama Canal. Dredging is expected to be completed by the end of June.

We are also dredging the Eastern and Southern approaches to the Panama Canal. Dredging is expected to be completed by the end of July.
Q: Who can we talk to about our area being dredged?
A: The FWA is required to dredge the river to maintain a minimum depth for navigation.
Q: How can I tell where the bus stops are located?
A: No.

Smoking, eating and drinking are not allowed on any of our buses.


Q: When do buoys get placed and removed?
A: The buoys are placed from May 1st to Memorial Day, and they are removed between October 1st and October 15th.
Q: When and where are the board meetings?
A: The Fox Lake Chamber of Commerce meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, except during the holiday season. The meetings are held at the Chamber of Commerce office, 45 S. Pistakee Lake Road, Fox Lake.
Q: How do these new rules compare to other states?
A: North Dakota has no law prohibiting the use of a cell phone while driving.


Q: How many employees work at the waterway full-time?
A: The park is a public entity, meaning it is owned by the public, and is operated and managed by the City of North Miami. The park is open to the public and anyone can visit. The park has a staff of 14 employees.
Q: How does the waterway decide where to place buoys?
A: The IDNR is responsible for buoys south of Pistakee Lake, while the Forest Preserves of Cook County is responsible for those north of the lake.
Q: What is the East Waterway Cleanup?
A: The East Waterway is an active commercial waterway in the Pacific Northwest that also serves ecological functions. It is part of the Harbor Island Superfund Site.
Q: Who is the East Waterway Group?
A: EWG is a group of three public entities that are working together to clean up a waterway in Seattle.
Q: Why is the East Waterway being cleaned up?
A: The East Waterway is being cleaned up because it's full of toxic crap.


Q: What are the sources of this contamination?
A: The sediment contamination in the East Waterway is from historical releases during more than 100 years of industrial and commercial activity along and upstream of the waterway.
Q: What remediation options are being considered?
A: The majority of the East Waterway will be dredged, and contaminated sediments will be capped, treated, or monitored in some areas. Contaminated dredged materials will be transported to a landfill for disposal.
Q: What about cleaning northern pike – one method people use to clean their fish without bones ends up with five pieces of meat from each fish?
A: You can either clean your pike fillets in a way that each chunk of meat is considered a fillet, or you can keep your harvest under the total number of fillets allowed.


Q: How much are the stickers?
A: – $20 for the first hour and $10 for each additional hour.

What if I don’t have a credit or debit card?

You can pay with cash at the exit gate. The exit gate will print a receipt for you to take to the office to pay. You can also pay with cash in the office.

Can I get a refund if I leave early?

No, we do not give refunds for time you do not use.
Q: How much will the cleanup cost?
A: The estimated cleanup cost for the Gold King Mine spill could range from $300 million to $400 million.
Q: How long will it take to complete this cleanup?
A: The EPA will be releasing a proposed plan for the cleanup of the East Waterway on April 20, 2023. The cleanup is expected to take 3-5 years to design and 8-10 years to construct.
Q: How will the cleanup affect fish and wildlife?
A: The cleanup options outlined in the June 2019 Feasibility Study will meet cleanup goals for fish and other animals that live in and use the waterway and will substantially reduce risk to human health. However, the State Department of Health currently advises people not to eat resident fish and shellfish caught in the East Waterway now and during the cleanup period.


Q: What is the status of the Trinski's Island project?
A: A proposed development on an island in the Hudson River is drawing criticism from residents and environmental advocates who are concerned about the impact it will have on the local ecosystem. The project is currently under review with the Army Corps of Engineers.
Q: How is the recommended low beam elevation of a bridge determined for state and town highway projects?
A: The Vermont Agency of Transportation is responsible for designing and maintaining bridges that span perennial streams.
Q: What is LNG?
A: LNG is natural gas in a liquid form. It is created by cooling the gas to -162°C. This shrinks the volume of the gas by 600 times, making it easier to store and transport.
Q: What are the advantages of sailing on LNG?
A: Sailing on LNG as compared to diesel reduces air pollutants, greenhouse gas emissions, noise emissions and the operational costs.
Q: How much cleaner is an inland ship that sails on LNG in comparison to diesel?
A: If you want to reduce your GHG emissions, don't fly!

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the transportation sector is responsible for about 27% of all GHG emissions in the United States. Of that, passenger cars and light trucks account for about 60%.

This means that if you want to reduce your GHG emissions, one of the best things you can do is to avoid flying.
Q: What costs a retrofit to LNG?
A: The investment size for a ship depends on the type of ship, but is approximately € 1,2 mln.
Q: What is my range when I sail on LNG?
A: The range of a ship depends on the capacity of its fuel storage tank.


Q: What does it cost to bunker LNG?
A: 1. LNG is a liquid form of natural gas, which is typically used for industrial purposes.

2. LNG is typically less expensive than diesel, and the price is typically expressed in terms of kilograms instead of liters.

3. An indicative price for a ton of LNG is €400.
Q: Where can I bunker LNG?
A: 1. On board the vessel

2. By using a pipeline

3. By using a tanker truck
Q: When does it pay off to switch over to LNG?
A: LNG is a more environmentally friendly alternative to diesel, but it is more expensive.
Q: How much does it cost to ride the bus?
A: The DDOT and Dart regional passes are available for full and reduced fares. The 4-hour pass is $2 and the 24-hour pass is $5.


Q: Why the change?
A: The new language in the fishing proclamation is intended to reduce illegal activity and make it easier for both anglers and wardens to determine how many fish are in possession.
Q: How do I obtain a bus schedule?
A: No.

Pets are not allowed on buses, with the exception of service animals.
Q: How often does the bus schedule change and why does it change?
A: Schedules are changed four times per year in January, April, June and August/September.

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