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Random 'yom kippur FAQs', may be related to more specific topics, not general yom kippur topic.



Q: Where can I find a live stream of Kol Nidre and other Yom Kippur services on the Internet?
A: You do not need to be a synagogue member to attend Yom Kippur services, although you may need to purchase a ticket in advance. Many synagogues offer free services for the entire holiday. You can also find a number of congregations and other Jewish institutions that offer free services online.
Q: What parts of the Torah are read on Yom Kippur?
A: Traditionally, Jews are not required to fast until they reach bar/bat mitzvah age (12 or 13), and children under the age of 9 are not allowed to fast. People for whom fasting is a health risk, along with pregnant and nursing women, are also exempt. The fast includes abstaining from water, but, again, only if doing so does not pose a health risk.
Q: What is Yom Kippur?
A: Yom Kippur is a day of atonement and reflection for Jews. The day begins with a solemn service called Kol Nidrei, and continues with services throughout the day. At the end of the day, Jews remember their loved ones who have passed away with a Yizkor service.
Q: When is Yom Kippur?
A: Yom Kippur is on the tenth day of the seventh Hebrew month, which is usually in September.
Q: How do Jews celebrate Yom Kippur?
A: Jews are supposed to go hungry on Yom Kippur.
Q: What is unique about the way Liberal Jews celebrate Yom Kippur?
A: A Liberal Jewish Yom Kippur is similar to an Orthodox service in that it is a day of fasting and prayer. However, there are some key differences. The Liberal service is shorter, there is no Torah reading, and the focus is on repentance and atonement rather than on the sacrificial system.
Q: What is the Kol Nidre and what happens on Yom Kippur itself?
A: Yom Kippur is the holiest day in Judaism and is observed by fasting, prayer, and acts of charity.
Q: What is Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur?
A: The 10 days leading up to Yom Kippur are a time for the Jewish people to reflect on their relationship with God and to repent of their sins.
Q: How do I include my loved ones in the Yom Kippur Book of Remembrance?
A: If you need to add a loved one's name to the Book of Remembrance, please click here and complete the form. All information is due by Wednesday, August 31st.


Q: What are the End Times Prophecies?
A: The 6th Trumpet is the war that begins the final 7 years. The 6th Seal is the wrath of God. The 7th Trumpet is the wrath of God. The 7th Seal is the moment when Jesus begins His eternal reign.
Q: What proof did God provide that the 4th Seal was opened?
A: The Lord showed us that the image on our TV was of the 4th Seal, and that it was a warning to the world that the time of the 4th Seal has arrived.
Q: What are the COVID protocols at Caramoor?
A: Services for the High Holy Days will be held outdoors at Caramoor in the Venetian Tent and the open-air bandstand, and will also be live streamed.


Q: Who leads the services?
A: Rabbi Bridget Wynne will not be conducting Rosh Hashanah services this year due to an injury. Rabbi Ruth Adar, a close friend and colleague of Rabbi Bridget, will be leading the services instead.
Q: How will I receive the links to participate in the services?
A: If you have registered for or made a donation in support of our services, you will receive an email with links to the services. You can also access the prayer books online.
Q: What will the virtual family services be like?
A: We will have a Rosh Hashanah family service with music, movement, and story.


Q: What prayerbook should I use for live-streamed services?
A: Sixth & I will offer a variety of High Holiday services this year, both in person and online. Services will be led by Rabbi Aaron or Rabbi Nora, and will include a digital prayerbook with full transliterations and translations.
Q: When can we come and check out the temple?
A: The Temple Emanu-El religious school program is for children in Grades K-12. Grades K-7 meet Sunday mornings, 9-11am, at the temple. Grades 5-7 also meet Tuesday evenings, virtually. Grades 8-12 meet weekly.
Q: How can I join Central for services virtually?
A: You can join us for High Holy Day services either online or on TV, or by calling in.
Q: How can I print the prayer book PDF without a printer?
A: Email it to your local print center.
Q: How can the general public join Central for in-person services?
A: The Community Services at Central Synagogue are open to the general public and are held in the Beir Chapel located in the Community House. Tickets are required and can be purchased online. Current members of another synagogue can attend with reciprocity for free.


Q: What if I've never used Zoom before?
A: We will be offering services online via Zoom. If you have any concerns about technical aspects of the services, please register at least several days ahead of time so you have a chance to practice.We will email you information on how to join services. Once you have read the information and tried joining Zoom, please let us know of any problems so we can help you before the services.
Q: What is the schedule for livestreaming the High Holy Day services?
A: We’re excited to announce that we’re going to be livestreaming workshops and lectures for the first time ever!

When: October 24th – November 5th

Where: Livestreaming Page

What: Workshops and Lectures

How: Livestreaming Page

Why: Because we want to share the love!

If you have any questions, please post them in the comments below!
Q: What prayer books are being used for this year's High Holy Days?
A: If you want to participate in our High Holy Days services, you will need to purchase a prayer book.
Q: How do I access the prayer books?
A: Prayer books will be available for purchase, and the PDFs will be available for free on our Livestreaming page.


Q: What programs do you have for families with young children?
A: We have a wide variety of programs, including ones for people who want to get a job in the industry, ones for people who want to start their own business, and ones for people who want to learn more about the industry.
Q: What are the requirements for members to receive tickets?
A: If you're a member in good standing, you're already registered.
Q: How do members receive tickets?
A: Members will be emailed their tickets in mid-August. If you have not received your tickets by Friday, August 25, please contact membership@censyn.org.
Q: How do members order guest tickets?
A: Contact membership@censyn.org if you have questions about purchasing guest tickets. The deadline to order guest tickets is August 31.
Q: How much are guest tickets for the members-only services?
A: You need a ticket to attend any service on Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, except for the second day of Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur afternoon (Yizkor) service.
Q: How does reciprocity work?
A: You can attend High Holy Day services at Central Synagogue through reciprocity if you are a member in good standing at another URJ-affiliated congregation.

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