dafa in title from clearwisdom.net

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Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) Clearwisdom.net3
International Society Condemns CCP Crime of Organ Removal from Living Falun Gong Practitioners | Falun Dafa - Minghui.org1
A letter to the Ottawa Citizen from Falun Dafa Association of Canada Regarding the Inaccurate AP Article | Falun Dafa - Minghui.org1
Falun Dafa Historical Records1
New York State Assembly Holds A Forum Entitled "Exposing Organ Harvesting in China" - Assemblymen Condemn the Crimes (Photos) | Falun Dafa1
Investigation Leads: People's Liberation Army 201 Hospital Participating in Live Organ Harvesting | Falun Dafa - Minghui.org1

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