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Random 'yeshiva FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general yeshiva topic.



Q: What is the daily schedule in Yeshiva?
A: The yeshiva’s schedule may change each zman.
Q: What shiur am I in?
A: Yeshiv​a​ is not a place to learn, but a place to study.
Q: What Ma​scheta is the Yeshiva learning this year?
A: The bochurim and avreichim will be learning Beiyun- Baba Metzia and Bekiyus- Sukkah.
Q: What is the Yeshiva's exact address?
A: Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron is a small, private Orthodox Jewish yeshiva located in the Crown Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York. The yeshiva was founded in 1996 by Rabbi Ahron Leifer, and currently has an enrollment of approximately 40 students. The yeshiva's curriculum focuses on Talmudic study, and its students typically go on to attend other yeshivas or Jewish seminaries after graduation.


Q: Who Can Participate?
A: WebYeshiva.org is a free, online, interactive yeshiva. All regular WebYeshiva.org classes are complimentary, unless specified otherwise on the course page. There are some programs or special courses for which we do charge tuition.
Q: How can I send a package to my son?
A: The answer is no.

The Rambam (Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:13) writes:

It is a mitzvah for every father to teach his son Torah and to teach him a trade, and to teach him to swim. If he does not teach him Torah, he violates a negative precept, as [Deuteronomy 11:19] states: "And you shall teach them to your children." If he does not teach him a trade
Q: How will my Hebrew improve?
A: Yes.


Q: How do I get from the airport to Yeshiva?
A: The Yeshiva address is 20 Rechov HaAyin Chet Musrara, Jerusalem 9511220. The best way to get there from the airport is by taxi.
Q: Where do the talmidim come from?
A: Talmidim come from all over the world, with the majority coming from the United States and Canada.
Q: What is the attitude of Israeli talmidim toward those from aboard?
A: Israelis like overseas talmidim, but they don't like to be outnumbered by them.
Q: When do talmidim go into Israeli shiurim?
A: We don't push them out.


Q: What is Hakotel's opinion about The State of Israel?
A: Hakotel believes that the modern state of Israel is part of the redemption process, and that it is essential for Jews to strengthen the state of Israel as part of their return to Hashem.
Q: What are the unique aspects of Hakotel?
A: A yeshiva that focuses on Gemara study while also teaching Tanach, Machshava, Halacha, Mussar, and Hebrew Language comprehensively, with an open- minded hashkafa that also emphasizes and fosters religious and spiritual growth.
Q: Why is a ‘kesher' (relationship) with a rebbe important?
A: The only way an individual can get the help and guidance appropriate particularly to him is if he has a personal relationship with a rebbe who gets to know him well enough to earn the talmid’s respect and to give him such personal advice.
Q: What is Hakotel's feeling about talmidim playing sports while at yeshiva?
A: Hakotel encourages students to play sports.
Q: What is Hakotel's opinion about attending university in general and secular university in particular?
A: We see university as an essential to both getting a proper job as well as a broad education, but continued limmud HaTorah and religious growth are obviously of primary importance.


Q: What is/are the difference/s between Hesder and American yeshivot?
A: A Hesder yeshiva is one where the Israeli talmidim spend a period of at least five years, which include at least 3.5 years of learning and at least 1.5 years of army service.
Q: How does Hakotel compare to other hesder yeshivot?
A: Hakotel is unique in that it balances between offering a separate program for overseas talmidim and integrating them into the yeshiva's Israeli program.
Q: What does Hakotel do to develop gemara skills?
A: Hakotel gives talmidim the opportunity to develop both advanced textual skills and incisive conceptual skills.
Q: How does Hakotel facilitate integration with Israelis?
A: Overseas talmidim are part of a broader Israeli yeshiva and not as part of a separate program.


Q: When does the zman begin and end?
A: The Elul zman begins on Monday afternoon, August 21st and ends on Tuesday, September 26th. Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Simchas Torah and Shavous are celebrated by all Talmidim IN the YESHIVA. The winter zman begins on Sunday, October 15th and ends on Thursday, April 4th. The summer zman begins on Wednesday, May 8th and ends on Sunday, July 24th. Shav
Q: What does Hakotel believe the balance ought to be between the learning of gemara and the learning of other areas of Torah?
A: The program focuses on Gemara study, but also offers shiurim in Tanach, Jewish Philosophy, and Halacha. There is also an Ulpan program to help talmidim learn Hebrew.
Q: What kind of security measures does the Hakotel campus have?
A: The government provides a high level of security in the Old City, and Hakotel's campus is a locked unit with an armed guard and security cameras.
Q: What kind of health care does Hakotel offer?
A: The tuition for Hakotel includes emergency medical and hospitalization insurance. However, students are still encouraged to maintain their American health insurance, as it may cover additional treatments not included in the Hakotel coverage. Dental, optical, psychological, psychiatric and ongoing treatment costs are not covered by Hakotel insurance.
Q: How would you describe the campus?
A: The dormitory consists of apartments that are divided into 3 or 4 room suites with 2-3 students per room. Each apartment is equipped with bathrooms, showers, and a kitchenette. There is also a fitness room, student lounge, and ping pong table on campus.


Q: How many courses do I need to take in order to receive ordination?
A: The IAMCS Yeshiva is a distance learning institution that offers courses for audit, credit, and ordination. All information about our courses is available on our website.
Q: How do I set up a doctors appointment with MSG?
A: If you need help making appointments with doctors in the USA, you can call MSG at 646-630-8842.
Q: How do talmidim secure their valuables?
A: We recommend that talmidim not leave valuables in their rooms. An individual envelope in our safe is made available to each talmidim. We ask that valuables left in the dorm room (computer, small amounts of cash, etc.) be stored in a locked cabinet in the room.
Q: How many meals do talmidim receive each day?
A: We provide meals for residents.


Q: What are the fees for laundry service?
A: The price for laundry is 5 shekels per load for both the washing machine and the dryer. You must add money to your yeshiva laundry card before using the machines.
Q: What are my college credit and degree options?
A: The Yeshiva works with PCC, which offers a 2 year college program, while being in Yeshiva that gets you a bachelors degree.
Q: How do I apply for a student visa?
A: It is mandatory for everyone to have a student visa (א-2). We will help you set up an appointment at Misrad Hapinim but it is the responsibility of each individual to make sure his visa is valid.
Q: What laundry options are there for talmidim?
A: Talmidim receive one free load of laundry per month, and can supplement this with independent laundry for an additional fee.
Q: What are the criteria for acceptance to Yeshivat Hakotel?
A: Yeshivat Hakotel is an intensive program that is most appropriate for talmidim who are interested in and ready to focus on learning for a full day five days a week, live as complete Bnei Torah, and make mature decisions.


Q: What activities does the yeshiva offer?
A: Yeshiva Nesivos Ahron recognizes that relaxation time is crucial for bochurim to return to a maximal learning experience. At the end of the day, bochurim have varied opportunities to recharge their energy, including socializing with friends, playing sports, or simply taking a break.
Q: How does the yeshiva/rebbeim maintain relationships with talmidim after yeshiva?
A: Hakotel has a strong focus on maintaining relationships with its alumni, through consistent communication and multiple yearly alumni events.
Q: What is the food like at Hakotel?
A: The food at Hakotel is Israeli food with some additional amenities to supplement the menu.
Q: What exercise/sport facilities are available to students?
A: 1. Hakotel is a good school in terms of academics, but it’s not the best.

2. It’s a good school for people who want to learn in an English-speaking environment, but it’s not the best.

3. It’s a good school for people who want to be involved in a community, but it’s not the best.

4. It’s a good
Q: What are the security arrangements at the Yeshiva?
A: The safety of our students is our top priority, and we have measures in place to ensure their safety.
Q: What is the dress code at Eretz HaTzvi?
A: Dress shoes, collared shirt, slacks or jeans.

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